Abyss Knight

Chapter 718

The speed of the black dragon is very fast. Under the auxiliary spell of the ruby Sutra, it can\'t be caught up by ordinary eighth level professionals at all. Although his speed could be faster, under the guidance of kukas, he just kept a certain distance from the people behind the glorious hand, neither far nor close.

"Wait here for a moment and see if I can kill them." kukas took out his axe and played with it. He vaguely remembered that he got the gun and axe from an old knight. After a long killing, the power contained in the gun and axe was no less than that of ordinary plane treasures.

"There\'s no need! Take them to the God\'s hiding place where they fell. There, I think it\'s easier to solve them." the ruby master shook his head and whispered persuasion.

"Kill them first and let them know my power." kukas couldn\'t accept the advice of the ruby master. Since he wrote his fame with the blood of thousands of members of the gate of heaven more than a decade ago, he can\'t tolerate being chased and killed again. Even if the pursuers are the same as they were more than a decade ago: thousands of level 8 professionals can\'t.

The mind turned and the knight\'s secret method was displayed. Kukas\'s body turned into a streamer and appeared among the members of the glorious hand behind him.

The black light burst, and the gun and axe drew hundreds of strange arcs in the air. At the moment when these arcs flashed, some professionals urged their magic props to escape from him, but more did not react, and were chopped on them by the strange arc of gun and axe.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several crisp sounds. In the moment when the black light dissipated, seven or eight professionals of the hand of glory were split by guns and axes. The souls hidden in their bodies were forcibly extracted by guns and axes.

Blood splashed on some professionals in the glorious hand. Some are angry, some are frightened, and some are timid.

"Damn it, it\'s really rampant to kill our people here. Kill him! Kill him!"

"Kill! Kill the ash Knight! Wear his soul to pieces."

"Release the souls of our companions, or there will be no amnesty!"

"Surrender quickly, or we\'ll kill you completely!"

"It\'s really a delusion to kill me!" kukas urged the secret method to step on the void with the help of the fluctuation when the black light dissipated, and directly appeared on the head of the black dragon thousands of miles away.

"Go! Go to the hiding place of the Fallen God."

"Gaga! Great master, you should go back and kill those garbage. None of them can resist you. You can completely wipe them out in the backhand." the black dragon roared. Although he encouraged kukas to turn around and kill, his body subconsciously rose up under the urging of prohibition, It flew up into the sky hundreds of thousands of miles high.

A dark gray streamer tore the burning fire cloud and rushed to the sky. Behind it, thousands of streamers followed it fast or slow.

Thousands of members of the hand of glory sent out murderous Qi. These murderous Qi condensed and intertwined, and even evolved the vision of divine power hell.

Shenwei hell, tens of thousands of miles of space is occupied by this vision. Visionary life: under the members of the glorious hand, a bloody land evolved, in which countless white bones of creatures were buried. Those white bones grew wantonly to form a white bone forest. Countless monsters walked in this bloody and white bone land. They followed thousands of glorious hand members to grin and kill kukas.

Gray lights flew out of the white bone woods. These lights intertwined in the air and cast an image of a giant thousands of feet high.

The giant is nine thousand feet tall. It steps on the bloody and white bone land, and its body is wound with white bone chains. On its back, there were two huge wings. The wings waved, poisonous smoke and fire rose into the sky, twisted the sky, turned into endless killing, and hanged kukas.

On its head, there are seven horns, and a black crown is born on each horn. The cold light on the crown flows, and countless ancient words have evolved, scattered to the bloody white bone land, further accelerating the scope and speed of the bloody white bone land.

Thousands of members of the hand of glory were also blessed by those ancient words, and their flying speed increased by more than one tenth.

"Roar!" roared the giant, waving his huge fist and smashing it at kukas.

With the fist waving, the surrounding space was shattered, and even the earth thousands of miles below was affected by the giant fist power: mountains collapsed, huge gravel rolled into the sky, followed the trace of the giant fist, turned into a torrent and hanged at kukas.

The giant\'s fist was just raised, and kukas felt a strong danger. This danger is stronger than he used to face the most difficult ninth order caster.

"Divine hell? Thousands of people condensed this vision and wanted to kill me?" kukas turned his head and looked at it. After discovering the means of the hand of glory, his face showed a trace of ferocious ridicule.

"The vision of Shenwei hell is not an ordinary vision at all. Although its power is incomparably powerful, the vision now is just one tenth of the power of the vision that they inadvertently perform with their own killing breath. It\'s too arrogant to want to kill us by relying on this vision alone." Although the ruby sutra was shocked by the power of hell, she did not show a frightened expression, but full of contempt and disdain in her words.

Yes, in the eyes of the ruby master, this incomplete vision of divine power hell is no threat to her, and she also believes that kukas can resist it.

Just as she whispered, kukas stepped on the void, the space under his feet was distorted, and his huge body appeared directly in front of the giant\'s fist.

"Broken!" a low roar, the big and small fists collided in an instant, and the next moment, the space where the fists collided collapsed, and pieces of space debris whirled around like sharp blades.

The black dragon roared, and the Dragon Qi was released from his inverted scale and condensed into a crystal wall. At the same time, the ruby Sutra stretched out his hand and tore the paper on the Scripture, then threw the paper into the crystal wall and merged with the crystal wall to form a stronger defense.

Some broken space debris hit it and made a continuous explosion, but it could not destroy the crystal wall made by the black dragon and Ruby Sutra.

The golden scriptures in the crystal wall flow and evolve into countless six pointed star Dharma arrays. The rotation of these Dharma arrays forcibly polished those space debris into nothingness.

More space debris hit the hand of glory, and thousands of professionals hurriedly dodged under the attack of these space debris. Although no one died, it was very embarrassed because of the sudden incident.

Kukas\'s fist collided with the giant\'s virtual shadow\'s fist. The powerful explosive force not only tore hundreds of miles of space, but also ground the giant\'s virtual shadow\'s body into nothingness.

One punch killed the giant\'s virtual shadow, and kukas\'s momentum became stronger. A bloody smell rose into the sky and penetrated into the broken space, which unexpectedly stubbornly prevented the self-healing of that space.

"That\'s all you can do?" kukas said ferociously, "you don\'t have the ability to kill me."

While talking, the bloody smell on the bald evil man\'s head rolled, and even hooked dozens of spatial turbulence from the endless void and rolled back to strangle the members of the hand of glory.

"Whoever kills him and humiliates the hand of glory has never come to a good end." a caster has a ferocious face, waving his hands to release the range magic, covering hundreds of miles of space, turning into lightning and fire clouds, winding around the sweeping void turbulence to resist the impact of these turbulence on them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the members of the hand of glory were resisting the chaos of the void and attacking kukas, there were huge holes in the broken bloody and white bones under their feet.

Without a hole, a cold light flew out of it. The cold light flashes and instantly penetrates into a professional. The next moment, the professional\'s body burst, not only the bones were left, but also the hidden soul did not have time to escape, and was forcibly destroyed by the special power contained in the cold light.

However, in one breath, dozens of members of the glorious hand were wiped out by this sudden attack. Such abnormal changes soon attracted their attention.

"Be careful, someone is sneaking." a professional shouted. Under his reminder, some priests knelt down in the sky and began to pray. Countless sacred beams emerged from the void, instilled them, and then evolved into various auxiliary divinities through their scepters and tongues, winding around their companions.

Kukas noticed the abnormality of the hand of glory at the first time, but he didn\'t take the opportunity to return and kill wantonly, but urged the black dragon to continue to fly high into the sky and move towards the falling God hiding place.

"Kill the ash Knight first." the members of the glorious hand shouted, reached out and grabbed dozens of spears and threw them at kukas\'s back.

The spear roared and made a sad sound. Although it is wrapped with extremely strong fighting spirit, it shows infinite power. But the spears did not pierce kukas, but were swallowed up by the broken space cut by his cloak behind him.