Abyss Knight

Chapter 712

If the black dragon doesn\'t make a move, it\'s gone, and if he makes a move, it\'s earth shattering.

The Dragon scales turned upside down, and black and Golden Dragon Qi erupted from under the Dragon scales. These dragon Qi rotated and turned into a palm sized halo, strangling in the surrounding void.

Under the watchful eyes of those who care, there are words of different sizes in the halo erupted from the dragon scale. These words are ancient dragon characters. Now they are contained in the halo, but it gives the halo the ability to cut the void.

Thousands of halos strangle the void and forcibly smash the space around him more than ten feet.

The two lurks hiding in the void did not expect that the black dragon would suddenly make a move, nor did they expect that the other party\'s attack would break the space and directly cut their empty body with the secret method. I couldn\'t react for a moment. I didn\'t even do the backward movement. The next moment, the two people were cut into hundreds of pieces of meat.

The blood light flickered and wanted to escape the soul through the secret method. The black dragon wanted to let them go, but the ruby master didn\'t want them to leave. The master hated them for sneaking into him, so she tore a blank sheet of paper from the thick scriptures. She threw the paper into the air, stretched out her hand and quickly wrote some words on it. After that, the paper turned into a curtain of light and rolled up the souls and spirits of the two lurks who escaped in an instant.

Several ancient words jumped out of her mouth. These words were branded on the rolled paper, forming small chains that wound the whole paper.

The little hand stretched out, grabbed the roll of paper and played with it.

"Are you going to suppress them?" kukas tilted his head and looked at the scroll in the ruby master\'s hand. "I suggest you directly wipe out their souls. Only in this way will they never trouble you."

"Your means are too cruel. I won\'t suppress them, which will also make me cruel. Well, I\'ll exile them into the endless void. Maybe they need to be clean there and reflect on their actions. If they realize their mistakes, they can come out of it." the ruby master shook his head and smiled softly.

"Ha ha! Compared with your means, my means are far less than yours. Well, to tell the truth, exile them is more cruel than suppressing them." kukas rolled his eyes, shook his head and smiled. However, although his proposal did not receive the support of the ruby master, he would not be angry. After all, everyone has the right to choose to deal with their enemies.

"Cruel? Exile them into the endless void. It can\'t be said that one day their soul will evolve into a legendary void treasure or even a void prop, so that they will exist in the world forever. Everyone will envy them and envy them." the ruby master blinked and threw the scroll into the unhealed broken space with his backhand: "They may even benefit from it and be saved."

"I\'m afraid they won\'t be saved the day the void disappears." After listening to the words of the ruby Sutra, kukas\'s cheeks twitched. In his understanding, the endless void was vast, and a scroll fell into the void, where it was like a grain of dust, and no one would notice it. It was not so easy for people to save them, even if they had top prophets to do it for them I found it. After all, the endless void is so vast that even the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven are unable to detect the specific situation of the whole void.

While kukas was talking to the ruby master, the battle between the two sides began to tilt.

The people at the gate of heaven were all angry when they saw that the two lurk companions were killed. They didn\'t care about anything, but frantically displayed their killing secrets.

Although most of these killing mysteries are the means of the seventh level peak, the power generated is still extremely powerful under their full encouragement.

Several spellcasters have mastered the eighth level killing secret method. They focus their energy on the ruby Sutra. One secret method is released: Shattering the sky, breaking the earth, carrying infinite momentum and war intention to kill kukas and them.

The black dragon waved its wings, stabbed its ferocious claws into the void, then tore out two black and gold spears and threw them out to block.

A series of explosions sounded, and the violent magic power was rampant. Some soldiers of the abyss alliance couldn\'t resist the broken magic power. They were directly broken. The blood mixed with gold and silver was scattered all over the ground, but they were seriously injured. If the master didn\'t act in time, I\'m afraid some of them would fall here.

"Come on! I didn\'t expect these people to control the eighth level killing secret. If you delay any longer, someone will fall." the ruby master frowned slightly and reminded kukas that he couldn\'t wait any longer.

"Then let me rebuild a fallen land!" shaking his head left and right, his thick neck made a jumping sound, and his muscles were like Zhalong, wriggling on him.

As soon as the voice fell, the smile on the corner of the ruby master\'s mouth just appeared, kukas\'s body blurred. The next moment, the black dragon roared, and a gray and black fighting spirit wrapped the black dragon. Then they turned into a streamer and appeared directly in front of a caster.

The streamer was broken, revealing the huge body and ferocious head of the black dragon. When the caster\'s face surprised all his magic defense, the broken streamer was consciously transformed into a light curtain under the control of the black dragon, enveloping all the more than 100 feet.

"It\'s the dragon knight." the surprised caster immediately figured out what happened after seeing the black dragon. Without any hesitation, after urging all his magic defense, he worried about an accident. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he took out a rare defense magic prop.

A lot of magic power was instilled into the shield like props, from which countless prohibitions were born, forming a thousand layers of defense array around the caster.

After that, the caster urged the secret spell to flash to other places to distance himself from the dragon knight in front of him.

The white light flickers and appears in place after the body is blurred. The result was too late to surprise the caster. He saw another big hand sticking out of the black dragon\'s head.

The space in front of the big hand was slightly distorted, and then the big hand fell, carrying infinite thunder and fire to beat on its own defense prohibition.


With a soft sound, all the caster\'s magic defenses were wiped out in front of kukas\'s footprint like easily broken bubbles.

In his opinion, the precious magic defense props did not hold on for a moment under the big hand, and were twisted into pieces by the big hand in an instant.

The body without magic defense seemed extremely fragile. The thin body burst into a blood mist under the twisted space force. The soul and mind hidden in the body are also forcibly erased by the power of ground seal, and the whole person completely disappears from the world.

It\'s an incredible thing for others to shoot and explode an eighth level professional with a killing secret, but it\'s too easy for kukas. Moreover, in order to ensure that one hit will kill, he also urged the black dragon to use the knight\'s secret method and appeared in front of the caster in an instant, which killed the other party with his strong posture.


With a low roar, the black dragon shook his head and claws tore the sky, and his huge body appeared directly next to another caster.

The caster just realized that his companion had been killed, but before he could react, the black dragon\'s huge claw broke his head and his soul. Dozens of magic defenses shrouded in him had no effect under the claws of the black dragon.

After the big hands flipped and clapped and exploded the bodies of three or five spell casters, the people at the gate of heaven were completely alarmed. They didn\'t expect that the Dragon Knight killed five or six companions in just a few breathing times. And those companions are the most powerful casters among them. The result frightened the rest of the people.

When kukas punched another soldier and wiped out his soul, these professionals of the gate of heaven did not dare to stay here anymore. They fear war, but they are not afraid of death. But after death, even the soul is erased, which they can\'t accept. Even if the soul is broken into pieces, they also have the opportunity to reincarnate and rebirth, but in kukas\'s hands, all the dead have been wiped out, which means that they will never have the opportunity to reincarnate and rebirth again. Such a result is not what they can bear at all.

"Go!" the leading Archer shot arrows continuously, tore most of the body of a soldier of the abyss alliance, and took the lead in running to the distance. When others saw this, they all ran around.

"Do you want to go? Since you dare to stop me, don\'t want to leave." kukas smiled grimly and urged the black dragon under his feet to pursue.

"It seems that my kukas reputation is not so famous in the Arctic ice sheet over the years. Gaga! Let me use your blood to re describe my name! Let all the people in the Arctic ice sheet tremble because of my kukas name." he growled in a low voice, and the black dragon made a strange cry, and pursued those people with open teeth and claws.

It is a secret method to urge the knight. The black dragon is fast and lightning, thousands of miles away in an instant.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The black light condenses and disperses. Every time it gathers, a person at the gate of heaven explodes his soul and body. Under kukas\'s footprint, no one can resist, even for a breathing time.