Abyss Knight

Chapter 715

The demon ice corpse who showed his power just had a simple greeting with kukas and then shut up. On this polar ice sheet, their ice corpse clan actually has hatred with any kind of creatures, but for various reasons, several other races and alliances did not unite to encircle and suppress them. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult for them to survive in this extremely chaotic Arctic ice sheet alone.

The sky roared, bursts of thunder sounded, and finally the burning sky began to twist slowly. Some experienced professionals, such as Ruby sutras, immediately infer that what they are waiting for is about to appear.

"This God\'s hiding place belongs to our glorious hand. Miscellaneous personnel, get out of here immediately. Otherwise, there will be no amnesty." when the God\'s hiding place was about to fall to the earth, thousands of streamers came from a distance.

These streamers are extremely powerful. They directly fall towards the highest mountain within a radius of hundreds of miles. Before people arrive, hundreds of range spells sweep down towards the mountain, but they have to clean up the creatures above in advance.

"Roar!"; A reluctant roar sounded, and hundreds of creatures gathered because of interests scattered out of the mountain and separated from the mountain in an instant. For the power of the hand of glory is not something they can resist.

"Damn it, sooner or later, I will kill all the creatures in your glorious hand." a Warcraft growled in a low voice. Although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to compromise in the face of strength. As for the cruel words just now, they were just talking casually. If he really asked him to kill the members of the glorious hand, he gave him hundreds of reasons, and he didn\'t dare to really carry out his cruel words.

"The hand of glory?" kukas whispered a strange smile when he heard the names of those people. He is too familiar with the members of the hand of glory.

After the members of the glorious hand came to the mountain, the number of creatures around began to decrease rapidly. Among them, not only the lone Warcraft, but also the members of the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven have left. However, the only one without missing members is the team led by the Ninth level demon ice corpse.

"Why? Is it because the name of our glorious hand is not easy to use? Let you leave, don\'t you hear? From today on, all the God hiding places on the polar ice sheet belong to our glorious hand." a black haired boy jumped into the air with two spears and shouted loudly: "You only have ten breaths, otherwise I don\'t mind showing you the strength of our glorious hand."

"Your breath can be fully remembered only by breathing time. When time comes, as long as you stay here, you will always be pursued by the hand of glory in the future. Until you completely disappear from the world."

"What is the hand of glory? I dare to run wild in front of my great master. I will destroy you today." a dragon roared, the earth was broken and the sky was turbulent. When some creatures decided to leave because of the name of the hand of glory, the black dragon under kukas roared.

"Humble reptiles, accept the anger of my master: the great ash Knight Lord kukas! Roar!" with this roar, the black dragon fiercely waved its sharp claws and shook in the void.

The next moment, hundreds of ancient Longwen appeared on the black haired boy with a spear out of thin air. The Longwen was intertwined and turned into two battle knives and cut at the black haired boy.

"Big lizard, dare you give me a hand?" the black haired young man with a pair of spears looked at the black dragon with a mocking face. In his eyes, kukas saw a trace of familiar feeling. In the eyes of the black dragon, he saw countless scenes of prohibiting illusory life and disillusionment in the eyes of the black haired young man. In those scenes, the black dragon felt a trace of fear.

"Broken!" whispered the young man with black hair. He drew two strange arcs in the air with two short spears in his hand, and then gently touched the sword condensed by the black dragon.

Although the two swords are not condensed by the eighth level killing secret method, they are still very powerful against ordinary eighth level professionals. But now, under the double spears of the black haired youth, the two powerful swords are easily broken.

The fragments of the broken sword scattered in the air and finally gathered at the feet of the black haired youth to form a halo.

"A big lizard is a big lizard and has no ability at all. Let your so-called master out. I\'ll see what kind of garbage master there will be for such a garbage mount." The young man with black hair looked at the black dragon with contempt. Although they were more than a hundred miles apart, they could see each other clearly. As for kukas standing on the head of the black dragon, the young man with black hair seemed not to see half at all.

"Gaga! Kukas, the person challenging your authority has appeared. Do you want to let him humiliate you like a clown?" the demon ice corpse took his black chain hammer and walked a few steps towards the mountain where kukas was located, and then stopped his steps and screamed coldly.

Kukas ignored the provocation of the demon ice corpse, but whispered to the ruby Sutra about when the God\'s hiding place fell.

"Dare you humiliate my master? Do you know who my master is? The most powerful existence in the Arctic ice sheet: the ash Knight kukas. His reputation is stronger than any existence on this ice sheet." the black dragon roared, but he tried every means to make enemies for kukas. Of course, he can\'t understand the relationship between kukas and the hand of glory, otherwise he would never pretend to be smart.

"It seems that your mount has not been adjusted successfully!" the ruby master shook his head and whispered to kukas: "In fact, I suggest you consider it. You\'d better replace the mount. After a black dragon is processed by secret method, the material on it is still extremely precious. It\'s really not good. It\'s also good to use it as a meat dragon. If you don\'t care, it will cause you more trouble sooner or later."

"Causing more trouble?" kukas sneered and didn\'t answer. He just trampled on the black dragon\'s head and crushed the flesh and blood on its head, revealing the white skull.

The black dragon was in pain, shaking his head and roaring. But he didn\'t dare to say anything. He just showed hatred and stared at the black haired youth hundreds of miles away.

"Damn it, sooner or later, I will eat you. The humiliation you gave me today will definitely be returned to you a hundred times in the future." the black dragon cursed with hatred in his heart. Of course, he has cursed countless times, but he has not seen any effect of the curse in recent decades.

"Are you the owner of this big lizard? Ha ha! I think you are also very funny. You\'d better give it to me as my mount. I can\'t say that I\'m happy and will let you stay and collect minerals with us. Well, but you must act as cannon fodder. If you survive, I don\'t mind giving you some leftover materials." The words spoken by the black haired youth seemed to be aimed at kukas, which made people so angry and resentful.

Among the tens of thousands of creatures gathered here, almost one-third of them know kukas\'s reputation. In their view, although the people of the hand of glory are extremely powerful, if they really face kukas, the notorious ash knight, they will not come to a good end even if they have more hands.

You know, in this polar ice sheet, kukas\'s reputation is completely built by infinite bones.

"The God\'s hiding place is about to fall. Everyone, get ready to enter! According to the previous rules, you can hand over half of the harvested God\'s materials this time. Well, the person with the hand of glory must hand over all the God\'s materials." kukas still didn\'t directly respond to the words of the black haired youth. He just looked up at the sky and said such words in a deep voice.

The voice was not loud, but all the creatures present heard it. Some creatures who didn\'t know kukas thought he was more rampant than the members of the glorious hand. After all, the other party just drove them away, and kukas regarded them as despicable miners.

"Roar! I\'ll eat you." a monster opened his mouth. He shook his huge head, waved his wings made of unknown metal and roared.

"Stop it, if you want all of us to be buried with you, don\'t provoke that madman." a fierce beast like a python swayed its tail and pressed the beast with metal wings into the air to stop his action.

"It\'s just a little garbage of the abyss alliance. Will we be afraid of him?" the beast wandered to this area from other places. Therefore, he doesn\'t know what the name kukas represents in the polar ice sheet: "do you really want us to hand over half of the mined divine materials to him?"

"I don\'t know whether we can mine divine materials, but if we want to challenge kukas\'s authority now, it\'s definitely a choice to die. Unless we can wait until some other strong figures come to compete with him, we must pay half of the harvest."

"Despicable devil, are you talking?" the black haired young man with a double spear finally stopped his eyes on kukas. He shook his spear and pointed: "When glory comes, all things submit. You still want to rob us? Don\'t you know the reputation of the hand of glory? Kukas? I\'ve heard of your name. In view of your previous rampant behavior, I\'m here to teach you a lesson today. Let you be my servant so that you can know my reputation."