Abyss Knight

Chapter 724

The gun and axe crossed the sky and cut out space cracks. And the demon ice corpse also took a horn to fight with him.

The two fought for hundreds of breath time, and the killing spears exploded constantly, breaking countless divine lights, raging in hundreds or even thousands of miles. Thousands of professionals were forced to watch the war outside, but they were unable to rush to them and participate in the fight.

Blue and white blood flowed from the demon ice corpse. The blood dropped in the air and evaporated in an instant. But even so, the devil\'s ice corpse became more and more fierce. The strange horn in his hand made a strange sound, constantly distorted the space, and even killed. The divine light of the explosion of the spear hanged kukas.

"Kukas, we can actually cooperate."

"There\'s no possibility! I\'m the only one standing on the top of the polar ice sheet." kukas giggled, wrapped his gun and axe around the powerful ashes, and evolved countless attacks to fight with each other: "cut off your head today and forge my legendary throne."

"Kill!" the demon ice corpse roared. The devil Qi hidden in the depths of the soul carried infinite blue ice into the sky and evolved into a bigger horn behind him. There are magic wings behind, which fan out the abyss breath and infinite cold that corrode everything.

"Kill!" kukas smiled grimly, and the smell of killing condensed into seven twisted virtual shadows on his back, which were intertwined and integrated into his fighting armor. Under his feet, the black dragon roared in pain, and groups of gold and silver staggered dragon blood splashed out from under the dragon scale. These dragon blood were stained on the fighting armor, and then turned into a gray light to pierce the demon ice corpse.

The horn image behind the demon ice corpse collided with the light of kukas\'s armor. The horn made a painful sound and spread all over the sky and earth. The huge impact force directly evolved the space hundreds of miles into nothingness.

Under the gray light, the virtual shadow of the horn didn\'t hold on for a moment, and it broke in an instant.

The gray light that tore the horn passed through the chest of the demon ice corpse, and the powerful force wiped out dozens of shields and directly destroyed his body. The next moment, kukas stepped on the void and directly appeared in front of the demon ice corpse only three feet away.

The gun and axe drew a strange arc and cut it on the neck of the demon ice corpse. The neck, which could not be cut by the powerful divine light, was cut like tofu under kukas\'s gun and axe.

The demon ice corpse roared reluctantly, and the horn clenched in his hand suddenly exploded, venting infinite power. These forces tore the sky and the earth, and the breath of the infinite abyss vented from it in an attempt to invade kukas\'s body. But the ruby Sutra tore the paper on a scripture and wiped out the magical power released.

A series of explosions sounded. Although the black dragon tried to urge the Dragon Qi to resist those forces, it was still blown out for tens of miles by this powerful force. The Dragon scales fell off and the Dragon claws were broken. Only the ferocious dragon head was complete because of the relationship between kukas.

He grabbed the devil\'s ice corpse\'s ferocious head and instilled a trace of ash fighting spirit into it. The devil\'s ice corpse\'s head made a harsh scream and struggled, but without the support of the soul, relying solely on the power contained in the head, he was unable to resist the erosion of kukas\'s ash fighting spirit. Therefore, only breathing time, the head was corroded by the ashes, and finally the huge head formed a mini head the size of a baby\'s fist.

Kill the demon ice corpse, and the divine light released by the killing weapons around still hasn\'t dissipated. There were more and more low raindrops in the sky. In the end, it was like a waterfall. Tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth were shrouded by rain.

The sound of killing came from the rolling blood cloud. The sound was getting closer and closer. Finally, the blood cloud broke and thousands of miles of falling land fell slowly from the sky.

With the fall of the God\'s hiding place, the power wrapped around became weaker and weaker. However, its volume and area are increasing rapidly.

Peaks grew out of thin air under kukas\'s gaze, and precious drugs grew and withered, or were directly covered by derived mineral veins.

Countless streamers of forbidden light flickered among the mountains in the God\'s hiding place. Ordinary professionals did not dare to watch them, but kukas and Ruby Sutra stared at them without any scruples.

In their eyes, the forbidden light flowing among the mountains is actually a combination of pictures and words. These things are all evolved from the memory of the falling top existence.

And the forbidden streamer evolved from this memory will emerge only when the God hiding place is about to touch the earth.

At the beginning, kukas and Ruby Sutra discovered this strange and secret phenomenon after mastering a lot of knowledge and experiments that took more than ten years.

God\'s hiding place looks like a huge wooden board with children\'s building blocks stacked randomly. The number of wooden boards and building blocks is increasing, and its distance from the ground is getting closer and closer. At the same time, those top-notch memories become clearer and more detailed.

At this time, the professionals around couldn\'t care to attack kukas. They kept moving around, anxiously waiting for the God\'s hiding place to touch the earth, and then went up to dig what they had been longing for for for a long time. This even includes the ice corpses.

Without everyone\'s attention, the far north dark water pouring out from the depths of the earth is flowing in the former God hiding place.

These waters of the far north are flowing rapidly, and hundreds of breathing times have entangled several places of God\'s hiding place, and outlined a simple six pointed star Dharma array on it. Although it is said that part of the array was broken due to the struggle between kukas and the demon ice corpse, with the passage of time, the far north dark water repaired the damaged place by itself, making the whole array appear complete again.

When the new God hiding place fell down, there were more far north water pouring out of the earth. These polar waters fill the simple six pointed star array, and then outline more line structures.

In the sky, kukas and his team saw nothing but the sudden appearance of the far north water in a valley or waterfalls on a mountain.

In the earth broken by kukas and demon ice corpse, magma flows out again. These magma destroyed some peaks and cast new peaks. Although there are few changes, the main structure of several God hiding places has changed.