Abyss Knight

Chapter 735

"As long as he leaves this plane, we can find the prophet and directly search for his exact location," whispered the ruby Sutra. She has a reason to say so, because in this eternal plane, even the legendary prophet can predict only dozens of regions.

The perennial war has slightly changed all the rules in this plane. The change of rules, even legends and gods, can\'t adapt or find a way to deal with it in just a hundred years.

"That\'s not necessary." kukas shook his head, not paying attention to the ruby master\'s advice. In his opinion, if you meet the Templar ulawi, teach him a lesson. If you can\'t meet him, forget it. After all, the cost of using a legendary prophet to search for a person\'s position is too high. Unless he is also a legend.

As time passed, the ruby master read the books for a while and slept on the soft stool for a while. And she will deduce the gold treasure through secret methods in her deep sleep.

The exquisite cakes and food were eaten up unconsciously in kukas, and at this time, kukas also heard the lively noise from the restaurant below.

Not long after, the hot noise spread to their room.

"Damn it." seeing the ruby Sutra who was sleeping, kukas cursed in a low voice. He left the room and went downstairs. In the hall on the lower floor, he met the source of excitement.

A large number of professionals shouted and walked upstairs. In front of them, there were servants who tried to persuade him, but the professionals ignored him at all.

If the tavern had not been set up by the alliance, the servants would have been ordered by the alliance. I\'m afraid these people would have torn the poor servant to pieces.

When kukas stood by the stairs of the hall, the attendant who was pushed aside saw him, so he hurried to him and said hurriedly, "Sir, these people want to occupy your room. They say they want you to live elsewhere. I don\'t agree, but I can\'t stop them."

"Friend, we want to change the room with you. What do you think? Our room is on the 12th floor and the location is quite good." some professionals stepped forward and told kukas what they came for.

The tavern has a full 21 floors, while kukas and a small number of professionals live on the 21 floors. It is obvious that these people are unwilling to live on the 12th floor and want to live in the highest position.

Kukas frowned slightly. He glanced at the attendant, shook his head and said, "you can exchange it with others!"

"Everyone else agreed to our exchange plan, leaving you alone." a professional said in a dignified tone, "you just occupy a room, but we still want to exchange with you, otherwise there is no way to accommodate all of us on that floor."

"Friends, we all come together. In this strange place, we want to live together, so we can have a care." another professional apologized to kukas and begged, "we will pay you."

"In the whole tavern, only the 21st floor has the least rooms. If you\'re afraid you can\'t live, why don\'t you go to other floors? I believe there are definitely plenty of rooms on other floors for you to use." kukas narrowed his eyes and revealed a trace of ferocious breath, but it clarified the minds of these people.

"Boy, burn here and grind haw. To tell you the truth, we don\'t allow others to occupy our heads at all. We can occupy the 21st floor only, and everyone else must go to the lower floor." a short professional roared, jumped in front of kukas and pointed his nose, roaring: "If it had been before, I would have killed you. Where should I wait until you sharpen haw here? Change places for me right away."

"You are very young." kukas frowned slightly. He gathered his cloak and asked in a deep voice, "is this your first time to the polar ice sheet!"

"You think we will be as old as you after a hundred years to achieve level 8? Yes, we are the first time to come to this place. Is there any problem?" the low professional\'s face is distorted, as if kukas\'s words challenged his authority. The whole person looks ten percent angry.

"You\'ve achieved level 8 in a hundred years. It seems that you\'re really lucky." kukas took off his cloak and revealed his scarred body: "it\'s a great pity that you didn\'t know me when you came to the polar ice sheet for the first time. But don\'t worry, you\'ll know me soon."

Having said this, kukas turned and walked up the stairs. He didn\'t want to entangle with these people too much, nor did he want to make a big move here.

"As a small character like you, none of us will know you, let alone want to know you. Boy, the only way to leave here is to go downstairs. The 21st floor belongs to us." the short professional roared, shook his body and appeared directly in front of kukas. He carried a double axe in his hand and tried to stop him.

"You\'re looking for death." kukas frowned slightly. The next moment, he held his big hand like a dragon catching a beast. In an instant, he crossed the sky and grabbed the professional\'s head directly.

"Stop, let him go. Our master is Zhan tianzhe. If you dare to hurt him, our master will never let you go." someone shouted, waved a spear and pierced kukas\'s back heart.

The spear crossed the sky, and the fierce fighting spirit wound around it, which vaguely distorted the surrounding space. Some ancient words burst out of the spear and wound around the spear head, further increasing the lethality of the spear.

"Roar!" angry at the other party\'s means, kukas roared, grabbed the short professional and threw the spear behind him. At the same time, he stepped on the void and heard a dull noise. He suddenly appeared on the right side of the professional with a spear, and then reached out and grabbed his head.

"Damn it, you told me to stop, but you\'re attacking me. Do you think my kukas name was fabricated by others?" in the words, ten fingers forced, and the fierce ash fighting spirit ran through the heads of the two professionals.

The next moment, fighting spirit wiped out their souls, and ten fingers scratched their heads.

Brain splashed, blood rushed to the sky, and the blood of gold and silver scattered on the people. For a time, all the others were stunned except kukas and the attendant.

With such means, those professionals instantly remembered the names of some powerful creatures. Only one person dares to kill in the ice city: the ash Knight kukas.

Although these young professionals think of kukas\'s name, no one pays attention to his name, because in their eyes, they are all their great masters: zhantian.

In their cognition, only their master zhantian can in a short span of a hundred years, no! It is in just a few years that they become a powerful eighth order existence from a third order or even an ordinary person.

For this reason, they were completely conquered by their master zhantian after they learned that the eighth level professionals were strong and difficult to promote. In their view, their own master is the most powerful, and even the gods can\'t surpass him.

"You killed them? Our master zhantian will never let you go. Damn, you dare to kill the servants of zhantian?"

"Zhantian? What is he? I tell you, disappear from my eyes immediately, or I don\'t mind letting your head explode." kukas shook his hand and let the blood drip from his fingers, but he didn\'t need even a trace of fighting spirit to remove the blood.

"Those who kill him and insult the master should be completely killed."

"It\'s our sin offering to imprison his soul and send it to his master."

"Use his head as a wine cup and wash the filth on his master with his blood."

"Pull out his spine. I\'ll take him as my skeleton soldier and let him be enslaved by me forever."

The remaining more than a dozen professionals roared loudly. They didn\'t care about the rules in the ice and snow city. One by one, they distributed their own strength and wanted to completely kill kukas.

More than a dozen professionals urged their strength with all their strength. For a time, they were angry and their magic was rampant. The angry breath penetrated the floor and woke up the sleeping Ruby master.

"Damn it." the awakened Ruby master shouted with an ugly face. In her sleep just now, her deduction has reached a critical moment. She was about to succeed, but at this time, those breath woke her up from the deduction.

After being awakened this time, she didn\'t know how much time and opportunity it would take to deduce the correct golden treasure secret again.

Her anger grew uncontrollably at the thought of the time wasted.

When my mind turned, I soon found the following situation. When she found out where kukas was and didn\'t stop the surging breath, she couldn\'t help sharing some of her complaints with him.

"I want all of you to die." the ruby master screamed in a low voice. Her face was distorted. She raised her Scepter like a madman, and then thrust it into the floor.

The tavern was full of magic prohibition defense, but in the hands of the angry Sutra, the floor that was branded with a lot of defense prohibition and could resist the attack of the eighth level professional was penetrated by her scepter.

The violent magic was released through the scepter, and then evolved into ancient words, and then cast into the golden iron horse to hide the past from the lower professionals and kukas.