Abyss Knight

Chapter 731

"Are our hands covered with the blood of all living beings? It\'s funny. We can come to this step. Which one is not covered with blood? Is it just because of pure bloodlust?"

However, before this doubt was over, other professionals in the team also took out the information left by their predecessors. In those messages, whether left decades ago or in recent years, there is no exception to mention an ash Knight named kukas.

"How can this be possible? How powerful is a knight who can hang out on the polar ice sheet for decades?" some professionals muttered blankly: "the predecessors who left this message to me at the beginning, he can kill the Ninth level, but he repeatedly warned us not to allow me to provoke that kukas."

"Maybe that kukas is a descendant of someone in power." someone made such a judgment. However, no one paid attention to his judgment, because in their understanding, even the descendants of those in power were treated the same as other professionals on the battlefield, and there was no special place at all.

"When you return to the ice city this time, you must inquire about the name of kukas."

"Yes, but before that, we still deal with him according to the reminders of our predecessors. At least he belongs to our abyss alliance. We should be careful. There should be no accidents."

While the people were discussing with each other, a caster who specialized in detecting the surrounding situation suddenly found the trace of the enemy.

"There are about thirty people thousands of miles away." the caster quickly said what he had found, and then asked the people, "are we going to kill them?"

"Kill, we\'re here to kill. Don\'t we kill them and let other teams take advantage?"

"Yes, they are only more than 30 people. We will be able to kill them."

"Go! Don\'t delay to prevent accidents."

"Kill! Use their heads in exchange for our meritorious service, so as to leave this damn place as soon as possible."

More than 100 professionals roared in a low voice, turned into streamers and rushed in the direction of the enemy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bursts of violent explosions sounded from thousands of miles away. The explosion was like the collapse of heaven and earth and the collapse of the sky.

Even at a distance of ten thousand miles, they also felt the fierce fighting spirit and magic wave emitted by the explosion.

After feeling those fluctuations, the faces of these professionals could not help becoming ugly. Because the power of those fluctuations was too powerful. Some professionals who had fought with ninth level creatures changed their faces and shouted, "it\'s more than thirty ninth level creatures. We can\'t resist it."

"Damn it, they\'re killing our allies." the caster who detected the situation with magic props suddenly sensed the smell of alliance members among the fighting creatures in the distance: "we must go and save him."

"Only one?"

"Yes, those who can persist in the encirclement and killing of more than 30 ninth level creatures are definitely strong figures in our alliance. We must help him."

"Go!" they looked at each other and whispered. Some people directly took out the scroll they were ready to save lives and held it in their hands, ready to crush it at any time to release the powerful magic sealed inside.

Save a strong creature, which will make them dependent here. It is precisely because of this consideration that these talents made the rescue decision without too much excuse.

Ten thousand miles is nothing for those professionals who have just been promoted to level 8, but they also need hundreds of breathing time to cross this distance.

After a few breaths, the caster looked at the magic items in his hand. However, every time he looked at them, his deep surprise increased.

When they were only a hundred miles away from the place of the struggle, the voice of the creatures of the gate of heaven displayed on his magic props was alone.

The collision of fighting spirit raged wantonly in the sky. The powerful pieces of fighting spirit distorted the space and hit the icebergs and snow peaks, wiping out more than half of the peaks in an instant.

"Aren\'t there more than thirty people?" when they flew a hundred miles away, they saw a giant fighting with a black dragon in the sky.

The giant was a hundred feet tall. He had four arms and carried a shield, hammer, spear and axe as weapons. The black dragon who fought with him was only tens of feet in size. The black dragon circled and made a suppressed hissing sound in his mouth. The Dragon Qi was released from his dragon claws and constantly collided with the weapons of the hundred feet giant.

The hundred foot giant walked on the earth, where the iceberg collapsed, the earth collapsed, and the surrounding space was distorted by his actions. The hurricane wound around him, and countless ice and snow spewed out of his mouth and nose. These ice and snow mixed with the cold around him and turned into Python swallowing the sky, winding around the black dragon.

"This is the ice giant of the gate of heaven. Unexpectedly, they put these giants into this plane." someone shouted: "this ice giant has grown up and has the power of the Ninth level peak."

"The black dragon belongs to our abyss alliance, but he radiates the waves of eighth order creatures."

"Where did the others at the gate of heaven go? Why did they disappear?"

"Where is it?" the caster who used magic props to detect the situation reached out and pointed to the broken earth, on which there were patches of blood. Those blood scattered on the ground, sending out a soaring breath. The breath is intertwined, which contains unwilling war intention and resentment.

"They were all killed by people. Were they killed by this black dragon?"

"It\'s impossible. He\'s just an eighth order black dragon. He doesn\'t have the ability to kill dozens of ninth order creatures in such a short time."

While these people were discussing hurriedly, a caster pointed to the black dragon and exclaimed, "look! There are two people on top."

The crowd followed his line of sight and found two people standing straight on the ferocious head of the black dragon.

One of them was naked, with only an apron made of unknown animal skin around his waist. He had a bald head and several scars on his face. The whole person exuded a heavy smell of killing. Under the influence of that breath, he looked ferocious, and his ferocious breath was released without any concealment.

Beside the bald man, there stood a woman in gorgeous clothes. The woman was wearing a golden step, carrying a scepter in one hand and a book in the other. Countless golden words wrapped around her. It looked like where a holy and flawless goddess stood.

"Who are they? How can they fight such a powerful giant? Is it the Dragon Knight?" some professionals wondered.

"Cinder Knight kukas." a female caster in the team suddenly remembered the information she had just seen, so she whispered, "if it\'s him, he\'s too powerful. Dozens of ninth rank, kill as you say, and it\'s just a few hundred breathing times. It\'s crazy."

"It can\'t be the ash knight. He\'s just an eighth level. It\'s possible to kill a ninth level alone, but if you want to kill dozens of ninth levels in hundreds of breathing time, not to mention him, even the existence of Ninth level or even tenth level can\'t do it." someone retorted. He shook his head madly and didn\'t believe what he saw.

"It depends on how long it takes him to kill the ice giant." the female caster took a deep breath and muttered.

While they were talking in a low voice, the bald man standing on the ferocious faucet suddenly roared, and a gun and axe appeared in his hand.

The gun and axe appeared in his hand, emitting a bloody smell of killing. The essence of the killing breath rose into the sky and distorted the sky and the earth. Everything within tens of miles was distorted. Even the frozen mountain below was forcibly broken by the power of these breath.

Although the more than 100 professionals are about a hundred miles away, they still feel the powerful pressure released from the gun and axe.

Countless streamers flickered and flowed on the gun and axe, accompanied by the waving of the big hand of the bald evil man. The gun and axe took these streamers and slashed the head of the Frost Giant.

The ice giant roared, and countless ice and snow sprayed out of his mouth. The ice and snow filled the air and turned into a hurricane and swept towards the black dragon.

At the same time, the ice giant waved his four arms, instilled the powerful ice fighting spirit into his weapons, and then turned into a killing secret method to cut at the black dragon in the air.

The spear and axe tore the hurricane in an instant, broke the blue ice from the giant\'s mouth, and finally crossed the giant\'s four arms. The sharp spear and axe gently crossed the giant\'s throat.

The blood of gold and silver rose from the sky, and the huge head fell on the earth, forcibly smashing a hole in the frozen earth.

As soon as the head of the Frost Giant landed, the black dragon in the sky roared, and then turned into streamer and rushed to the giant\'s head in an instant. The huge dragon claws grabbed the giant\'s head and injected countless dragon Qi into it. In an instant, the hidden soul was wiped out into nothingness, and there was not even a soul fragment left.

The bald evil man on the ferocious dragon head grabbed the giant\'s head and quenched it with fighting spirit. The tens of feet of head melted quickly. However, the breathing time changed into a fist sized skull suspended in the hands of the bald evil man, turning quietly and moaning.

"Get out of here, young man." the bald evil man on the ferocious dragon head put away the skeleton and said hoarsely, "there\'s nothing you want here." while he was talking, the black dragon under his feet fell down, lay on the tall ice giant and began to bite his flesh and blood.