Abyss Knight

Chapter 726

Although the place of God\'s hiding place has been wiped out, and the holy pillar of light has dissipated, the aftermath caused by this continues.

Infinite divine power poured out of the huge pit, like a tide, centered on the pit and poured out around. The divine light surged, covering broken peaks and broken earth, expanding rapidly around.

The divine light is so powerful that it directly collapses the sky and erodes the earth. The infinite far north dark water rolled out, mixed in the infinite divine light and rolled around.

The gods in the hundreds of thousands of miles high altitude paid attention to their opponents after a random blow. As for what happened below, he was not in the mood to pay attention. In his opinion, his random blow was enough to wipe out those creatures who dared to dig for divine materials and showed off.

Under the cover of the towering divine light and the infinite polar netherworld water, the Dharma array first outlined with the polar netherworld water began to rotate slowly. With the rotation of the Dharma array, a trace of chill was released. These chill gathered in the broken God hiding place, and slowly condensed into an illusory altar in a low and stuffy crocodile roar. The three crocodiles were lying on the altar, opening their mouths and pouring countless fighting spirit into the altar, so as to make the altar more solid.

Thousands of professionals who have not yet set foot in the place of God hide frantically fled around. Some people directly tore the space crack to escape, but they were wiped out by the big hands or other forces drilled out of the space crack in an instant. In this eternal plane, under the legend, you are not qualified to walk in space.

The remaining people saw that the tearing space would be directly erased, so they drilled into the mineral vein in the distant God hiding place, hoping to resist the infinite divine light with the help of the solid body of the God hiding place.

The divine light surged and eroded into the vein, strangling those professionals into nothingness in an instant, and even the soul was forcibly wiped out by the divine light.

The black dragon roared, opened his mouth and spewed out blood essence crisscrossed with gold and silver, urging the crazy flyer of the secret method. Countless dragon Qi was released from him and evolved into a mountain prohibition delusion behind him to stop the spread of the divine light, but the divine light was too powerful. Relying on the power emitted from the divine light alone, the prohibition defense released by the black dragon was directly shattered.

"Save me! I don\'t want to die. Master, save me." the black dragon roared. The Dragon scales on his body continued to burst, increasing his speed again and again. He didn\'t want to be obliterated by the mysterious light.

"You go first, I\'ll get the black dragon." kukas frowned slightly. He didn\'t want the black dragon to fall, at least he didn\'t want him to fall at this time. You know, he spent a lot of time to teach black dragon well. What\'s more, if the black dragon is killed now, he will never find another mount to serve him when the fenrier magic bear does not return.

"Be careful." the ruby Sutra is not a pedantic person. She is very clear about the power of kukas. She believed that kukas could survive in the face of the divine light. Even if he wanted, he could escape here with the black dragon at the beginning.

After telling kukas, the ruby master turned and continued to fly away. In her perception, the power of the divine light has not been fully vented and completed. Therefore, her current position is still unsafe. She must walk further to avoid most of the power of the divine light.

Seeing the ruby master flying away, kukas didn\'t save the black dragon for the first time. Instead, he suddenly took action when he found that the black dragon had reached its limit and was about to be wiped out by the divine light behind him.

Stepping on the void, the space under his feet collapsed fiercely. The next moment, he appeared directly on the head of the black dragon.

His hands were interlaced, and the strong ash fighting spirit was released madly from his body. Part of it was instilled into the black dragon and began to run according to the knight\'s secret method, while the other part was wrapped around his arms and constantly gathered. The fighting spirit was continuously condensed and wrapped on his arms, evolving countless ancient words. These ancient words were recovered by him from the memory of thousands of fallen top beings.

The words clank, overlap and collide with each other, making a bell like sound, but in an instant, two crescent like fighting Qi are cast.

"Cut!" with a low roar, his arms waved. The crescent like fighting spirit cast by two ancient words fell off his arms, staggered with each other, cut the space and cut the light in front of him.


The fighting spirit burst, and the fighting spirit was rampant. The strong ashes stained with those divine lights and made a Zizi sound. The ashes constantly eroded the divine light, and forcibly wiped out the infinite divine light with a gap of hundreds of feet.

Perhaps aware of kukas\'s counterattack, the divine light around seemed violent. A large number of divine lights gathered together, turned into two Python swallowing the sky, hissed and swallowed it towards kukas.

The two giant pythons that gathered the divine light roared and shattered the sky, and countless space cracks crashed towards kukas like thousands of poisonous snakes.

"It\'s just a random strike by the gods. It\'s so strong? I\'m afraid you\'re not qualified to erase me." seeing these divine lights attack him, kukas was immediately angry.

The fighting armor on the body emerged, and the wide cloak shook by itself, cutting countless space cracks in an instant.

These space cracks are connected and wound with each other. After breaking the surrounding space, they are combined into a shield to resist the divine light.


There was another dull explosion. Two Python swallowing the sky hit the space shield, which was fragmented in an instant, but the shield was also wiped out by the power of the divine light.

The divine light surged, and more divine light surged in front of kukas from a distance, like a mountain collapse and a waterfall pouring down, one wave after another.

The power of turning, fiddling and covering the ground with both hands was displayed one after another, and the power of these divine lights was stubbornly resisted again and again.

The black dragon roared. After realizing that kukas helped him resist the divine light behind him, he subconsciously slowed down. On the one hand, he restored his strength, on the other hand, he hoped to erase kukas with the help of the divine light, so that he could be free.

Kukas was aware of the black dragon\'s caution as early as the first time. He could have scolded and punished him, but he didn\'t do that. His face armor was ferocious. Some of them resisted the seemingly endless divine light, but they were fighting with the gods in the sky hundreds of thousands of miles in disguise.