Abyss Knight

Chapter 733

It can be said that in the more than 100 years since the blue water cold wave broke out, no professional can be successfully promoted in the whole Arctic ice sheet. Whether promoted from eighth to ninth or from ninth to tenth, as long as they were promoted in the Arctic ice field, they were all killed by kukas.

According to him, he can\'t be promoted for one day, and others can\'t be promoted for one day. Even if the other party\'s talent is better than him.

He and the ruby master just hunted and killed more than 30 ninth level professionals in order to kill a creature who was promoted from eighth level to ninth level.

I thought kukas didn\'t dare to promote more than 30 level-9 professional guards to level-8 creatures, but I didn\'t expect that he not only passed, but also killed all of them.

Now people don\'t know what kukas just did. If they know, they will be more afraid of him.

Wearing a broad heavy cloak, he walked in some empty streets, and professionals passed him from time to time. After feeling the fluctuation of his breath, he walked away from him as quickly as possible. Of course, some newcomers don\'t understand this. They maintain a normal attitude towards kukas, just treat him as an ordinary passer-by.

A melody of fate bounced out of his hand, and the golden gold coins circled in the air. Finally, they burst on his head and turned into infinite gold powder to wrap him.

Under the influence of the secret method, kukas\'s breath fluctuation has changed slightly. Although these changes can\'t be concealed from interested people, it\'s enough to hide from some ordinary people.

After circling the street, kukas turned into a narrow alley. This alley is a place where ordnance materials are stored in the ice and snow city. After he showed his proof here, the people guarding here immediately led him to a low house.

The appearance of the house looks very low, but the space inside is very large. Under the effect of space magic, there is a space of thousands of feet inside the low house.

The interior space of the house is large, but it is empty without any creatures.

However, after kukas stepped into the room, a caster\'s projection suddenly appeared on the central ground.

"There are no creatures worthy of attention at this time. I think you\'d better rest for a while!" the caster held a fuzzy memory crystal in his hand. Of course, the memory crystal was also projected. However, under the action of the secret law, the things in it are real.

"How many?"

"At present, there are not even 100 people. To be honest, there are obviously several times fewer gifted creatures coming to the polar ice sheet this year than in previous years. I think both the alliance and the gate of heaven have noticed the abnormality here." the caster\'s projection hoarse voice muttered, "maybe you should rest for a year to give those gifted people a chance to advance to a higher level."

"If they want to be promoted, go to other areas instead of the polar ice sheet." kukas took over the memory crystal thrown by the caster\'s projection. In the memory crystal, only more than a hundred breath are contained in it. The more than 100 breath represents that there are at least 100 creatures with cultivation talents on the Arctic ice sheet.

He quickly checked the breath. Kukas frowned and turned his mind. More than half of the breath was forcibly erased by him. Because the masters of those breath have been easily wiped out in the killing a few days ago.

"Is there anything special about the rest?" kukas raised his hand, showing the rest of the breath like the caster\'s projection. He wanted to know which of these people was the most powerful.

"Marilyn!" the caster sighed. After a little silence, he said slowly: "She is a female bishop of the eternal church under the gate of heaven. It is said that she almost became a saint of the church when she was young. Only for some reasons, she did not become a saint, but became a special war priest: the throne priest!"

"I haven\'t heard of this profession." kukas frowned slightly. His knowledge reserve was quite rich, but when he heard the so-called throne priest, he still didn\'t have half of the information about this priest in his mind.

"This profession is a new profession that has just formed in recent years. I\'m afraid I don\'t know this profession if the eternal night church doesn\'t also cooperate with the alliance."

"It is said that the most powerful place of this throne priest is not its attack and defense, but its control. Of course, its attack and defense are also extremely powerful. Any means is more powerful than those of ordinary special priests." the caster\'s projection simply tells kukas about the throne priest.

"Which Monroe de Lian is still the first batch of Royal priests. It is said that there are only less than a million people in the same period with her."

"With the scale and strength of the eternal night church, when testing a profession, there were only a million people?" kukas asked suspiciously.

"No, it\'s not an experiment, but a molding. This kind of throne priest has been completely molded." the caster shook his head and said, "less than a million people can be transferred to throne priest, which shows the strength of this profession. In short, it\'s the best choice for you to be careful."

"Be careful? As long as I stay on the Arctic ice sheet, I will meet her one day. Since I will meet her in the future, I might as well go to the door and kill her directly."

"The background of that Marilyn is very strong. I think if you kill her, it will definitely cause you more trouble. You know, the people of the eternal night church are not good birds and crazy like you. They will definitely take revenge on you crazily." the caster shook his head and said: "If you want to kill her, you\'d better consider what consequences this killing will bring to you."

"I have infinite green skin, but I can\'t. I\'ll fill the whole Arctic ice sheet with green skin." kukas touched his bald head and laughed.

"Hundreds of millions of green skins? If the eternal night church is really angry, even if you have hundreds of millions of dragon tooth warriors, you don\'t want to live." the caster shook his head and sighed.

"Really? If so, you will completely forget the information about Marilyn delivered to me. No one can detect the murderer in this eternal plane."

Yes, according to his understanding over the years, kukas found that as long as he killed in the eternal plane, some secret methods could not find who the murderer was. Even legendary prophets did not have the ability to find the murderer.

As long as the person who passed the information to him forgot about Marilyn from the depths of his soul, even legends and gods could not be sure whether kukas killed each other. After all, this is an eternal plane, a war plane that has lasted for hundreds of years.

Every day, countless legends and gods fall. At every breathing time, countless eighth order creatures completely disappear from this plane.

There are too many accidents here. Even if some people know that kukas wants to kill each other, it is not necessarily him.

You know, in order to snipe someone, kukas spent a lot of soul to calculate the position of the other party by secret method, but when he rushed over, the person had been eaten by a Warcraft, and his body and soul had been eaten by the ferocious Warcraft. He experienced too many things like this.

"OK, I\'ll forget the news about Marilyn from my soul." the caster nodded in agreement. Of course, he has done such things many times, so there is no rejection.

You know, many of the intelligence he transmitted to kukas are not so powerful, but because of his personal or behind the organization, he still handed over the intelligence of those people to kukas and asked him to act as a murderer.

Of course, kukas was very clear about what he was being used, but in order not to waste time searching for the target, he didn\'t turn against each other on this matter. But since he found that the information projected by the caster had the element of using himself, he reduced his payment by more than half.

A divine material the size of a washbasin was thrown into the caster\'s projection, and then kukas left the house without looking back.

After he left the house, the caster\'s projection suddenly blurred. After dozens of breathing time, the projection was broken, revealing the caster\'s body.

He put his hand on his forehead and recited strange incantations. These incantations were so obscure and complex that even scholars could not distinguish the meaning of these incantations in a short time if they had not been specially studied.

With the caster\'s body reciting the mantra, a little silver light flew out of his forehead. These lights wrapped around his fingertips and formed an eye size crystal in a short time.

After gently crushing the eye size crystal, the caster\'s eyes looked a little confused.

He looked down at the divine materials emitting infinite divine light below, gently shook his head and muttered, "it seems that I have given him a lot less list, otherwise there would be no such divine materials. Well, I don\'t know how many of them were given to him because of me. But there are a lot of them."

In the secret spell just now, what the caster forgot is not only about the Marilyn, but also the breath he gave to kukas.

Now in his memory, he only knew that he had spent a long time making a list, and then handed it to a man named kukas. He didn\'t know whose name was written on the list.

He just knew that after he went back, he would continue to collect the names and breath of some special professionals, and then come here at a certain time to give it to the unknown professional.