Abyss Knight

Chapter 728

The movement of kukas immediately attracted the attention of the master of the mind. Although he noticed that kukas was moving towards him, he was only a little alert and did not realize the possible serious consequences.

Tens of thousands of miles away, under the secret method of covering the ground and printing distorted space, only a few breathing times crossed the past.

A demon with a height of about 30 feet was suspended at the top of a mountain. He had wings that released poisonous smoke on his back. His two heads on his shoulders shook left and right. His four horns were ferociously bent. A poisonous fire emitting the smell of the abyss gushed out of his nostrils, and then dropped on the rocks in front of him, burning huge rocks into ashes.

A three pronged fork was held in his hand, and a trace of abyss flame was wound around the fork. The flame jumped and distorted the surrounding space. Vaguely, some space turbulence was forcibly extracted by the flame on the fork, and then used as fuel to maintain the burning of abyss flame.

Kukas came in the air, carrying endless thunder and fire, like a God coming into the world, and his whole body exuded a strong breath; The breath soared to the sky and was boundless. The endless killing breath was released from his heart and turned into a dark cloud and pressed down on the mountain where the devil stood.

When kukas appeared ten feet in front of him, the devil was a little frightened. He had long known that kukas was extremely strong, but he didn\'t expect to be so strong. He dared to be so strong in front of him, an abyss demon with ninth order power.

"Kukas! What do you want?" the double headed devil roared, and flames erupted from his mouth. Those flames evolved into skeletons, and the black clouds pressed down into the sky with open teeth and claws bit them.

"Use your head to forge my legendary throne." kukas growled in a low voice, stretched out his big hand, like catching the sun and the moon, and grabbed the head of the double headed devil like a mountain and river.

The big hand tore the space, and the fighting armor emerged directly from the broken space, and then shrouded him. The wide cloak shook, cutting countless space debris into tens of millions of sharp blades and shrouding around the double headed devil.

"Gaga! You madman, do you even want to kill your own people? Dare to challenge my authority, then let me end your crazy life!" the two headed demon Gaga screamed endlessly, and his three forks turned into thousands of cold stars, like a waterfall rolling upside down, piercing towards kukas.

Cold stars pierced the space debris, and infinite magic fire fell off his horns, wrapped around the three prongs, condensed ancient words and branded it on kukas\'s chest.

The gun and axe appeared in his hand, and the ashes wrapped around it, exploded, and then formed a substantial spear.

The spear pierced and hit the words condensed by the flames of the abyss, tearing the words into pieces in an instant.

The scattered devil fire splashed everywhere, the gun and axe crossed a strange arc and cut down the devil\'s head again.

The three prongs pierced thousands of space debris and collided with kukas\'s gun and axe. For a time, it was like a storm, and it was like rain beating plantains.

The three forks and guns and axes collided hundreds of times in an instant. The violent collision produced a strong explosion. In an instant, more than half of the mountain at the foot was erased, revealing precious minerals.


After hundreds of collisions, the precious three pronged fork in the hands of two headed demons finally couldn\'t withstand the erosion of the power and ash contained in the gun and axe. In one collision, it burst into pieces and turned into thousands of fragments. It splashed and went out around. Some fragments break the space, float into the void space in an instant, and finally turn into nothingness, or become a vanity treasure with the passage of years.

The two headed demon who broke the weapon roared, his evil Qi soared into the air, directly shattered the sky, evolved a fuzzy abyss behind him, and the virtual shadow pressed down towards kukas.

The virtual shadow of the abyss came. Although it was only the epitome of one hundred million parts of the abyss, the power contained in it still cracked thousands of miles of sky and earth. Alone, the power contained in it made kukas\'s fighting armor creak and burst, and was in danger of collapse at any time.

"Gaga! The abyss is coming. As long as you don\'t exist at the tenth level, you can\'t escape the shadow of the abyss." the two headed devil grinned grimly, and his eyes showed red blood light. The blood light billowed and moved the abyss behind him. The virtual shadow was oppressed step by step towards kukas.

"The abyss comes?"

Kukas\'s heart moved, but he knew the killing secret of the demons in the abyss. In ancient times, countless evil knights and ghost crying knights were killed by the secret method of coming to the abyss, so he was extremely familiar with this secret method.

"In the past, this secret method could kill countless powerful knights, but it didn\'t have the ability to kill me."

When his mind turned, a roar sounded. The next moment, the powerful ashes wrapped around his arms, then bent down and squatted, and his arms pierced into the void under him.

Countless ashes vent and go out in an instant. These ashes pierce into the endless void and evolve ancient characters under the urging of the secret method.

Words emerge, combined into some sentences, intertwined with each other. In the endless void, the sound of killing was transmitted to the face world, and then dozens of powerful Knight virtual shadows appeared around kukas.

Although these knights are only vague shadows, the power they emit is extremely powerful. Any one is several times or even dozens of times stronger than the power emitted by kukas himself.

The virtual shadows of dozens of knights were shrouded in armor. They sat down and rode powerful mounts such as dragons, fierce beasts and so on. The mount roared and the knight\'s long gun shook. With the operation of the secret method, the dozens of Knight\'s virtual shadows burst out a cry at the same time. The next moment, the knight\'s virtual shadow blurred and turned into dozens of regular chains, which pierced into the endless void along kukas\'s arms.

"Eternal hanging!"

With the roar of kukas, dozens of fist sized space cracks suddenly appeared around the double headed devil, and dozens of regular chains emerged from the cracks.

Part of these chains pierced into the abyss shadow behind the double headed devil to prevent the shadow from coming, while the other part shattered the devil\'s defense and wound directly around him.

The shadow of the abyss roared, trying to break those regular chains. But let it shake and roar, it can only shake the hundreds of miles into nothingness, but the regular chains show no sign of dissipation.

On the contrary, under the trembling of the regular chain, the shadow of the abyss with infinite power began to collapse.