Abyss Knight

Chapter 716

"Have you heard of my name? Since you have heard of my name, why are you still rampant here? Don\'t you know that I kukas alone can be rampant in this polar ice sheet?" the bald evil man touched his bald head and roared with a grim smile: "I tell you the truth, here, you have to give what I kukas wants, whether you give it or not."

"Arrogance? When my father defeated you, I can kill you today." the black haired youth sneered, and a trace of cruelty appeared on his handsome face.

"I don\'t know who your father is, but I think it\'s impossible to kill me with you." kukas shook his head and felt the falling God\'s hiding place.

The God hiding place falls from hundreds of thousands of miles high, and almost every breathing time is evolving rapidly. When it falls to the earth, the shape evolution of these God hiding places will stop, leaving only some subtle internal evolution. During this period, anyone who sets foot on the God hiding place will be wiped out by the evolving God hiding place, and his blood essence will be destroyed Absorb into the God hiding place and increase the value of the God hiding place.

"Arrogance! Kill!" the young man with black hair whispered and waved a short spear with both hands. The short spear drew thousands of cold light in the air, shrouded in a range of tens of feet and swept towards kukas.

"Your Highness, there\'s no need to fight with him. It\'s not too late to kill him when he comes out of the God\'s hiding place." Just then, a young girl came out of the glory hand organization. She had a beautiful face, a graceful figure, and her every move could catch people\'s heart. Speaking, she muttered in a low voice and opened her mouth, but she attracted the attention of dozens of glory hand members around her.

"Listen to your sister, it\'s better for him this time." the black haired young man snorted, put away his short spear and glared at kukas, ready to give up the idea of fighting with him here.

"Stop? It seems that you don\'t really know the name of kukas!" the bald evil man smiled grimly, the black dragon roared under his feet, and the fierce ashes wrapped him and the black dragon, and then turned into a streamer in front of the black haired youth: "here, you can\'t stop if you want to stop."

It was only a moment: it was only a moment when the black haired youth dispersed his attack and kukas appeared in front of him across a hundred miles.

"In order to let you remember me, write my name with your blood and finally imprint it on your soul!" the black light burst, and the black dragon\'s body was almost completely integrated into the void space. In the sky, I only saw kukas stepping on the faucet, widening his palm and grasping the head of a black haired youth.

The power of the ground seal was released, the space around the black haired youth was distorted, the mountain below was broken, and countless magic minerals were sprayed out of the broken mountain.

Endless killing breath wrapped in his hands, mixed with strong ash fighting spirit, which was bound to pinch and burst the head of the black haired youth.

"Stop." just as kukas stretched out his big hand to crush the black haired young man\'s head, someone suddenly shouted in a team at the gate of heaven.

The voice kukas listened very familiar. If he remembered correctly, the owner of the voice was only a few hostile professionals who could compete with him on the Arctic ice sheet.

"Gaga!" kukas didn\'t pay attention to the man\'s stop. He knew that no one would stop his move. Of course, even if the hostile professional hated him again, he wouldn\'t do it.

Kukas\'s sudden move, within a radius of hundreds of miles, only the professionals who shouted at the gate of heaven and the ruby master could guess. Although others have heard of his name, they are not familiar with his character.

The young man with black hair didn\'t expect kukas to make a sudden move, and he directly crossed a hundred miles and appeared three feet away in front of him in an instant.

When kukas entangled the big hand of the land cover power and fell on his head, he reacted.

"No!" the black haired youth cried out. His mind responded to kukas\'s attack, but his body did not make defense or escape in time. However, he was not killed by kukas\'s seal after all, but a drop of gold and silver blood suddenly jumped out of his head at the moment when the power blessing of the ground seal was on his head.

The blood appeared, sending out a strong breath: the sky shook and the earth collapsed; there were blue sea tides, sun and moon visions.

The blue sea is full of tides, and a sun and a waning moon emerge from it. Generally, this vision can only condense in a half step legend and legend, but now it suddenly appears on this soldier who has just stepped into the eighth level, which makes kukas feel strange.


The ruby master behind him reminded kukas in time, but when she reminded, the bald evil man also reacted.

"Half a step of legendary blood essence protects you? Do you think I can\'t kill you?" kukas turned his mind, stepped on the void and showed his power of covering the ground again.

The two attacks of the earth covering power almost fell on the vision emitted by the blood essence at the same time.

"Bang!" a loud noise spread thousands of miles away. Some professionals who are close to each other feel that their heads are swollen, their minds are shaken, and even their meditation space is a little uneasy under the loud noise.

"Roar!" a roar sounded. Thousands of professionals subconsciously urged their own strength to guard around in order to resist the deafening sound. Within hundreds of miles at a time, the fighting spirit soared and the magic raged. The powerful power sent out by thousands of eighth level professionals directly flattened the former God hiding place, and forcibly pressed several peaks under the earth to form a basin thousands of miles in size.

The power of land cover seal collides with the vision of blue sea tide and the emergence of sun and moon, and the powerful force collides with each other: the twisted space continues to fall, the blue sea rolls, and the sun and moon want to take off.

The two collide, the blue sea steams, the sun and moon want to fall, the distorted space is directly broken, and a large piece of nothingness appears where the two touch. As soon as the strong spatial turbulence emerged from it, it was wiped out by the power of both.

The vision dissipated, India and the United States collapsed, and finally only a drop of gold and silver interlaced blood was suspended on the head of the black haired youth, emitting boundless divine light.