Abyss Knight

Chapter 711

The momentum was like a rainbow. The momentum gathered by more than a dozen soldiers collided with the momentum gathered by more than 30 people of the other party.

Boom! A loud noise: the space is distorted and the earth is broken; The sword is broken and the dark clouds collapse; Alone, kukas did not suffer too much from the collision of momentum.

With this powerful momentum collision, the members of the gate of heaven who came to kill suddenly became vigilant: "although there are few people in the abyss alliance, the momentum is extremely powerful. We must deal with it carefully."

"It\'s also a good idea to persuade them to leave and give up the God\'s hiding place."

"Kill the people of the abyss alliance and use their heads to lay our glory."

Several different voices emerged in the minds of professionals at the gate of heaven. With the help of this momentum collision, they all had some special ideas.

Hundreds of miles away, but in a moment, more than 30 professionals of the gate of heaven stopped kukas in front of them. First, a god Archer appeared at the front of the team with a long bow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the God\'s hiding place that is about to fall is beyond your control. In this area, we have the largest number of people at the gate of heaven. You have no advantage here. In my opinion, you\'d better leave. In fact, there is no need for us to fight each other." the God Archer narrowed his eyes, A trace of killing breath emanated from him, and those breath wound around him to form a fuzzy killing image, thus revealing his powerful strength.

"There is no nonsense. If you want to stop us, you must show your skills. We are determined to get the place where the God is hiding." the ruby Sutra is unwilling to let the other party explain the interests. She is afraid that the psychology of the more than ten soldiers around her will be suppressed, so she stretched out her hand to point out to the God Archer of the gate of heaven: "You people at the gate of heaven just rely on a large number of people. In the past, you may run across the earth, but now when you meet us, it is the time for you to fall completely."


A soldier of the abyss alliance was the first to be restless. He waved his sword, cut a fight in the air and attacked the divine archer.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Driven by this soldier, more than a dozen other soldiers also screamed repeatedly. They waved their swords and axes and attacked the people at the gate of heaven.

"Bitch, you\'re looking for death." the leading God Archer was attacked the most, but those attacks were fighting and chopping. Although they looked fierce, their power was relatively weak.

The long bow in his hand shook, and the bow and arrow shot a red light at the ruby master.

The red light spans several miles in an instant. When flying, it vaguely distorts the space. A trace of evil breath twines on the arrow and firmly locks the position of the master.

The heavy scriptures were opened in the hands of the ruby master without delay. Ancient words flew out of the Scriptures, and then turned into golden lights around the soldiers around her. After receiving the blessing of these golden lights, more than a dozen soldiers only felt that their fighting space was strengthened dozens of times, and their fighting recovery speed was also increased by several times tenfold.

"Chop the broken Peng!" a soldier roared. The sword in his hand crossed a strange arc in the air. A trace of fighting spirit was instilled into the sword from his hand. The space around the sword was vaguely distorted, and a beam of fighting spirit was released from it, and then an evil Peng image was formed.

The evil Peng had a ferocious head, sharp feathers and bright claws. In a strange cry, he broke away from the war knife and collided with the red arrow light.


Accompanied by a dull explosion, the arrow light was broken, the pengniao dissipated, and finally evolved into a broken fighting spirit, raging around.

Waving the sabre, the soldier once again urged the killing method of broken Peng to kill directly at the opposite God archer. At the same time, other soldiers also exercised their own killing secrets and attacked the people at the gate of heaven.

"Kill them! Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all! Come out of a fallen land."

The soldiers of the abyss alliance rely on the secret Dharma support of the master, and the more they kill, the more crazy they become. Although they are one-to-two or even one-to-three, they can constantly urge the killing secret Dharma without paying attention to the consumption of their fighting spirit and the turbulence of space.

Although the number of people at the gate of heaven was dominant, they could not continuously urge the killing secret method because of their own fighting space or magic space. Therefore, the two sides even drew at one time.

Kukas stood motionless on the black dragon\'s head. The black dragon roared ferociously, opened his mouth and spewed out dragon breath. He stood around, but resisted some attacks that missed the defense of the soldiers, so as to ensure the absolute safety of the ruby master.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" a roar sounded in the mouths of both sides. Everyone released their breath to the limit, so as to suppress their enemies.

Although kukas didn\'t make a move, he was extremely cautious about him in the eyes of some people at the gate of heaven.

Feeling the vigilance of some people, kukas smiled strangely. After decades of killing in the polar ice field, he was not interested in the struggle of the newly promoted eighth level professionals, because with his previous killing experience and means, killing these professionals was just a matter of turning over his hands.

What he has to do now is to make the soldiers who follow him grow up as much as possible, so as to become a qualified eighth level professional.

Kukas\'s strange smile made some people at the gate of heaven more uneasy.

Several spirits exchanged with each other among these people: "you should be careful. Among these people, there is a dragon knight and a black dragon knight. We should prevent his thunder blow."

"We must kill the dragon knight. I believe his head must be more precious than the heads of ordinary abyss demons."

"Don\'t be careless. You should know that the Knights are extremely powerful, and the Dragon Knight is the representative of them. Be careful. Kill those small miscellaneous fish in a moment and surround him."

"We\'ll set aside some casters to kill the woman with the ruby on her head first."

"Yes, this woman is very strange. She is the most difficult Sutra to provoke. As long as we kill her, those miscellaneous fish will be easy to deal with."

Under the exchange of secret Dharma, the people at the gate of heaven quickly separated seven or eight casters from the battlefield. After a little rectification, they gathered strength and attacked the ruby Sutra together.

Death ray, petrified light, lightning spear, and seven or eight different single magic at a time hit the ruby master.

"Want to kill the Sutra? It seems you\'re not stupid!" kukas stood on the faucet and saw that the people at the gate of heaven only took action against the female Sutra now. He couldn\'t help smiling mockingly: "under my protection, it\'s really a delusion to want to kill the Sutra."

When his mind turned, the black dragon immediately understood his mind. Although the black dragon was still reluctant to be controlled by kukas, under the suppression of internal prohibition, he had to open his mouth and blow out dragon breath and dragon Qi to resist those magic.

"Damn it, can\'t you do it? I\'m just helping you fly." while resisting those magic attacks, the black dragon complained loudly: "these heavenly gates are small characters. You can kill them with one hand. Why tease them?"

The voice of the black dragon was very loud. Under his intentional control, the words of provocation in disguise were instantly transmitted to the gate of heaven.

"What a rampant black dragon, what a rampant dragon knight. Everyone, help me kill them together." the divine archer in the gate of heaven screamed, stretched his bow and arrow and shot at kukas.

Magic arrows shot out one by one, turned into streamers in the air, and shrouded kukas from all directions.

"Roar!" the black dragon roared, the ferocious dragon head shook again and again, the huge wings waved, fanned out a golden whirlwind, and twisted the arrows into powder.

At this time, the ruby master standing on the black dragon frowned slightly, because in her perception, she found that two lurks had passed through the guards of the soldiers and appeared around the black dragon.

Turning to look at kukas, he found that kukas was just standing there with a grim smile, as if he didn\'t notice the arrival of the lurks at all.

The two lurkers hiding in the void passed through the defense of more than ten soldiers and smoothly entered the range of the black dragon.

They saw the unprepared scribes and knights, hesitated a little, and finally chose the scribes as their targets at the same time.

"Gaga! A beautiful head is far more precious than a man\'s head."

"Yes, and it\'s also the head of a Confucian master."

The two lurks communicated with each other, and then shot at the same time. Their bodies turned into black smoke, shuttled through the void and killed the ruby master at the same time.

In the face of the killing of the two lurks, although the ruby master didn\'t care on his face, he was already ready in his heart. Several ancient words were directly condensed into the meditation space by her secret method. Although the means were ready, she didn\'t do it.

Of course, this is not to test kukas, but she and kukas work together to test the black dragon under her feet.

Hundred feet, tens of feet, ten feet, more than ten feet.

The black smoke transformed by the two lurks shuttled back and forth to the female Sutra in the void. Only after a distance of more than Zhang, the black dragon at the foot of kukas roared and shot.

In fact, the black dragon found the two lurks long before the female Sutra noticed them. However, he didn\'t want to take action. He even deliberately sprayed dragon breath and dragon Qi to stir up the space, trying to mislead kukas and the female Sutra.

However, when the two lurks appeared tens of feet away from the female Sutra, he felt the pressure from his head. He knew that if he didn\'t do it, his head would be trampled on again.

Even so, he still delayed until the two lurks were close enough to make a slow move.