Abyss Knight

Chapter 720

Almost all professionals rushed up into the sky and rushed to the God hiding place where they were falling. However, there are still thousands of people who stay where they are. They are old people who hang out on the Arctic ice sheet. They know all kinds of changes in the God hiding place like the back of their hands, and they don\'t dare to step there rashly.

This includes the team led by the Templar ula and the demon ice corpse.

"Gaga! If I remember correctly, it should be the black dragon at the foot of kukas. That black dragon is not a good thing, gaga! I think we may have a great harvest this time." the demon ice corpse looked up at the sky. His eyes seemed to penetrate the cloud of fire and fall directly on the scene when the ruby master urged the secret method.

Some professionals fall into the undeveloped God reserve, where they see precious minerals exposed outside, and even fist sized God materials and drugs that have not been sealed by mineral veins.

"It\'s ours." an abyss alliance team found a drug growing on divine material. Generally, after it is generated in the divine reserve, the drug will be closed by the mineral vein. Finally, after a long time, the precious drug will finally turn into a special magic metal. Although those metals are precious and comparable to divine materials, they are still less than one tenth of the value of drugs themselves.

A kind of medicine can even make these professionals improve one level out of thin air, or make them increase several powerful talent abilities out of thin air. What\'s more, there will be drugs that can revive people. As long as the user still has a trace of mind or even breath, even if he loses his soul, he can completely revive people.

All kinds of anti heaven drugs should have disappeared after the formation of the divine hiding place, but now the evolution of the divine hiding place has been rigidly solidified under the secret method of the ruby master. Some drugs that should have been buried grow on various precious mineral veins and have not been buried.

"It\'s ours."

Before the professional of the abyss alliance caught the precious drug, he was instantly knocked out by dozens of other powerful creatures.

The body burst and the blood essence scattered, turned into a blood mist and melted into the place of God\'s hiding. There was a flash of light in the blood fog to fly away, but as soon as it appeared in the air, it was pulled by the residual power of the God\'s hiding place, so that the soul could not escape.

"Help me!"

The soul of the professional who broke his body released the message of asking for help, hoping that his companions could save themselves, but his companions were fighting for precious minerals and drugs, and there was no way to save him.

Although the soul power is powerful, under the traction of the remaining power in the God\'s hiding place, his soul is simply tender, and there is no way to escape or reincarnate directly with secret methods. Therefore, he can only regret and struggle in vain.

Kukas stepped on the black dragon and urged the black dragon to fly quickly around the God hiding place. Thousands of members of the hand of glory intercepted him from all directions, but all the interceptions were escaped by the black dragon at a very fast speed.

A soldier came from the front to stop it. The black dragon roared and cracked the surrounding space. Then kukas stepped on the void and appeared next to him in an instant to explode his body.

Killing, bloody killing, not only between kukas and the hand of glory, but also tens of thousands of professionals who rushed to the land of God\'s hiding place. They began to attack madly for a piece of divine material and a drug.

Some professionals directly opened their mouths and swallowed the precious drugs after collecting them. But the next moment, he was beaten by hundreds of jealous professionals, leaving him no time for the drugs to work.

No one wants to see others gain better than themselves, so they kill the winners through killing and despicable conspiracy. So that more people like themselves, so that they are not the bottom part.

In the hands of glory, the number of professionals attacking kukas has suddenly decreased. Some members of the glorious hand did not hesitate to give up the pursuit after finding that the creatures of other organizations had benefited. Instead, I went to rob those drugs that are more precious than divine materials.

But even so, hundreds of professionals followed kukas and turned into streamers in the sky. They hope to intercept him, arrest him and take him back to the organization.

"Let\'s go! Time is running out." the ruby Sutra opened his mouth and bit the corner of the book, muttering vaguely. In her beautiful big eyes, two golden patterns emerged. These patterns depict the terrain of the God hiding place, with fuzzy chains crossing on it.

With a professional being killed, his body burst and blood essence scattered, the chain wrapped around the God hiding place began to slowly illusory.

"They are more crazy than we thought. They had 30 breathing times, but now they only lasted more than ten breathing times." kukas smiled cruelly after quickly sweeping the professionals fighting for divine materials and precious drugs on the God hiding place.

"Their madness is for our harvest." the ruby master raised his little feet and trampled on the black dragon at his feet. The black dragon moaned, waved its wings and fled beyond the power shrouded area of the God\'s hiding place.


With the broken golden pattern in the eyes of the ruby master, the God hiding place sealed by the secret method trembled fiercely.

The next moment, endless thunder and fire hurricanes erupted from the central area of God\'s hiding place. Thunder and fire soared into the sky, and the hurricane raged. Countless professionals were instantly burned into nothingness by thunder and fire, or torn to pieces by the hurricane.

Boulders collapse, monsters appear and disappear; Peaks emerge and collapse, and countless ore veins sink and condense. Thousands of professionals who were digging the ore vein didn\'t even react. They were completely buried by the ore vein in an instant.

Countless forbidden Dharma arrays are derived from the veins, which forcibly extract the essence, spirit and soul of these professionals, and evolve them into rare human shaped ores scattered in the veins.

The twisted space forces were released from the God\'s hiding place in an instant. These twisted space forces suddenly burst out after being imprisoned by the ruby master, which seemed extremely powerful. In an instant, all the space within a radius of nearly ten thousand miles was shrouded.

Professionals who are closer to the divine hiding place are instantly torn apart. Together with their broken magic props, they are pulled into the divine hiding place by a twisted force, and then gather together to evolve into mineral veins or peaks.

From the explosion of the power of the divine hiding place to the falling death of professionals in the divine hiding place and thousands of miles around, it\'s just a moment.

A large number of professionals don\'t even know how they die.

Hundreds of members of the glorious hand chasing kukas left the God hiding place only more than 3000 miles away. In this range, although they were not pulled into the God hiding place for eternal burial at the first time, they were trapped by the power emitted by the God hiding place.

The breath of endless killing and resentment spread from the central area. Some naked eye killing images raged in the thousands of miles. After they found the members of the hand of glory, they all crowded in the past, madly impacting their defense, trying to enter their body and affect their mind and even soul.

"I\'ll blow you up one by one today." after realizing that hundreds of members of the glorious hand were surrounded by the power of the God\'s hiding place, kukas\'s face armor was ferocious and urged the black dragon to turn around and rush towards these professionals.

The ruby master wanted to stop kukas\' behavior, but after feeling the crazy smell from him, he just sighed softly, then took the scripture out of his mouth and held it in his hand, and began to release the ancient magic, ready to help kukas kill at any time.

The black dragon roared. Under the knight\'s secret method, most of his body became empty and integrated into the void space, leaving only a ferocious faucet to hold up kukas and Ruby sutras and rush towards those professionals.

The ferocious faucet tore a blocked space turbulence, and then slid past a professional.

The sharp battle axe was raised by kukas, and then drew a strange arc to chop the professional\'s head.

With one axe, the professional\'s head was split in half.

As soon as the broken brain emerged, it was dragged away by the power emanating from the God\'s hiding place, and his soul was absorbed by kukas\'s gun and axe in the sound of painful mourning.

A small pattern appears on the gun axe that absorbs the soul of the eighth level professional. This pattern is linked with other patterns to form a strange pattern.

The Tomahawk flew. Under the urging of the knight\'s secret method, the black dragon forcibly tore the pressure of the God hiding place and shuttled among the professionals. Then kukas waved the Tomahawk and easily harvested the souls of these people.

Some professionals see that they have lost the hope of living, so when kukas is about to arrive, they fiercely explode the meditation space, vent and come out crazy with magic or fighting spirit, in a vain attempt to erase kukas.

The Scriptures in the ruby master\'s hand kept opening, and the ancient scriptures flew out of it, quickly calming the violent forces. Gave kukas the most powerful guarantee.

Hundreds of professionals were slaughtered by kukas in less than ten breathing hours.

"Go! Go down and wait for our miners." after exploding the head of the last soldier, kukas urged the black dragon to fly directly to the falling place below.

The black dragon sent out bursts of painful wails, and his body was greatly damaged by the knight\'s secret method of more than ten breathing times.

Kukas\'s powerful ashes swam in his body, tore most of his flesh and bones, and his dragon scales almost fell off. If the master hadn\'t given him simple treatment, I\'m afraid his body would collapse completely at the end of the secret method.