Abyss Knight

Chapter 713

The continuous killing made kukas\'s momentum reach the limit. Dozens of professionals of the gate of heaven, even if they fled thousands of miles away, were chased and killed by kukas.

The fierce fighting spirit tore these people\'s bodies, scattered their flesh and blood with gold and silver into the air, and forced holes to come out under the sky.

In the sky where the holes are exposed, violent spatial turbulence is released. Finally, it twists and turns in the air and evolves into a ferocious monster virtual shadow. If under normal circumstances, these monsters\' virtual shadows will slowly become solid monsters after they emerge to this plane for a period of time. But kukas doesn\'t give these monsters a chance to survive.

At the moment when those monsters just emerged, the killing breath wrapped around him was vented. The essence of the killing breath was crushed in the air, and the virtual shadow of these monsters was wiped out into nothingness in an instant.

When those monsters\' virtual shadows were wiped out, the holes under the sky healed successfully under the power of the plane.

The battle was completely over when kukas pinched the head of the last Kung Fu player who had escaped thousands of miles.

After kukas returned to the team with a bloody breath, the more than ten professionals were completely restrained by his momentum.

A trace of black and red evil spirit wound around his body. These evil spirits alone distorted the space around him. Although these bloody smells are a little away from them, they still make these professionals feel great pressure, even if these bloody smells are not aimed at them.

These professionals are the first time to see kukas like this. In their cognition, although kukas is powerful, he is only an eighth level professional after all. Even if such eighth level professionals practice the killing secret method, they will not be much stronger than them. However, kukas\'s move completely broke their previous understanding. After all, in previous battles, kukas even shot with other professionals, and did not show his crazy killing methods.

Among more than ten professionals, only the ruby master\'s face is meaningless. She had long been used to kukas\'s crazy killing, so she just sighed that his killing speed had increased a few breathing times.

"Everybody! Let\'s hurry on the road! The God\'s hiding place is about to fall down. It\'s late. I\'m afraid we can\'t get anything. Well, even the smallest vein containing divine materials can\'t get it." kukas glanced at the professionals and seemed to take the fresh killing seriously.

"Knight kukas, is this your real strength?" a professional couldn\'t restrain his doubts and asked in a low voice.

"That\'s right!" kukas snorted simply, stepped on the black dragon and urged the black dragon to continue flying forward.

The ruby Sutra uses her unique magic props to constantly detect the situation in front, so as to speculate the final place and time of the fall of the God\'s hiding place. Of course, they have to wait for the land of God\'s treasure to fall to the earth before they can mine veins. If they want to try to set foot in the land of God\'s treasure in mid air, they will be subjected to the prohibition and crazy attack formed by the final power of the fallen beings.

Some people once tried to step in the place of God\'s hiding place before it fell to the earth, but their fate was not good. They were either blasted off their bodies or their souls were wiped out. But even so, every time the God hiding place falls, there are self righteous professionals who want to set foot in it in advance. After all, new professionals come to this polar ice sheet every day, and they can\'t accept all the lessons of their predecessors. Some people even know the danger, but relying on their own means, they always think they are extremely powerful and don\'t care about the place where the falling god hides. Therefore, there are not three or five hundred professionals who are wiped out in advance every time, but also about seventy or eighty.

"Can we collect the materials from those people?" a professional saw a broken body in the distance and suddenly came up with such an idea.

"Collect their materials?" kukas looked at each other in surprise, then shook his head and said with a smile: "if you are willing to give up the divine materials you may get, go search! Although these people are a little weak, I believe they must have some good things."

"Divine materials can be met but not sought. No matter how good it is, it\'s useless to get it." after seeing the gorgeous magic ring on the body, some professionals made the most favorable decision at present. Of course, this decision is only his, and does not represent kukas\'s idea.

When other professionals saw that their companions decided to collect the materials on the bodies first, they changed their mind and joined the search team.

As one of their companions said, "divine materials can be met but not sought. They don\'t pay too much attention to the ethereal things. What they can get in front of them is precious."

In this way, these professionals are busy quickly.

As for their decision, kukas and Ruby Sutra each have their own views, but they don\'t say it. They just stand in place and silently wait for their search.

After less than half a quarter of magic, the search of these professionals came to an end. After seeing the excited faces of the professionals, the ruby master reluctantly turned his eyes, then gently shook his head and whispered: "Maybe I made a little mistake in the idea of training them to be our companions. Well, they are too poor. Well, this word is not so appropriate, but to be honest, I really can\'t find any other words to describe their behavior."

"We used to be like this. It\'s just that we have more knowledge, so we can\'t agree with them. If we put it decades ago, don\'t we have much difference from them? As long as they can survive, maybe in another year or even half a year, they will despise the latecomers." kukas touched his bald head and whispered a strange smile.

"Well, kukas, even if I have some problems in my mind, you don\'t have to ridicule me." the ruby Sutra wrinkled his nose slightly, then opened the thick Scripture in his hand and whispered: "When you killed the people at the gate of heaven just now, I felt that the breath of several of these soldiers suddenly became a lot strange. They didn\'t come here with a special purpose!"

"Whether they have a special purpose or not is of no use to me. As long as they don\'t show me the killing opportunity, I don\'t mind killing them immediately." kukas didn\'t notice these things said by the ruby Sutra. After all, their killing Tianfu perceives the killing intention, not other breath changes.

"Well, maybe they were sent by some people to spy on you." the ruby master muttered uncertainly.

"Let them spy! Some news, some people will know sooner or later." Kukas did not hide his strength. In his opinion, only when he showed his most powerful strength, those potential enemies would fear and even give up some bad ideas because of his strength. Of course, it is more likely to provoke him to stronger enemies. But would kukas care about this? And that is Even if there is no plane source for resurrection, he will not care.

In his opinion, on his way to legend, without the blood of powerful creatures as a cushion, he will never become a powerful legend. Only a legend that has experienced countless dangers and hardships can be regarded as a powerful legend.

"OK! But I suggest you clean up those people. The longer some information is hidden, the better it will be for you." the ruby master saw that kukas didn\'t care much about those things, but she still said her suggestions. Of course, whether kukas listened to these suggestions is not what she considered.

"At most, when you are in danger, I can use all I can to help you. A stubborn Knight will come to no good end." the ruby master muttered to himself.

Although kukas did not agree with the ruby master\'s proposal, he did not object. Of course, he was not a fool who allowed his enemies to lurk in the dark against himself. He just didn\'t want to kill those allies who simply suspected problems in front of other professionals.

"I think three or five of these professionals will become my companions. I don\'t want those who may become my companions in the future, because they kill those seemingly normal allies suddenly and without any sign." With this in mind, kukas just remembered the professionals marked by the ruby master, and then urged everyone to embark on the journey.

The black dragon roared, waved its wings and entrusted kukas and the ruby master to fly quickly in the direction of the place where God might fall.

On this flight, although many professionals of the gate of heaven still released secret methods to detect them, no one came to stop them from approaching the falling place. After all, the news of a team intercepting kukas has spread among them. Now the intercepted object has embarked on the journey without damage, but the interceptor has disappeared. This makes some team professionals subconsciously panic.

Even some teams at the gate of heaven immediately turned away and flew away after feeling the breath of kukas.