Abyss Knight

Chapter 725

The God hiding place fell heavily on the earth, and the falling position was just the center of the six pointed star Dharma array outlined by the far north dark water. Unfortunately, not only kukas didn\'t notice this situation, but also the ruby Sutra didn\'t find any abnormality.

The powerful shock wave swept around, and thousands of professionals had to retreat continuously to avoid the power of the shock wave.

Kukas they just retreated more than ten miles and stopped. When the shock wave was slightly weaker, he immediately urged the black dragon to rush towards the God hiding place.

The ruby master took out a magic prop from her arms. She quickly manipulated the prop, and a golden light curtain emerged from it. There were red lines swimming on the light curtain, and soon she found the intersection of all the red lines.

"There it is." the ruby Sutra released a spiritual imprint and flew towards an area of the God\'s hiding place, where all large mineral veins meet. According to their previous experience, there are an extremely large number of divine materials. Those divine materials account for about half of the total number of divine materials in the whole God hiding place.

"Go!" kukas turned his mind and stepped on the black dragon\'s head. The black dragon shook his head and roared, turned into a black light, tore the overwhelming shock wave, and quickly rushed to the position pointed by the ruby master.

After a few breaths, the black dragon landed at the position indicated by the ruby master. Here is a huge Valley, in which hundreds of twisted giants are roaring up to the sky.

When the rocks collapsed, a twisted giant with a height of several feet drilled out of the rocks. They waved the heavy weapons condensed by the ore, roared up to the sky and sent out an endless smell of killing.


As his mind turned, kukas stepped on the void and appeared directly above the twisted giants. The power of land cover seal was released, distorting the space of hundreds of feet.

Under the space distortion, dozens of twisted giants just let out a unwilling roar, and then their whole body was forcibly crushed.

The ruby Sutra teacher\'s mouth flew out ancient words, which were wound together to form a chain around the twisted giants.

These twisted giants waved heavy weapons to break the chains, but the weapons crossed the sky, instantly penetrated the chains and hit the earth, but there was no way to break the chains.

The chains around the twisted giants sent out a golden light curtain, which spread, but the breathing time forced the twisted giants to shrink. In a low and stuffy explosion, these twisted giants were forcibly polished into pieces of paper by the chains.

Under the traction of the golden chain, these pieces of paper were rolled back into the Scripture in the hands of the ruby master, turned into blank pages, and stayed there waiting for the master to write new words on it.

The black dragon roared, opened his mouth, bit a twisted giant and began to swallow. The sharp teeth cut and twisted the giant\'s body, but in breathing time, a giant was swallowed by him.

These twisted giants roared angrily, but under the strong pressure of kukas, even if they were unwilling, they could only passively lose their lives.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of giants were slaughtered by kukas. At this time, the professionals in the distance also rushed towards the God hiding place after struggling with the power of shock wave.

The ruby Sutra\'s spiritual imprint fell in the middle of the valley, where there was a blood pool. In the blood pool, there were three crocodiles tens of feet long. The three crocodiles narrowed their eyes and silently looked at kukas. They were killing those newly born twisted giants.

The three eyes of the three crocodiles burst out in red. The six lights pierced into the void like six killing spears. With the movement of eyes, they cut the space in front of them.

"Outsiders, what do you want?" the three crocodiles suddenly opened their mouth, and the three heads spoke at the same time. The ancient language came out of his mouth, which made kukas stunned.

"Divine material!" kukas twisted his bald head and his thick neck made a strange noise.

"After giving you something, leave here immediately." the central head of the three crocodiles spoke, while the left and right heads closed their eyes and stopped talking.

"Were you born from this God\'s hiding place?" kukas asked in a deep breath. He has excavated thousands of God hiding places. This is the first time he has seen the monsters born in the God hiding places spit out words, and it is still an extremely ancient language.

"That\'s right!" the three crocodiles narrowed their eyes and said lazily.

"Deal." kukas\'s eyes twinkled. After turning his mind, he readily agreed to the suggestion of the three crocodiles.


The three crocodiles roared, their huge bodies shook fiercely, and a strong pressure was vented from him. The powerful pressure was overwhelming, and most of the surrounding valleys and cliffs were destroyed by the pressure he sent out in an instant.

The cliffs are cracked, the rocks are broken, and countless mineral veins emerge. At the next breath time, there are forbidden streamers. The cliffs are restored in an instant, and the exposed mineral veins are covered by thick rocks in an instant.

The thick alligator\'s tail pierced into the blood pool below. After a short time, a gully opened in front of the blood pool, and a group of divine materials emitting sky light emerged from it.

The divine light rushed to the sky and directly tore the fire cloud thousands of feet high. The surrounding space was turbulent and distorted. Countless killing breath was vented from the divine light, and the killing intention surged, directly enveloping the whole God hiding place.

Some professionals who have just set foot in the God hiding place did not expect such a huge release of the divine light. They were unprepared for a time and did not resist the killing breath contained in the divine light. The whole person\'s mind was eroded by the smell of killing, and infinite killing intention was born in his mind at a time.

"Kill them! Kill them! All the magic materials here are mine." someone shouted loudly, then waved his weapon and severely cut off the heads of his companions.

"All the divine materials here are mine. No one can take them away."


For a time, hundreds of professionals who took the lead in setting foot in the place of God\'s hiding place were in turmoil. Under the light of God, they were hooked by the killing breath contained therein, so they began to kill without any reason.

Experienced professionals have protected their mind with secret methods long before they set foot in the place of God\'s hiding place. Therefore, the divine light appears at this time. Although they have been affected a little, they have not completely lost their reason.

Therefore, after seeing other people crazy, some people quickly withdrew from the God reserve, while others took the opportunity to drill into one ore vein after another and began their own excavation.


The ruby master crossed the void with his hands, and countless golden silk threads flew out of his fingertips and wound around the divine light. The silk thread shrinks and forcibly gathers up the tens of feet thick divine light.

"I can\'t hold it down for long," said the ruby master hastily.

Kukas glanced at it at random. After the ruby master suppressed the boundless divine light, he found that the divine material hooked by the three crocodiles was tens of feet in size. Such a huge divine material had never been excavated before.

Dare not neglect, he quickly put away the tens of feet of divine material with a magic ring.

Although the divine material is put away, the divine light that will be emitted has not dissipated for a time.

The infinite divine light flows in the God hiding place, shining the whole God hiding place like a huge fire pool. Even if it is millions of miles apart, you can still see the divine light and brilliance here.

A divine light rose into the sky, directly pierced the overwhelming fire clouds, rushed into the sky hundreds of thousands of miles high, and attracted the attention of some top beings.

The top beings in the hundreds of thousands of miles of high-altitude struggle, although they know that they may evolve into a god hiding place after falling, and then they were mined. But they didn\'t expect that someone had excavated the divine material and revealed it outside. This makes some top professionals feel as if someone is humiliating them.

"A group of reptiles, challenge our dignity and be punished!" there was a God who was ten thousand feet tall, wearing a gorgeous robe, holding a scepter and pointing down to the place where the divine light radiated. There was a pouring of divine power, like the collapse of the Milky way, and hanged him with endless thunder.

The three crocodiles looked up and glanced at kukas, then turned around and disappeared into the blood pool.

"Go!" when the three crocodiles turned and disappeared into the blood pool, kukas\'s killing talent also sent him an extremely strong sense of danger.

Without any hesitation, under the intense and extreme killing intention, he remembered the killing intention sent out by the goddess who was killed by the killing scroll. "The top presence has shot here. Let\'s go."

He reached out and grabbed the ruby master\'s small waist. He didn\'t care to remind the black dragon. He just stepped on the void and crossed nearly a thousand miles in an instant.

As soon as the black dragon heard kukas say to go, he found that his master disappeared from his head at the fastest speed. For a moment, he also noticed something bad. Therefore, he roared, opened his mouth and ejected a mass of blood essence to wrap his body, and then urged the secret method to follow the direction of kukas\'s departure.

Step on the void and cross tens of thousands of miles in an instant. Then kukas felt a dull explosion in the direction of the God hiding place just now.

Turning around, I saw a light column as white as jade over the God hiding place tens of thousands of miles away. The light column fell from the sky and hit the God\'s hiding place.

Just in an instant, the light column swallowed up thousands of miles of God\'s hiding place. After three or five breathing times, the light column dissipated slowly. After the light column dissipated, the thousands of miles of God hiding place had completely disappeared from the earth, but left a tens of thousands of feet deep pit in place.