Abyss Knight

Chapter 729

"Kill!" the mind turned, and the chain around the devil began to shrink. However, the thick and thin chain of the thumb wound around the double headed devil, instantly cut the solid scales on his body, and countless demon blood scattered and swallowed up by the abyss shadow behind the devil.

The virtual shadow of the abyss that swallowed the devil\'s blood trembled fiercely, squirmed the image madly, and tried to erase kukas\'s chain.

"If you dare to kill me, the alliance will not let you go." the two headed devil roared loudly. He was so frightened until kukas\'s chain cut his scales.

"Don\'t worry, the alliance won\'t punish me for you." kukas slowly pulled his hands out of the void. With his hands pulled out, the chains wrapped around the devil and running through the shadow of the abyss began to tighten, speeding up the contraction.

"No!" the devil roared, the horns on his head broke, sprayed the infinite abyss, and the flame turned into a meteor and hit kukas.

The chain trembled, twined the horns in an instant, then staggered, forcibly twisted the horns, and even the abyss magic fire stained on it was wiped out by the chain.


A crisp crack sounded. After kukas completely pulled out his arms pierced into the void, dozens of chains wound around his arms and spread out of the void.

The chain was tight and bit by bit cut the double headed devil\'s body into pieces, and the abyss projection began to collapse.

The head of the double headed devil escaped into the distance under the package of the abyss devil fire. Kukas stepped on the void, and the power of covering the ground was displayed. The distorted space emerged, directly turned into transparent chains around the two heads, and pulled the head in front of him in an instant.

The chains on both hands began to collapse. With the collapse of the chains, the virtual shadow of the abyss collapsed faster.

Large blocks of abyss virtual shadow fall off from the main body. Every time a piece of abyss virtual shadow falls off, it will evolve into infinite magic Qi, expand around, and then erode the space of this plane, leaving large ugly holes.

The strength of the plane was released by itself, and some light golden light began to emerge at the edge of the broken space. Under the light, the evil spirit dissipated slowly, and those ugly holes began to merge a little.

Reached out and grabbed the head of the double headed devil. The fierce ash fighting spirit was instantly instilled into it, and began to erode the devil\'s soul a little bit.

"The alliance will not let you go, traitor." the two heads of the two headed devil are ferocious and roared madly with kukas: "if you kill me, all demons will know. They will avenge me."

"Ha ha! As a devil, I find you really naive." kukas grabbed the devil\'s head hard and smiled grimly: "you should be proud to be a part of my throne."

With these words, the fighting spirit soared in his hands, and the fierce ash immediately wrapped the two heads, but the breathing time wiped out the soul in the head and polished the devil\'s head into two fist sized white bone heads.

"Let\'s go!" after searching some materials from the demon\'s incomplete body, kukas joined the ruby master, then stepped on the black dragon\'s head and embarked on the journey again.

"You\'ll have more and more enemies. You\'re crazy to kill all your own people." with the upcoming ice and snow hurricane, the voice of the ruby master whispered in kukas\'s ear.

"I\'m just the same as a knight I met a few years ago. It\'s not crazy. It\'s my only way."

"The words of the killing Knight you told me? She said that just because of the different requirements caused by the different types of knights, you don\'t have to do the same as her." the hurricane appeared with the blue tide in the distance, and the words of the ruby master blurred in the hurricane: "The killing Knight should not exist in this world, otherwise she will not be the only killing knight in this infinite plane."

"So is the ash knight."

"I\'ve seen some ash knights."

"Where is it?"

"In some records of my family."

"Too long."

"So this proves that the ash knight has also been eliminated by the world."

"No, it\'s the ash knight who eliminated the world. The world can\'t accommodate this kind of knight. It can\'t keep up with the steps of the ash knights."

The ruby master turned his head, looked at kukas seriously and said in a deep voice: "it is said that in the extremely ancient times, the powerful ash Knights offended a supreme being. Finally, the supreme being killed all the ash knights at that time, and finally wrote down the things of those knights with their soul books."

"I know this. Do you think the supreme being is still alive?"

"I don\'t know. In the records of our family, the most chaotic and crazy era is the extremely ancient era. At that time, the time is disordered, and countless powerful creatures in the past and future came to that era, where they started a cruel war. Until now, their war continues. And the war between the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven is just that When she said this, the ruby master\'s eyes seemed a little confused. Obviously, she didn\'t believe these records, but she said it subconsciously.

"Ha ha! Extremely absurd records, don\'t you think?" kukas touched his bald head and grinned strangely.

"Maybe, maybe not." the ruby master sighed in a low voice: "in some records, the legendary killing knight is just born in one plane at the peak of his state. Such a powerful killing knight is actually the cannon fodder of a powerful existence in that ancient era. It\'s like you control the infinite green skin as your cannon fodder."

"I think the person who recorded this kind of thing was definitely a madman, well, maybe even more crazy than me." kukas didn\'t believe the words of the ruby master at all. However, he subconsciously remembered these words in his heart as a legend.

In this way, the two people walked farther and farther in the low voice conversation, and the blue tide with infinite cold spread to the whole Arctic ice field at a certain speed.

As time goes by, the eternal plane repeats its responsibility to repair the broken space all the time, but with the passage of time, it repairs the broken space faster and faster.

More than a hundred years passed in a flash. This time is half a person\'s life for ordinary people, but for professionals, it is just a short incubation. For the whole plane, it is just a moment.

But for those professionals who fight in the eternal plane, a hundred years is enough to make them disappear from life to death, or even completely from the world.

After a hundred years, the polar ice sheet covered by countless God hiding places has once again returned to the scene at the beginning of the war.

The sky is covered with ice and snow, and the cold wind is fierce. Looking around, it is all snow-white. God hiding places are covered with cold ice, pieces of blood are buried by ice and snow, and powerful creatures disappear from the ice field forever.

For a hundred years, the war between the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance showed no sign of stopping. According to the statistics of people with heart, they found that more and more professionals poured into the eternal plane every day. The whole eternal plane has completely turned into a meat grinder.

According to some rulers of the abyss alliance, "the eternal plane is an extremely important plane. Whoever controls this plane can control tens of millions of planes around."

Of course, for such a statement, ordinary professionals do not understand the reason, but this does not prevent them from passively participating in the so-called position competition.

Over the past hundred years, the number of fallen legends has become less and less. As far as the Arctic ice sheet alone is concerned, it is often just a god hiding place to fall in dozens of days.

However, the God hiding place that fell at this time, whether in terms of scale or the God materials contained therein, is dozens of times more precious than the previous God hiding place.

Although the number of places of God hiding appeared dozens of times less, the struggles of those legends in the sky became more fierce.

Countless divine blood is scattered every day, but those top beings are injured and flow out in the struggle again and again.

In the eternal plane, some areas have been completely submerged by divine blood and turned into hundreds of millions of miles of blood. From the sea of blood, new races like ice corpses were bred. These races also killed everything, just walking in this broken plane for food.

In a hundred years, in addition to recovering to ice and snow, the polar ice sheet has become the control center of dozens of war zones.

The ice and snow city, which was merged with other cities in the past, is once again located on the polar ice field. Countless professionals appear in the new ice and snow city, and then disperse to dozens of regional killing battles, such as Warcraft swamp, infinite lost way, Blackwater forest, kanshi mountain and so on.

Similarly, in order to resist the power of the abyss alliance, the gate of heaven also moved one of their transit stations to the ice sheet, and once again returned to the confrontation scene more than 100 years ago.

But at this time, the cannon fodder is no longer those low-level professionals, but endless eighth level professionals.

Of course, there is no elite on this battlefield, and there will be no elite, because everyone is cannon fodder.

On this battlefield, the most powerful is still a small number of Ninth level creatures. As for tenth level and above creatures, their battlefield is not here, but in the endless void or a certain plane.