Abyss Knight

Chapter 734

After leaving the small house, kukas did not continue walking in the street, but turned and returned to the tavern where he and the ruby master lived.

When he returned to the tavern, the ruby master was still sleeping in the room, and after a little thought, he imitated each other\'s appearance and lay down in bed and fell asleep deeply. After his deep sleep, as long as the killing talent doesn\'t feel the danger, he won\'t suddenly wake up.

I don\'t know how long he was in a deep sleep. Kukas was woken up by someone. He looked around and found that it was the ruby master. Some food appeared in front of him in his hands.

"Would you like something to eat?"

After sweeping the simple food in the master\'s hands, kukas shook his head and said with a smile, "we should have a rich meal. Well, go to the restaurant below. There are many kinds of food."

The master sat in a chair beside him and shook his head gently and said, "just because you are used to eating, it doesn\'t mean you have to eat. Well, I won\'t go down. If you are willing to go down, go!"

While talking, she picked up a small piece of cake on the plate and tasted it carefully: "it\'s good. I don\'t know how they made it."

"Well! Well, let\'s eat here! If we go down, we can\'t say what trouble it will cause! But there\'s too little food, we must let them send some more." kukas sat down opposite the ruby master, picked up a small piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth. "Rest for about ten days, and then we\'ll go out."

"Why did you have a long rest this time?" after passing kukas\'s request by magic, the ruby Sutra leaned lazily on the chair, crossed his legs and whispered, "I thought you were going to stay only for three or five days!"

"There are a lot fewer strong figures on the Arctic ice sheet these days, and none of them will be promoted soon. So we have enough time to rest." kukas will not hide anything from the ruby master, so he told the master all the information he got.

"Well, that\'s good. I can finally have a good rest for a few days." the ruby master couldn\'t help laughing at the speech. She took off her boots, showed her white and tender feet, jumped down from the chair, and then sat down at the fireplace.

There are thick special blankets on the floor, which were stripped from some Warcraft in the Arctic ice sheet. Since the blue water cold wave broke out, some new Warcraft were born from it. Their clothes and blankets made of special fur can isolate most of the cold. Therefore, it is not cold for the master to sit on it.

Some magic branches were thrown into the fireplace, and soon the flames burned, and the temperature in the room suddenly rose a lot.

The ruby master took a copper pot and hung it in the fireplace. After the water boiled, he made some drinks.

Sitting in front of the fireplace, leaning against the low soft stool, carrying a drink in one hand and a book in the other hand, he looked so attentive.

"HMM." kukas answered simply. He still sat in his chair and looked at the ruby master\'s body from the side. He found that the other party was so soft at the moment, like an ordinary noble girl sitting idly at the side.

Silence, the conversation between the two disappeared. The ruby master looked at his secretary, while kukas looked at the master\'s figure at a loss.

The door was pushed open, and a servant brought a large number of exquisite cakes and food.

With this opportunity, kukas took the food to the fireplace and sat face to face with the ruby master again.

"Have you sorted out the gold treasure?"

"Almost finished." the ruby master felt some pain in his head when he mentioned the gold treasure.

The gold treasure mentioned by kukas just now is not a place for the burial of special treasures, but a secret cultivation method of fighting spirit. And that kind of fighting spirit is called the name of gold treasure.

After obtaining the cultivation method of gold treasure from the temple Knight ulawi, the ruby master soon found that the cultivation method was actually disturbed. If she didn\'t have a deep understanding of this Qi fighting secret method, I\'m afraid she would never have a chance to recover the chaotic cultivation secret method.

"If I meet ulawi again, I will treat him well and let him know what will happen if he deceives me." kukas muttered angrily.

For more than a hundred years, since he got some rumors about gold treasures from the ruby Sutra, he was extremely eager to cultivate this fighting spirit. However, I didn\'t expect to wait for a hundred years. Because the Templar URAI secretly modified more than a hundred words when he gave them to practice secret Dharma.

Although those words look similar in structure and meaning, after real cultivation, practitioners will have accidents because of those wrong words: either death, or the collapse of fighting space. In addition, there will be no other results.

"It\'s a very vicious thought, but it\'s a pity that he met me." when the ruby Sutra mentioned the gold treasure, he always said the things in that year in this frightened tone.

Gold treasure, this secret method is not only a fighting spirit, but also a cultivation method of magical power. Of course, as long as you have enough wisdom, use the secret method of gold treasure to deduce the secret method you have practiced, so as to combine the two, or intercept a secret method in the gold treasure alone, and use it with your own means.

In this more than 100 years, although kukas exchanged a copy of the book "eternal ashes" with a large number of meritorious deeds, he only mastered some simple secrets of the former ash knights. Although the remaining killing means are extremely powerful, they are not what he is capable of cultivating now. Therefore, he paid attention to the cultivation secret of gold treasure.

Of course, he didn\'t care too much about this secret method at first, but when he learned from the ruby Sutra that this secret method had the means to cultivate soul power, some ideas changed. However, even if he changes again, he has no ability to practice this secret method now.

"It\'s a pity that he won\'t have a chance to meet him again in the future." kukas was depressed by his softhearted heart when he remembered that the Templar ula wasted more than 100 years of secret Dharma cultivation time for him. Of course, he didn\'t regret it, because even if the other party didn\'t tell him the secret of the gold treasure, he would let the other party go.

Because ulawi\'s situation was very similar to that of his previous life.