Abyss Knight

Chapter 714

According to the speculation of the ruby master, the God hiding place that is about to fall is only hundreds of thousands of miles away from kukas. If the black dragon flies alone, it can arrive in more than 100 breathing times. However, the team was dragged down by the newly promoted eighth level professionals, and the speed was nearly 100 times slower.

These newly promoted level 8 professionals have not mastered the unique flight of level 8, so they are much slower in speed.

Although the speed was slower, kukas was not in a hurry. In his mind, it doesn\'t matter if he can\'t dig out divine materials. Now he doesn\'t lack divine materials at all. Moreover, if necessary, he can kill the professionals of the gate of heaven and get what he wants from them.

In his eyes, most of the teams at the gate of heaven are miners who collect divine materials for him free.

As long as he wants to obtain divine materials, the easiest way is to kill those professionals at the gate of heaven. In his opinion, it is much easier to kill those professionals than to dig for divine materials by himself. At least he didn\'t have to pay attention to all kinds of prohibitions and ferocious beasts contained in the ore vein.

Along the way, kukas released his own breath and turned into a raging flame. Wherever he goes, as long as a member of the gate of heaven dares to appear within a thousand miles of his perception, the bald evil man will urge the secret method to rush over and kill each other with a backhand.

For kukas\' rampant behavior, some professionals of the gate of heaven also wanted to join hands to kill him, but when more than 100 professionals of the gate of heaven were killed by kukas in a short half of a moment of magic, no one dared to intercept or stop him.

Kukas\'s strong behavior looked so tall in the eyes of the ruby female Sutra. She smiled, bent her big eyes and smiled all over her body. In her opinion, the stronger kukas is, the safer she is. After all, in this eternal plane, there is no one else who can threaten kukas except the top existence hundreds of thousands of miles high.

Even if level 9 professionals appear here occasionally, they won\'t be afraid of each other. You know, in the decades of killing in the polar ice sheet, there are dozens of Ninth level professionals who have fallen into kukas\'s hands. He kills one almost every year.

In these decades, almost half of the people on the Arctic ice sheet know kukas\'s power. However, those people rarely stay here for a long time. The cruel war made these people who knew kukas\'s prestige disappear from this plane or the world soon.

After killing dozens of people again, the smell of blood evil spirit wrapped around kukas became stronger. In the end, within a thousand miles, there was no one else except kukas and his team.

"It\'s almost here." they flew for more than a magic hour before they landed on a huge mountain. In fact, this mountain peak is also the mountain peak in the God hiding place, but it appeared earlier, so the divine materials that may be contained in it have already been excavated.

Although kukas sensed the precious minerals contained in the magnificent mountain, he was too lazy to dig. Those who follow his profession are waiting nervously because the God hiding place is about to appear, and they are also not in the mood to dig.

In the burning sky, thunder continued, and tens of thousands of powerful creatures were distributed on dozens of mountains of different sizes, waiting silently.

These creatures include not only the people of the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven, but also the unique ice corpses on the Arctic ice sheet and Warcraft, exotic animals, giants and even fierce animals that are very common in every plane.

These powerful creatures also have the lowest power of the eighth order, the most powerful, and even reach the peak of the ninth order.

They gather together according to their own groups or interests, silently waiting for the fall of the God\'s hiding place.

When kukas fell on a mountain, dozens of powerful mental forces were detected directly. These mental forces condensed into a real state, distorted the space, and probed them like a spear.

"Get out of here," kukas said with a grimace as he faced the dozens of mental forces coming from the broken air. He suddenly suspended himself into the air, then stepped on the void, and the space hundreds of feet under his feet suddenly twisted. The next moment, thousands of thunder and fire burst out: the earth was broken and the sky was turbulent, but his powerful power was revealed.

"Cinder Knight kukas!" after hearing kukas\' voice and the fluctuation of his power, the dozens of minds immediately retracted back. They are not the young people who have just come to the Arctic ice sheet. For the old people who have been hanging around in the Arctic ice sheet for a long time, kukas\'s name has a deterrent power that is not even inferior to the reputation of the tenth level professionals.

"Are you still dead? Gaga! Bald, I haven\'t seen you for a long time." an icy corpse rattled. The ice corpse was an abyss demon before he died. After falling, for some reason, it was transformed into an ice corpse.

Although he was an ice corpse, his body did not lose its previous memory. Under the influence of those memories, the demon ice corpse still has some good feelings for kukas.

Turning around, his eyes crossed hundreds of miles of space and fell directly on the demon ice corpse. The demon ice corpse was seven or eight feet tall, with three horns of different sizes on the head. The thick body was originally covered with scales and sarcomas the size of a washbasin, but now it was replaced by a thick layer of ice.

The wings wrapped in black ice swayed in the air. Every time they swayed, ice and snow hurricanes rolled out and raged around him. The power contained in it directly tears the peaks in the God\'s hiding place out of hundreds of feet deep ice and snow canyons.

On the claw of the demon ice corpse, he carried a huge chain hammer made of black ice and dozens of divine materials. The chain hammer emits countless divine lights, which are intertwined and condensed into ancient words and patterns, constantly winding and dancing around the body.

"Want me to die? I\'m afraid that in this plane, only the old guys in the sky can do it." kukas glanced up at the air and sneered, "what? I\'m here to add some similar people today?"

"No! You should die. Damn it, your appearance will make many who should have been my companions disappear. You are the cruelest enemy of our ice corpse family." the demon ice corpse opened his mouth and screamed. Accompanied by his strange cry, the ice and snow vented from his mouth and went out. During his breath, the ice and snow canyons were completely frozen.