Abyss Knight

Chapter 717

"It\'s not legendary blood essence, it\'s just a drop of legendary blood essence." looking at the drop of gold and silver interlaced blood, kukas smiled grimly, and his backhand again urged the power printed on the ground to hit the black haired young man on the head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" the power of overlaying the ground was one after another. In a short moment, kukas\'s palmprint patted the drop of blood essence more than ten times.

With each collision, the drop of gold and silver crisscrossed blood essence trembled and burst out a powerful divine light under the suppression of the power of covering the ground. The divine light turned and stubbornly resisted kukas\'s more than ten attacks. But every time they resist an attack, these lights are weak.

"Bang!" with a bang, the divine light was broken, and the power of covering the ground came to the black haired young man\'s head in an instant.

Handsome face, proud expression, all this, in this short moment, was forcibly erased.

When he blew the black haired young man\'s head, kukas also easily wiped out the soul and mind hidden in each other\'s body. And all this, from his appearance to the black haired youth, and then to the black haired youth\'s body meteorite, the period was only three or two moments.

In such a short time, except for a few professionals who have the ability to stop, others simply can\'t react. However, those professionals who have the ability to block do not save the black haired youth for various reasons. On the contrary, under their intentional or unintentional urging, kukas burst his head and wiped out his soul.

"Wulawei! What? I\'ll kill this rubbish for you. What can you do for me?" after exploding the black haired youth\'s head, kukas roared under his feet. After dispersing the knight\'s Secret skills, his huge body hidden in the void was completely revealed, and then soared under the sky. Combined with kukas\'s bloody breath, he looked powerful, Ferocious.

"Kukas! I don\'t want the highness of the hand of glory to die, but you are too cruel to kill him." the man called URAI is a Templar of the gate of heaven and a Templar belonging to the dawn church.

As a Templar, ula Wei is far more than other Templar Knights. Although he is only level 8, he has mastered extremely powerful Knight secrets. Together with his one horned lion mount, he can be regarded as an extremely powerful role among the members sent to the polar ice sheet by the gate of heaven. In the whole Arctic ice field, only a few creatures except kukas can fight with him without losing. Other creatures, even the Ninth level, have been killed by him.

There was a deep bone scar on ulawi\'s handsome face, which he left when he fought with kukas.

Although he has the ability to remove this scar, he has stayed for some reasons. Although the scar was ugly, it grew on ulawi\'s face, which added a trace of ferocity to his handsome appearance.

The Templar ula touched the scar on his face subconsciously. Since kukas left him this scar that almost burst his head, he always used to touch it.

"Ha ha! Don\'t tell me this is useless." kukas giggled. He didn\'t believe the words of the Templar ulawi at all, because he knew that ulawi was absolutely capable of saving the black haired youth from him when he just killed the black haired youth. It\'s just that he didn\'t do it, just pretended to shout.

"This time, half of your harvest in the God\'s hiding place should also be handed over to me." kukas touched his bald head and smiled, "I\'ve helped you so much. You should show something."

"We are enemies. Do you think I should show you?"

"Of course! The hostile relationship between you and me is only caused by the powerful beings behind you. In fact, there is no fundamental hatred between you and me." kukas hehe smiled strangely.

"All the harvest in this God\'s hiding place belongs to you, and I will never interfere." the temple Knight ula gave kukas a deep look, and finally his eyes fell on the broken body of the black haired youth and shook his head: "It\'s a pity that I have no ability to avenge your Highness the hand of glory. Well, I think the hands of glory will never resent me, will they?"

As he said this, the Templar ula stepped on the void for his feet and suddenly appeared in front of the members of the hand of glory. His eyes did not fall on the master who was obviously the leader, but on the beautiful girl who first stopped the impulse of the black haired youth.

"Ulawi! Why did you do this?" the girl who first persuaded the black haired youth trembled when she saw ulawi appear in front of her. Finally, her eyes wandered back and forth on the bodies of ulawi and the black haired youth: "Is this what you want? Now he\'s dead. Are you satisfied? In fact, you can save him, is that so?"

The girl\'s trembling voice immediately attracted the attention of other members of the glory hand. Some members of the glory hand had a good relationship with the black haired youth. Now they were excited when they heard such words.

"You killed your highness, and the organization will never let you go." someone instructed the Templar Raoul to roar loudly: "you want to go back with us and explain the cause of your Highness\'s death to the public."

"I\'m sorry, I can\'t save him. Kukas is too powerful. I remember I warned him that kukas is not so easy to deal with, but he didn\'t believe it. It didn\'t resent me that it ended like this." the Templar Raoul shrugged his shoulders and said calmly: "I think you and those behind you actually know this fact. You can\'t deny it."

"You have the ability to save your highness, but you didn\'t do that. What are you doing for?" the girl\'s mood seemed a little excited. The light golden curly hair automatically got up without wind, and a trace of golden fighting spirit inadvertently leaked out from her body. Although those fighting spirits were not strong, kukas not far away felt the powerful power contained therein.

"Mauriel! Whether I have the ability to save him or not, your highness is dead. He died in the hands of the ash Knight kukas, not in my hands." The Templar stared at the blonde girl. Now the result was what he had always wanted. Seeing that the other party was so excited about the death of the black haired young man, his already very good mood suddenly became worse.

"I know, you did this because you hated me, didn\'t you? Your highness died, and you were able to help him, but you didn\'t do it. Don\'t you know that doing so would cause his father\'s resentment?" the blonde girl known as mauriel shouted excitedly. Her beautiful face became ferocious and ugly under the guidance of emotion.

"I hate you? No, you\'re wrong, I don\'t hate you. After all, you were the one I used to love most." the Templar URAI shook his head and smiled, "you know? When I knew how bad I was when you were with the third highness of the hand of glory? But now, I\'m happy to see that you\'re not as good as me."

"She was the woman you used to be?" kukas tilted his bald head and wandered between ulawi and the blonde woman: "ha ha! No wonder that time I saw the priestess in your morning Temple seduce you, but you were not moved. There was a little lover! But it\'s a pity that your little lover brought you a green hat."

"Green hat, Gaga, I like it." the black dragon at the foot of kukas made a harsh laugh. He cracked his mouth and roared loudly: "it turns out that the woman of Ural, the temple Knight of the morning church, was killed by the people of the hand of glory. It\'s really good news. I believe everyone on the polar ice sheet likes to hear this news."

The huge roar passed between heaven and earth. Although the roar in the sky became stronger and stronger, the sound still passed tens of thousands of miles away. In this range, as long as there were no creatures with special circumstances, they all heard the roar of the black dragon.

The strength of Urals, the Templar of the dawn church, is known in the hearts of some creatures who have been hanging around on the ice sheet for a long time. In this polar ice sheet, only Urals and a few creatures can be compared with the most ferocious kukas. This shows that he is strong.

Such a powerful man could not even keep his own woman, which raised a trace of sadness in the hearts of some creatures. Even the people of the abyss alliance felt unworthy and sad for the temple Knight ural.

The roaring words of the black dragon made the blonde\'s already pale face more pale.

"How could this happen? How could you say that?" the blonde looked helplessly at the Templar ural and wanted to get some help from him. But she responded with only a cold and ruthless face.

"Kill that kukas." in the hands of glory, a soldier waved his sword and rushed towards kukas.

The sabre crossed the sky. Just as the fierce fighting spirit wrapped around the sabre, kukas shot.

The huge palm of his hand was like a mountain falling from the sky, smashed the sword in an instant, and then hit the soldier\'s chest hard.

The fierce ash fighting spirit was instantly instilled into the soldier\'s body, which easily disintegrated his fighting defense. A wave of fighting spirit raged wildly in his body, but in an instant, the soldier\'s body was broken.

Pieces of flesh and blood wrapped around the ashes burst from him. Before they fell to the ground, they turned into ashes and were blown away by the cold wind.


At the moment when the warrior fell, a caster released a single spell to attack kukas. The single spell was supposed to help the warrior, but now it has to face kukas alone.

He wiped out the soldier, and in the ashes of flesh and blood, kukas saw a red light crashing towards him.

"Join hands to strangle me?" the mind turned and the secret method was used. The fighting armor hidden in the burning plane source flashed, and then a glove fell off from it, which directly appeared in kukas\'s hand across space and time.

The big hand waved and collided with the red light.

For a moment, the fighting was violent and the magic was rampant. With one punch, kukas unexpectedly burst the single spell released by the caster.

The black dragon roared. Although he wanted kukas to die as soon as possible, his body was still controlled by kukas and subconsciously displayed the knight\'s secret method.

The powerful Dragon Spirit intertwined with kukas\'s ash fighting spirit, and then turned into a streamer, which suddenly appeared in the crowd of the hand of glory. Among the crowd, a caster is crushing the scroll to release the magic and continue to attack kukas. The caster is the one who just helped the soldier attack kukas.

The black light pierced the caster\'s defense and penetrated his body in an instant. The violent dragon spirit and ash fighting spirit were intertwined and hit his meditation space.

The powerful force tore the caster\'s meditation space in an instant, and then turned into a virtual shadow of a knight who stepped on a dragon, waved the knight\'s long gun and hit it heavily on the altar.

The virtual shadow is broken and the altar is cracked. The soul hidden in it escaped in an instant, mixed in a broken altar fragment, trying to escape.

However, before the sacrificial platform fragments were integrated into the flesh and blood, there was a black light mixed with dragon spirit and fighting spirit, which turned into two grinding plates, and forcibly polished the sacrificial platform fragments and their souls into nothingness.

The body of the caster whose soul dissipated quickly dried up. Under the black light, he lost not only his soul, but also his blood essence.

The black light rewound and returned to the original place across hundreds of meters to re form the body of kukas and black dragon.

Instantly kill two level 8 professionals, and kill them in front of thousands of glorious hand members. Such a killing method made the members of the glorious hand crazy, and also made other creatures watching the war in the distance feel their blood boiling.

"Killing should be like this. Among thousands of people, whoever you want to kill will be killed." the Templar ural muttered in a low voice, a trace of fierce light came out of his eyes, and finally fell on some members of the glorious hand.

Those members followed the black haired youth. Now the black haired youth fell. Ural thought it necessary to let these loyal servants fall with their master. "After all, he is also ranked 3000 in the hands of glory. After his death, he should not go on the road alone. I should find some burial for him."

A series of vicious thoughts emerged in Ural\'s mind, but only in his mind. Now he has no ability to realize the idea openly.

"Kill him!"

"To avenge your highness, you must kill him!"

"Thousands of us, can\'t we kill an ash knight?"

"If we don\'t kill him, we will suffer more terrible punishment than death!"

"Draw out his soul, make him into a puppet, and let him be punished forever."

A series of shouts rang out, and thousands of professionals at the gate of heaven were boiling with blood in bursts of Shouts.

"Humble creatures, you don\'t have the ability to kill my great master." the black dragon roared.

"Go!" kukas saw that the people of these glorious hands were excited and only wanted to kill him. Therefore, he didn\'t stay here. He stepped on the black dragon and urged the black dragon to return directly to the ruby Sutra.

"Things shouldn\'t have been like this." although the ruby Sutra is hundreds of miles away, she has been paying attention to kukas\'s every move. After discovering that he killed three eighth level professionals in a row, I knew that the cruel pursuit would be staged again.

But this time it was not kukas who went after other creatures, but the other party came after him.

He looked at the more than ten soldiers with pity, his mind turned, and some information quickly passed to their minds.

Just after the ruby Sutra sent a message to the more than ten soldiers, kukas stepped on the black dragon and appeared beside her.

"I\'m sorry, I think I\'ll drag you down again." kukas shrugged his shoulders and smiled cruelly.

"Nothing, I think I\'m used to it." the ruby Sutra answered casually, and a series of scriptures flew out of her mouth, but in an instant, dozens of auras blessed him and the black dragon.

Dozens of golden auras shrouded the black dragon\'s speed more than doubled. The powerful dragon Qi was released and released uncontrollably from his body. Under the action of the secret method, it constantly distorted the space behind him to resist the attacks of some casters.

"That\'s all right." kukas nodded, and a virtual shadow of thirteen burning black flags appeared on his back. The shadow of the black flag waved, distorted the void in an instant, and summoned his fighting armor directly.

Ferocious armor shrouded the body, the cloak shook behind, accompanied by the black dragon walking, cutting the space behind him.

A large area of space was broken, and most of the casters\' spells were swallowed up by the broken space. A small number of spell attacks penetrating the broken space were polished off by the magic power of the ruby master.

"Bloody feast! Gaga! I like it!" the demon ice corpse in the distance screamed when he saw thousands of members of the hand of glory suddenly chasing kukas. He had seen such a scene more than ten years ago. However, it was the people of the gate of heaven who pursued and killed kukas at that time. Now it has been replaced by the hand of glory.

"What a familiar feeling!" Ural, the Templar who stayed in place, touched the scar on his face, which was left when he chased kukas with thousands of companions more than ten years ago. After three or five years of endless pursuit and killing, thousands of companions, only he survived. The hunted kukas wrote his famous name with their blood. Now, he believes that kukas will use the method he used to deal with them to deal with those who are the hands of glory. Of course, he believes that this time kukas will write his name with thousands of blood books by the hand of glory, so as to make his name stronger on the polar ice sheet.

"Maybe I should leave, but I want to see how long it takes you to write your name with the blood of thousands of people before I leave." ural\'s fingers crossed his cheek and finally his eyes fell on the blonde woman not far away. Seeing this woman and the dry body beside her, the twisted idea buried in his heart grew crazily.