Abyss Knight

Chapter 719

"Someone attacked us, leaving some people to prevent those people from attacking."

"Kill the ash Knight first, and then deal with the Raider. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult for us to kill the ash Knight kukas when he enters the falling God\'s hiding place." the members of the glorious hand shouted again: "don\'t you want to avenge your highness? Do you want the rulers to punish us? You must kill the ash Knight first."

For a time, two different arguments sounded in the team of the hand of glory. After a simple analysis, thousands of professionals left only more than 100 people to guard against the unknown sneak attack, while others used their own means, either pursuing or encircling, and were bound to want to keep kukas.

"What a lively game!" the Templar urah standing in the sky summoned his one horned lion to ride out. The unicorn lion was as white as jade, more than seven feet tall, and his hair was windless, emitting a trace of fierce animal breath. On its single corner, it is inlaid with a gem, which glitters and evolves countless ancient scriptures. Some defensive prohibitions constantly multiply from those Scriptures, and then wrap around URAI and his mount for protection.

Ulawei\'s eyes spewed out two three foot long white jade lights, which penetrated the void, crossed the sky covered by fire clouds and kept staring at kukas on the black dragon\'s head. His gaze caught kukas\'s attention in an instant, but the bald evil man now had no time to pay attention to him.

"Mauriel! Come with me! The hand of glory is over." the Templar ula smiled at the blonde girl and whispered, "facts have proved that your choice is wrong."

"No, ulawi, my choice was not wrong. You killed your highness." the blonde girl known as mauriel had no light on her face, only her face was pale and decayed. Until now, she still didn\'t accept the death of the black haired youth.

A golden scroll was crushed by her trembling little hand, and the golden light fell on the dry body of the black haired youth at her designated place. The light flowed, and countless words and sacred breath were instilled into the dry body. After a short time, the light dissipated, and the body was still very dry.

She has crushed seven or eight such scrolls in just a few breathing times. She hopes to save the black haired youth with the power of the resurrection scroll.

"I killed this garbage? Ha ha! When he robbed you from me by his own identity, you were resenting me; now he was killed by the ash Knight kukas, and you still resent me. Where am I sorry for you?" ula was a little excited. He looked at the blonde woman and the dry corpse beside her and laughed in a low voice: "What about having a prominent identity? He has not been killed yet? And even his soul has been wiped out. Do you think he can still live?"

"Yes! He is the 3000th highness of the hand of glory. Those in power must have a way to revive him. Perfectly revive him." the blonde woman tore the scroll again with emotion, and the light of the scroll fell on the dry body, but it still had no effect.

"Molly, is it useful for you to deceive yourself? Am I worse than a dead man in your eyes? Look at me, look at me." ulah\'s anger became more intense when he saw that the blonde girl\'s eyes had been on the body of the black haired youth.

"Why should I look at you? I have nothing to do with you." the blonde still didn\'t look at ula, but just stared at her man: the body of the black haired youth.

While the Templar URAI was talking to the blonde mauriel in a hurry, kukas in the sky stepped on the black dragon and was close to the falling God hiding place.

The God hiding place that fell down is thousands of miles in size, and over time, the God hiding place is still expanding.

Countless forbidden streamers are released from the thousands of miles of God\'s hiding place. They distort the thousands of miles of space and forcibly pull out the turbulent flow of space and void from the broken space.

After extracting these turbulence, countless prohibitions drag them into the God\'s hiding place.

Thousands of turbulent flows merge into the God hiding place, and then a ten thousand mountain peaks grow fiercely at the edge of the God hiding place.

On the mountain peaks, there are colorful flows, strip by strip of exposed mineral veins are generated, and even some rare drugs are born, but these drugs are instantly covered up by the growing mineral veins.

Kukas felt the pulling force of the divine hiding place on him after he was thousands of feet away from the divine hiding place. The pulling force was incomparably powerful. If he didn\'t master the land cover seal, which can arbitrarily distort the space, he would spend a lot of fighting energy in every breathing time if he wanted to stand in this range.

Space turbulence flows out of the cracked space. As soon as they emerge, they are involved in the past by the God hiding place.

These turbulent flows twisted and walked randomly. The black dragon roared and waved its wings to move in the twisted space to prevent being entrained by the turbulent flow into the unstable God hiding place.

In the central area of the God\'s hiding place, thunder and fire constantly burst, and the mountains suddenly collapsed. A ferocious monster jumped out of the rocks. Most of them were wiped out by the collapsed mountains and the endless thunder and fire around them as soon as they jumped out. Only a small part was covered by huge mineral veins, and then disappeared.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Endless murderous thoughts spread from the center of the God hiding place to the surrounding. These murderous thoughts were extremely powerful and directly condensed into substantive dark clouds floating around the God hiding place. Although kukas was thousands of miles away from those murders, they were still affected by them.

The Scriptures in the ruby master\'s hands are constantly turning, and countless ancient words form scriptures, which are scattered around them like a canopy, so as to resist the murderous influence thousands of miles away.

The scripture trembled, and countless killing images emerged outside the Scripture. These killing images were all condensed by the unwilling resentment of the falling top. With the help of the power of killing, they swam wantonly in the God\'s hiding place and issued bursts of unwilling roars.

The axe in kukas\' hand trembled slightly, and it sent a strong feeling of hunger and thirst to kukas.

"Baby, don\'t worry. I\'ll let you have a good time when the God hiding place falls to the earth." he gently touched the gun and axe in his hand, and kukas smiled nervously: "swallow the soul and kill the residual mind and thoughts of top beings. This is your power. Gaga!"

"They\'re catching up." when the ruby master saw kukas\'s nervous smile, he habitually rolled his eyes: "are we still going inside?"

"Go! The power of this God\'s hiding place seems too weak to suppress those people within this range."

"Well, let\'s lead them to the front! I hope these people won\'t let us down." the ruby master smiled, with a cruel smile hidden in his beautiful face.

The decades of war in the polar ice sheet has also distorted her mind. Although she was aware of this spiritual distortion, she did not interfere. Because she knows that this is a battlefield, a battlefield of endless killing, and there is absolutely no lack of spiritual distortion. Otherwise, she can\'t live like this, even with the protection of kukas.

The heavy scriptures suspended on her left side suddenly floated in front of her forehead. In the mysterious and ancient spell, the ruby on her forehead burst out a pink beam.

The beam of light shone on the Scripture, and the scripture quickly turned, and bursts of chanting of scriptures sounded in it.

A golden halo centered on the Scriptures began to spread rapidly around. The golden light spread, but the breath shrouded the whole God hiding place and the space thousands of miles around.

"Thirty breathing times." the ruby Sutra opened his mouth, bit the corner of the Scripture and muttered vaguely.

"Enough!" kukas trampled on the black dragon. The black dragon moaned and roared loudly with a grin.

"The power of God\'s hiding place has dissipated." the black dragon roared, and his voice shrouded tens of thousands of miles around.

"Impossible!" after hearing the roar of the black dragon, tens of thousands of creatures waiting below couldn\'t accept it for a moment.

However, most of the creatures gathered here are new to the Arctic ice sheet. They do not understand the terror and power of the God hiding place. Therefore, when they hear that the power there disappears, they rise into the sky without hesitation and rush into the sky tens of thousands of miles high.

They must rush to the God\'s hiding place as quickly as possible, and then get the divine materials in it before others. As for why the power of the God\'s hiding place dissipated, that was not what they considered.

Under the master\'s Secret Dharma, the resentment and killing smell from the God hiding place disappeared. Of course, they did not really disappear, but were temporarily dragged into the void space by the master\'s Secret Dharma.

The twisted space was calmed between breathing, the peaks in the land of God\'s hiding stopped growing and collapsing, and the thunder fire hurricane rolling on it was slowly extinguished.

Kukas urged the black dragon to fall on the edge of the God hiding place in just three or five breaths. Before he could stand firm, all the members of the hand of glory from all directions chased him.

Some of them landed directly at the God\'s hiding place, while others released magical power within hundreds of miles to prepare for attack.

At this time, tens of thousands of professionals from below also gathered towards the God hiding place.