Abyss Knight

Chapter 732

"Are you the ash Knight kukas?" a professional swallowed his saliva and said with some uncertain suggestions: "the giant is dead. You don\'t need to let the black dragon eat his flesh and blood. After all, he is also a powerful creature."

"I\'m the ash Knight kukas. What can I do for you?" the bald evil man asked coldly without expression: "A powerful creature? If he is really strong, how can he be killed by me. I warned them to leave the polar ice sheet, but they didn\'t leave. You know, we have a hostile relationship. We can\'t deal with our enemies too much."

"But he is dead after all. There is no need to do this to the dead body." someone was dissatisfied with kukas\'s answer and muttered in a low voice.

"They once killed countless professionals of the abyss alliance. Now I just let my pets clean up their bodies and didn\'t kill them. Is that too much? You just arrived in the Arctic ice sheet and don\'t know the cruelty here." Playing with the skull in his hand, kukas showed a mocking expression to the relatively young professionals in front of the team.

Silence, some people want to say anything, but their companions stopped them.

"Let\'s go! There\'s no need to talk nonsense with these young people." the ruby master standing next to kukas rubbed his temples wearily and whispered, "I\'m a little tired."

She knew that kukas had a bad temper and was afraid of his fierce action against these young professionals, so she opened her mouth and found an excuse to leave to avoid unpleasant things.

"Forget it! It will only make me unreasonable to argue with you. I hope you can live. If I see you again next time, I will prepare a gift for you. I promise that the gift will definitely make you excited and shocked." kukas changed his expression and laughed: "If you just want to excavate ore, if you encounter a strong hostile team, please directly report my name. My name of kukas is the best used in this polar ice sheet."

"The name stained with blood doesn\'t need to be mentioned." the ruby Sutra turned her eyes. She sat cross legged on the head of the black dragon, leaned against the sharp dragon horn, closed her eyes and rested silently.

"I think it\'s absolutely necessary." kukas shrugged his shoulders and stepped on the black dragon. The black dragon roared, opened his mouth and spit out a series of curses to curse those young professionals and curse them to die as soon as possible. It\'s best to never meet the devil kukas.

In the curse of the black dragon, kukas and the ruby master rode the black dragon, turned into a black light and flew towards the ice and snow city.

"As recorded in some news, the mount of the ash Knight kukas is very hostile to his master." someone took out a scroll and looked through it in his hand to explain: "it is said that the black dragon he subdued was forcibly suppressed by him. It is strange that the dragon family didn\'t bother him."

"In the legend, the most dangerous creature on the Arctic ice sheet is not the dragon, but the ash Knight kukas. Do you think there will be such a legend on the Arctic ice sheet if the dragon family asks him for trouble?"

"Maybe we should walk with him, at least we will be much safer." someone couldn\'t help but put forward such a suggestion: "but I don\'t think he will agree."

"Damn it, even if he agrees, we can\'t join it. Should we help him humiliate the dead body?" someone cursed, and he still resented kukas\'s actions.

"Well, we shouldn\'t be talking about this kind of problem, but are you sure you can live better with him? His opponent is a group of nine ranks. We follow him just as cannon fodder. Maybe the aftermath of the other party\'s struggle can kill us."

"Forget it, there\'s no need to discuss this. What we need to pay attention to is that in the future, if we encounter these hostile members of the gate of heaven, we don\'t report the name of kukas, otherwise I believe those people will be very happy to kill us completely to vent their dissatisfaction with him."

"You mean kukas asked us to give his name so that we could die?"

"Yes, I believe so."

More than a hundred people discussed in a low voice while searching for a suitable mountain. They decided to find a mineral vein and dig some precious magic minerals. As for the idea of killing for contribution, only a few of them have it. And those who have this idea think they have the ability to challenge level 9.

These new professionals are discussing the period just happened and their future views. Kukas rode the black dragon and returned to the ice city in less than half a moment of magic.

Flying all the way, no matter what kind of creatures they encounter, as long as they spend some time together on the Arctic ice sheet, they immediately flee to the distance as soon as they see the trace of the black dragon.

However, there are some new professionals who don\'t know kukas\'s name, but under the persuasion of the ruby master, kukas didn\'t fight those who tried to stop him, but went on his way wholeheartedly. Therefore, he returned to the ice and snow city in such a short time. Of course, even if he did, it\'s really light to kill some blockers in an instant according to his current ability And easy things won\'t waste his time at all.

Returning to the snow castle, the black dragon falls directly to the place where the mounts are stored. Kukas and the ruby master put on a cloak and found a tavern to live in.

The master is very tired. She has been fighting with kukas for almost a year before she has the chance to rest today. So as soon as she got to the pub, she went into the room and fell asleep.

In more than a year, she followed kukas to kill hundreds of creatures who have become famous on the Arctic ice sheet.

Among these creatures, there are nine orders, but more are eight orders. Although they belong to different races and relations, whether they are hostile to kukas or not, he will kill them one by one.

These creatures killed by kukas have one thing in common: they are powerful, called genius in the previous position, and hope to step into a higher position.

For more than 100 years since the outbreak of the blue ice cold wave, kukas has carried out such hunting once a year. It was his aggressive hunting that made countless professionals on the polar ice sheet remember his name.