Abyss Knight

Chapter 736

a symbol of war in ancient china! This is made by the ruby Sutra using the mage\'s secret method and part of the gold treasure she realized with ancient magic words.

Eighteen iron horses pulled a chariot and flew out of the ruby master\'s scepter. The iron horses neighed, and various golden weapons were continuously evolved on the chariot.

These weapons include the appearance of kukas\'s killing spear and various plane treasures, as well as the appearance of magic props owned by some powerful enemies she has met.

These weapons not only have the appearance of those weapons seen by the ruby master, but also have some powers contained in those weapons.

For example, a divine bow weapon. The prototype of the weapon is a magic prop used by a ninth level Shengong player hunted by kukas. Now the ruby Sutra has projected the magic prop with the help of the secret method, but he has one tenth of the penetration power of the original magic prop.

Although each weapon projection only has one tenth of the power of the original weapon, with the passage of time, after the ruby master mastered the secret method of gold treasure more and more purely, the power of those projections can slowly increase, and even in the end, they can be compared with the power of the original weapon.

The iron horse galloped, the golden dagger roared, and the projection of hundreds of weapons was like raindrops. Half of them rolled down towards the more than a dozen people, and some of them obeyed her soul will because of the anger of the ruby master, so they killed kukas.

"Crazy!" seeing those weapons attacking him, kukas subconsciously muttered such a sentence. It was the first time that he saw the master so angry: "is it because he was having a spring dream and was annoyed by others?"

Feeling his reason funny, kukas just shook his head, but suddenly remembered that the Sutra used a secret method to deduce the gold treasure in his sleep, so he reacted: "Damn, I\'m going to kill you."

With a roar, kukas urged the earth seal power to appear directly behind the mage among those people.

The big hand was raised like a hill falling from the sky, carrying infinite power and beating down on the caster\'s head.

The caster shouted that he was preparing for magic, but his speed was too slow, slower than any caster kukas saw.

"Is this the defect of greatly improving their strength in a short time? It\'s just so." kukas smiled grimly and slapped his big hand on the other party\'s head.

A slap down, the power of overlaying the ground seal was not blocked, and it easily tore his head and soul. In kukas\' perception, the other party has no magic defense, not even passive magic props.

The mind turned, and the power of the ground covering seal gathered together suddenly vented around. The crude fighting spirit and magic power of three or five professionals nearby were torn apart in an instant, and the powerful ash fighting spirit wiped out their hidden souls into nothingness in an instant.

The ruby Sutra\'s Secret fell, and the remaining more than a dozen professionals were trampled into meat and mud in an instant. Three or five of them also manipulated their souls to escape, but they were crushed to pieces by the chariot behind them.

On one side, kukas was cruel and ruthless. He stepped forward and stepped on the void. Thousands of broken souls were trampled into nothingness.

Without much effort, the golden iron horse circled in the hall, then rolled back into the scepter sticking out from the ceiling and disappeared.

"Lord kukas!" the attendant on one side reacted at this time. Although it was not the first time he saw kukas\'s killing here, he was frightened by every killing. Especially this time, more than a dozen eight rank people died at one time, which made him feel that his future was extremely bleak.

"It\'s all right, you go down! I\'ll clean up these things myself." looking at the meat sauce on the ground, kukas shook his head and said in a deep voice: "by the way, help me ask about the warrior. If you find anything, come and tell me."

While talking, he picked up a well preserved space ring from the ground. If he remembered correctly, the space ring was worn by a beautiful female caster. Now the beautiful caster has fallen, and this space ring is lucky to survive.

Although he erased the mark on the ring, he found that the mark imprinted on it was extremely simple. The method of imprinting was as simple as the method he used in the third order. This crude technique appears on the items worn by an eighth order caster, which makes people feel so incredible.

"Sir, Zhan Tian lived on the 12th floor below. He said he didn\'t like people living on his head, so he asked these people to come up and clean his room. There were more than 300 of them staying on the 12th floor." the attendant swallowed his saliva, looked greedily at the ring in kukas\'s hand and continued: "They just came here the day before yesterday. When they came, they heard that the leaders of the alliance received them."

Just as the young attendant told kukas about the warrior, the space was distorted, and the projection of a man in black appeared in front of kukas.

The black robed man has several inconspicuous golden silk threads on his projection, and those silk threads represent his identity: the inspector of the ice and snow city.

Just now, although the battle between kukas and them was extremely short, more than a dozen professionals broke out their fighting spirit and magic, but it immediately caused the detection of magic props placed in the city. Therefore, some inspectors will appear here as soon as possible to see the specific situation. Of course, these inspectors are not the existence of eighth order, Ninth order and tenth order, but the top existence of gods and legends.

"Kukas, to tell you the truth, I always wanted you to die outside." the black robed man\'s projection exaggerated a headache posture, and then said seriously: "what caused you to conflict?"

"Don\'t worry! I\'m still waiting to dig the God hiding place formed after your fall. How can I die early?" kukas laughed a few times. He pointed to the meat sauce on the ground: "They don\'t like me living on the 21st floor, so they come up to me for trouble. Well! In fact, I think the most important reason is that my name is not loud enough. These newcomers can\'t know my bad name at the first time."

"Put away your ridiculous reasons. I want to know what happened just now." the projection of the black robed man set his eyes on the attendant.

Then two golden lights were released from the black robed man\'s projection and directly drilled into the young attendant\'s head.

Countless patterns swam in the golden light, but during the breathing time, the projection of the man in black hummed: "if there is nothing special, stay in your own room and don\'t come out."

After saying this, the black robed man\'s projection glared at the demented attendant, but he was blaming the other party\'s careful thinking. Of course, he didn\'t use his legendary power, otherwise he could destroy the low-level professional\'s mind alone with his sight.

It turned out that under the black robed man\'s secret method, he instantly got the dragon spirit of this matter from the soul of the young caster.

In fact, Zhan tianzhe\'s subordinates just planned to go to the 21st floor to persuade some professionals to exchange rooms with them. They didn\'t intend to trouble kukas as soon as they came up. But it happened that kukas took the initiative when he was far from the sound.

After discovering kukas, the young attendants subconsciously asked for his help. In this way, he avoided offending more level 8 professionals. As for offending kukas, it was not what he was worried about. Because they were already familiar with it, the attendants knew that kukas would not blame him for such small things. After all, he didn\'t lie. Normally, it\'s wrong Some people will find kukas sooner or later and ask for a change of room. Now it\'s just a little earlier.

"That would be very suffocating." kukas shrugged his shoulders and said with some dissatisfaction: "in fact, you should warn the so-called war god. If he hadn\'t been looking for trouble, things wouldn\'t have developed to this extent."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll find him." the projection of the man in black simply answered.

"By the way, tell him that he had better not leave the ice and snow city, otherwise I will let him understand how my kukas name was written." the bald evil man smiled grimly, and a trace of killing breath was released from him uncontrollably.

Although the amount of these killing breath was small, the attendant on one side still couldn\'t bear the pressure and fainted directly. If the projection of the black robed man hadn\'t protected him with a secret method, I\'m afraid the attendant would have been infected with his soul by this killing breath and become a humanoid monster who only knows how to kill.

"I don\'t know how your name is written, and I don\'t want to know. What I just want to tell you is that the warrior is not easy to provoke. From the extremely ancient times to now, Every warrior has no opponent at the same level and can kill more." the projection of the black robed man said seriously: "Moreover, Every warrior must have flowing extremely noble blood."

"A large number of forces are entrenched behind every fighter. These forces don\'t want the fighter to die early. If you kill him, your enemies will be more."

"Some people want you to die, but others want you to live and live better than others. So I personally suggest that you\'d better not provoke those powerful forces. It\'s not a wise choice to provoke the enemy for yourself."

"One day, the wrong choice will drag you into the abyss of eternity."