Abyss Knight

Chapter 710

"Tired means tired of the war." kukas smiled in a low voice. He had seen the tired eyes of the ruby master many times in a short time, but she never showed fatigue on her face.

"Are you tired? The ruby master looked at kukas curiously and asked softly," if you leave here with me "

"No, I\'m fine here. Look! On this polar ice sheet, no one dares to attack me unless he meets a novice at the gate of heaven. Do you think I\'ll leave here under such circumstances? I\'m actually safer here." kukas shook his head and said wildly.

Of course, he is qualified to be rampant, because at least thousands of killing spears and dozens of killing Jinge are stored in his magic ring. The existence of these things makes him pay no attention to the enemies on the polar ice sheet.

The rest time passed quickly. In the last period, more than a dozen professionals gave up their cultivation and lay on the ground like ordinary people for a period of time, including the ruby master. However, kukas did not do so. He just sat quietly by the fire and waited silently for the next killing.

After the break, kukas led the more than ten soldiers on the journey again.

Under the sky shrouded in flames and poisonous smoke, there was a smell of killing and resentment everywhere. The bald evil man took a few hard breaths, and then urged the black dragon to spread his wings and soar under the sky.

More than a dozen professionals followed around the black dragon, cruising over the broken earth.

The ruby Sutra sits on the head of the black dragon. She uses a special magic prop to detect the surrounding situation. As long as she finds a team at the gate of heaven, she will remind kukas to rush to kill.

A violent thunder came out of the sky in the distance. Looking along with the sound, there were fireworks in the distance. The ruby master quickly controlled her magic props, but the breathing time locked a position.

"There seems to be a precursor to the emergence of the God\'s hiding place." the ruby Sutra calmly said her discovery. The voice was not loud. Kukas could hear it, and more than a dozen other soldiers could also hear it.

Kukas and Ruby were numb to the God\'s hiding place, but the new soldiers were excited.

In fact, before they came here, these soldiers had heard the news that God\'s hiding place was rich in the eternal plane. They all dreamed of excavating precious God materials and a large number of magic materials in the God\'s hiding place, so as to exchange a large amount of contributions with the alliance in order to get out of the war as soon as possible.

However, after they arrived at the eternal plane, they did not have the opportunity to exploit the God hiding place. Because there are more and more professionals on the polar ice sheet, a god hiding place often appears, but it can be mined out in just a day or two. Some teams even guard a large God hiding place, where to mine relatively common magic materials to exchange contributions Go.

In this case, these soldiers are extremely eager to have a new God hiding place fall in front of them, and then enter the ore vein to personally check the divine materials contained therein.

"Go and have a look there." seeing the eager expressions of the soldiers around, kukas turned his mind, and then urged the black dragon to rush in the direction detected by the ruby master.

The God hiding place has not yet fallen to the ground, but a large number of teams have sensed its emergence. Therefore, kukas and his team really met many teams at the gate of heaven on the way.

The number of members of these teams is often larger than that of kukas, so they often send out strong hostility, separated by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles, hoping to make kukas shrink back and give up the idea of competing for the place of God.

"Hehe! Kukas, I find you are too low-key these days. These people don\'t know you at all and want to kill you. Oh! What a wonderful idea!" the ruby master muttered with kukas with a smile after he noticed the ideas of those people in the team of the gate of heaven.

"No, the idea is not wonderful at all." kukas shook his head and smiled grimly. "Maybe someone will put the idea into practice in a short time."

The development of things is exactly what kukas imagined. Because in this area, most of the people walking in the sky are the teams of the gate of heaven. They are tens of thousands of miles away from each other, but under the power of wonderful magic, this distance does not prevent them from identifying the enemy and ourselves.

"Destroy the team of the abyss alliance. The God hiding place that is about to fall belongs to the gate of our kingdom of heaven." such a voice was made in the team.

Dozens of magical forces communicated with each other within millions or even thousands of miles. With their communication, a team of the gate of heaven nearest to kukas rushed towards them.

When those people were walking here, ruby spar noticed it first. She fiddled with the magic props in her hand and whispered to the people: "everyone, a team of more than 30 people from the gate of heaven came to kill us. I think you should be ready for battle."

The battle hint of the ruby Sutra made all these soldiers subconsciously nervous. Although they exist as eighth order, they just become eighth order after all. Most people have not mastered the eighth level killing secret. Now they still rely on the low-level means. And their mind has not completely changed. After all, their promotion to level 8 is too short. In this short time, they have not experienced the precipitation of time and the baptism of struggle. Therefore, in kukas\'s view, they are not really level 8.

Seeing the confused soldiers, kukas shook his head helplessly. These soldiers have followed him through three or five battles, but they are still not mature, which makes him feel a little disappointed.

"Maybe we should clean them up." kukas changed his mind a little bit because of his disappointment with these soldiers.

"After a few more battles, they will be fully mature. That\'s how we got here." when the ruby master knew kukas\'s idea, he slowly shook his head and denied his idea: "giving them some opportunities is actually giving us some opportunities."

"Well, let them be the main force in this war and let me protect you." kukas touched his bald head and muttered in a low voice. Now he doesn\'t care about the encirclement and killing of thirty or fifty eighth level professionals, even if only he and the ruby master are the same.

"Defend! They must get used to helping me defend after all." the ruby master smiled in a low voice.

When they talked in secret language, a powerful smell of killing came thousands of miles away. These smells distort the sky, break the earth and send out endless war spirit to sweep towards kukas and them. Even if it was thousands of miles apart, kukas and they felt it clearly.

"Urge your breath, don\'t let their breath suppress us." after decades of war, ruby Sutra gradually has the ability to command.

Under her command, more than a dozen soldiers reacted. In fact, they have experienced war, but they still can\'t adapt. You know, the battle of high-level professionals is much different from that of low-level professionals.

More than a dozen soldiers, reminded by the ruby master, sent out a breath of killing. These murderous smells gathered together, and then evolved into a sword hundreds of feet in size, and cut it towards the gate of heaven.

Reminded by the ruby master, these soldiers are scattered around the black dragon to form a strange Dharma array. Then they urged their natural abilities to increase the combat effectiveness of themselves and their companions.

Some soldiers were restless and directly urged themselves to fight. A trace of fighting spirit was released from them and wrapped around them. Although there was no power to distort space, it could be regarded as fierce.

The breath of the troops from the gate of heaven who came to kill in the distance became stronger and stronger. Their breath collided with the breath of more than a dozen soldiers hundreds of miles apart, and then made a huge roar.

The thunder like voice sounded, and the war knives condensed in the breath were broken. As a result, the faces of the more than ten soldiers could not help looking ugly. Fortunately, when they saw kukas standing on the black dragon with a look of indifference, they calmed down a little.

Thunder billowed and a dark cloud swept over from a distance. In the dark clouds, there are thunder and lightning, monsters roar and monsters are ferocious. Where the dark clouds go, the space around them is faintly distorted.

The ruby master opened the heavy Scripture in his hand and read it quietly. The voice was not loud, but the soldiers around couldn\'t help cheering up after hearing her recitation. In their view, in the scuffle of dozens of people, the existence of a scribe is comparable to more than a dozen spell casters or priests.

"With the help of the master, we will be able to kill the garbage at the gate of heaven." a soldier roared in a low voice to strengthen his momentum and his companions.

"Yes, with the sutras, we don\'t have to care about the turbulence in the fighting space. We can use the secret method to kill endlessly. We will certainly let the garbage at the gate of heaven fall completely here and become a medal of honor for us to step into the place of God."

"Kill them, seize their props and treasures, and become the most powerful existence in the Arctic ice sheet."

More than a dozen soldiers roared. With their roar, the smashed momentum gathered again, and a sword hundreds of feet thick with breath appeared again, and then killed the dark clouds gathered at the gate of the kingdom of heaven.

"Kill this group of garbage. Kill! Kill! Kill!" a low roar made the momentum of these soldiers reach the peak.