Abyss Knight

Chapter 730

There are dozens of huge portals in the center of the ice and snow city. Each portal is thousands of feet high and thousands of feet wide. It is carved with complex patterns and patterns, and large pieces of unknown gemstones are embedded on it to urge the operation of these conveyor gates.

Under these portals, there is a huge underground city, where there is a huge transmission method array, from which countless creatures are transmitted here all the time, and then transmitted to dozens of other war zones through those portals.

At first, these portals were not so large, but with the passage of time, the space barrier of the eternal plane became stronger and stronger. Now the eighth level professionals have no ability to tear the space for transmission. Even some small portals have no ability to do this. So the alliance expands these portals again and again, so that they have the ability to tear space and transport professionals to various theaters.

Professionals only attribute this abnormal change of the eternal plane to the self reaction of the plane itself. After all, countless professionals break the space every day, which may make the original power of this plane react, which leads to this situation.

After a team of more than 100 people came out of the underground transmission array, they received some necessary materials according to the tips of others, and then stepped into a random portal or a designated portal. Of course, more professional teams did not step into the random portal, but gathered outside the city to form a huge legion, and then walked in the sky and rushed to the residence of the gate of heaven.

Of course, those random portals will send them randomly to most areas within the Arctic ice sheet.

After passing through the portal, a team of 100 people appeared on a mountain covered with ice and snow for a hundred years.

Although they were wearing extremely heavy special clothes, they still felt the piercing cold. Some priests and casters with weak physique even had to release magic and light fireballs around their bodies to resist the biting cold.

"Extremely bad place. Maybe we should bribe those in power to assign us to a better place, rather than this place that can freeze to death." a professional gathered his fur cloak, rubbed his hands and cursed.

"Bribe? Unless you bring out divine materials. I heard that those in power are only interested in divine materials, and few other materials can be liked by them." after a pious prayer, a temple priest whispered to persuade his companions: "Now that we have come here, we have only two choices to leave: one is to kill enough enemies to obtain merit, the other is to obtain a large number of divine materials, and then ask to leave here."

"Both conditions are difficult to achieve." someone looked at a roll of paper in his hand and read the information recorded on it in detail. The information on the paper was not sent to him by the ice and snow city, but the predecessors in the same plane stayed in the city * * they were watched by later people.

"It shouldn\'t be difficult! I heard that as long as we set foot in the God\'s hiding place, we can dig up enough divine materials for us to go back." the professional speaker didn\'t get enough information, so he said the information cognition given to him by the alliance.

"Stepping on the God hiding place? Now the mountain under our feet is the God hiding place, but the divine materials inside have been dug away." at first, a female caster shook the scroll in her hand and threw it to others to watch: "Every god hiding place appears, countless professionals go there to dig. Finally, when the divine materials inside are excavated, the whole God hiding place will be smeared scarlet with blood. Do you think we who have just become level 8 can rob those divine materials from others?"

"I can\'t say they\'ve just become level 8. What\'s to be afraid of? At most, they\'re just promoted ten or eight years earlier than us." Some people disdained to mutter that he was extremely strong before he achieved level 8. Relying on the secret method, he was able to fight with level 8 professionals without failure. Now he has achieved level 8, and he despises other level 8 professionals even more.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to remind you that from now on, we will hang out on this polar ice sheet. It is likely that we will stay here for several years, or even forever." the female mage who spoke first took a deep breath, took a deep look at the professional who just spoke, and continued: "The information I just gave you was left by one of our predecessors decades ago. After such a long time, many things can\'t be taken seriously. But there are still some reminders that need our attention."

"Is there anything we should pay attention to? We are not allowed to tear the space for transmission? Hehe, now we have no way to tear the space in this plane for transmission."

"Remind us to touch God\'s hiding place as little as possible? If we want to leave here, we must collect God\'s materials and set foot in God\'s hiding place. This is also useless for us."

"Well, don\'t let us provoke the dragon and frost giants? Well, I think we should abide by this suggestion."

The professional who took the scroll read the above reminder bit by bit to tell his future companions some information.

When he recited the last note, his tone seemed a little confused. Because of the last note, it takes a lot of sentences to describe it. However, the general meaning is very simple, that is, let them not provoke a man: the ash Knight kukas, and must obey the other party\'s orders after meeting his orders.

"Damn it, this suggestion is really strange. Be careful of the ash Knight kukas? People decades ago may have been killed by the people at the gate of heaven."

"I know this man, he must not be dead." at this time, another professional said with a gloomy face: "I also got the information left by our predecessors. His information is very simple."

While talking, he took out a scroll and unfolded it for everyone to watch.

There are only two lines on the scroll, which reads in common magic language: "it\'s your luck and your misfortune to come to the polar ice sheet. Fortunately, the enemies here do not exist absolutely strong. Unfortunately, you are likely to be exploited by the ash Knight kukas."

"In the Arctic ice sheet, you can provoke any creature, but you can\'t provoke an abyss Knight named kukas. Even after you meet him, you should completely obey his orders, because his hands are full of the blood of all sentient beings."