Abyss Knight

Chapter 709

The war in the eternal plane has become extremely cruel. Alone on the polar ice sheet, at least one God hiding place is born every day, and the birth of each god hiding place represents a top existing corpse falling onto the polar ice sheet.

The polar ice sheet looks big, billions of miles in size, but relative to the whole eternal plane, the polar ice sheet is extremely small. On a known map of the eternal plane, the Arctic ice sheet is just a small barren land. According to kukas\' estimation, the struggle here may be the weakest.

Because in the God hiding place he explored, he found that all the fallen were gods, legends and demons, and there was no top existence of those special races falling here.

"Tell them to hurry up, we still need to go to another God\'s hiding place." kukas stared coldly at the busy companions below and said to the ruby master behind him.

"Don\'t worry, let them rest for a while!" the ruby master shook his head gently and whispered: "Maybe more than half of them will die in the next battle. Let them live longer! At least let them turn this harvest into their own strength, don\'t you think? It\'s difficult for us to recruit companions now. If they die in a short time, we will never be assigned members to the fortress Castle. At that time, do you think they can rely on us alone A, can you hang out on this Arctic ice sheet? "

Fortress castle, this thing is formed after the ice castle and more than a dozen other regional castles are gathered together.

Under the power of mysterious magic, more than ten bases similar to ice and snow castle are gathered together to form a huge fortress. Through that huge fortress, the level alliance continuously transmits the eighth level professionals to this level. Kukas can rest and recruit members in that fortress. Because this new fortress has extremely strong defense And attack power, the fortress has killed thousands of gods at the gate of heaven, so it is also called a war fortress by kukas.

"If we were alone on the Arctic ice sheet, I believe we could survive." kukas flicked and fiddled his fingers. Although there were no nails on his thick fingers, they still made a clanging sound.

"Don\'t deceive yourself, kukas. Do you think only the people at the gate of heaven are your enemies in the Arctic ice sheet? If I remember correctly, a dragon provoked you a few days ago. Maybe next time, several dragons are provoking you." The ruby master clearly remembered that she came to this eternal plane with kukas in the same group. At that time, she heard that someone in the alliance was going to attack kukas. However, for so many years, those people have been waiting for opportunities until a few days ago.

"To tell you the truth, that dragon is really stupid. If he forbears and waits for a chance of thunder, he will definitely surprise you." the ruby master muttered nervously: "I think we\'d better not go back to the war fortress to recruit members in a short time."

It\'s not unreasonable for the ruby master to say so. A few days ago, she followed kukas back to the war fortress. After hearing kukas\'s name, the people in power there only allocated him about half of his professionals. Moreover, they are all professionals of warrior type, and there is no other profession.

So from the ruby master\'s understanding, she guessed that people in the League had decided to attack kukas. In this case, she hoped that these professionals who followed kukas would try to reduce some casualties as much as possible.

"Well, maybe we can discuss with other teams and let them join us." kukas touched his bald head and sneered. He actually knew more about the little moves made by the people in the league than the ruby master, but he didn\'t bother to pay attention.

"Tell them they have only one day." Kukas finally compromised. At the request of the ruby master, he finally decided to let the soldiers who followed him live more time. To tell the truth, after spending decades on the polar ice field, there were not tens of thousands of God hiding places excavated by him and the ruby master, but also seven or eight thousand. Therefore, he was not very interested in the God hiding place 。

However, on this polar ice field, he needs to kill and kill professionals of the gate of heaven, which is his task here. Therefore, he and the ruby female Sutra must find something to do, because it is easy to fatigue their mind simply to find someone to kill. Of course, more importantly, a new God hiding place often appears, which will seduce both the gate of heaven and the God hiding place Some of Fang\'s teams appear there. Go to dig the God\'s hiding place, or you can easily kill some hostile eighth level beings.

The ruby master jumped from the black dragon\'s head and slowly floated to the relatively young professionals. There, she told them about kukas\'s decision. When they knew his decision, they all relaxed.

At first, dozens of them followed kukas from the war to the polar ice sheet, but now only more than ten days have passed, and about half of them have fallen together. In fact, they are under great pressure due to such cruel mortality.

In the past ten days, after they killed or were killed by the enemy, they would continue on the road after a little rest for one or two magic hours. There was no saying of a day off at all. Now, they can rest for a day, which will make them relax and tense their mind to the greatest extent.

After the ruby master passed kukas\'s order, more than a dozen professionals searched the body several times faster. Soon the broken props scattered in the rocks were cleared away by them. As for the bodies, they were melted by the black dragon\'s breath. After all, except for kukas, other people in their team don\'t have mounts or pets.

After finding a vein and digging a passage in the deep, the people rested here.

Large pieces of meat were taken out and baked by professionals. These meat pieces were obtained by hunting monsters walking in the earth and sky. Although the meat of these monsters is not very delicious, eating it is still very helpful to clean up the hidden wounds of professionals.

The roars in the sky rang out constantly. Those roars were not caused by the struggle of the top beings, but the movement caused by the face\'s self adjustment due to the drastic internal changes.

The professionals talked in a low voice. They knew about kukas\'s strength and the tenderness of the ruby master, so kukas himself would not be involved in the conversation.

Ruby Sutra didn\'t sit with kukas. She gathered among the new professional clothes with a smile and told them about some things that happened to her, hoping to increase their combat experience through these things. Of course, she has said this experience many times, but she will tell them when she has time, because she doesn\'t want these people to die. Because every time a professional dies, it means they are in danger, and she is likely to fall in danger.

After all, it\'s different from decades ago. Now Ruby sutras can\'t get the protection of shield guards because they follow kukas. She can only put her hope on these soldiers and let them protect herself.

Kukas shook his head and laughed in a low voice while listening to the ruby Sutra talking about his combat experience with the soldiers. In his opinion, those experiences were just specially selected by female sutras for their own survival. If those soldiers follow her method, it can be said that the master will not be in any danger on the battlefield, but those soldiers will definitely die.

The magic branch burned and made a slight noise. A female soldier took out a large amount of wine and threw it to her companions. Although they had only stepped into the battlefield for more than ten days, they were under greater pressure than they had ever been under before, so they needed these drinks to relax themselves.

With the help of drinks, these soldiers complained and cursed, venting their suffocation and pressure in their hearts. The ruby Sutra, as before, acts as a listener.

Of course, such venting did not last long. After all, those who can become high-level professionals have extremely strong psychological endurance. They just can\'t adapt for a while.

After a short vent, these soldiers began to sit quietly and adjust their state, or turn over and get the grill in front of them, put and get the food in a daze.

The ruby master returned to kukas and sat there silently with his knees folded, staring at the fire in front of him.

In the light of the fire, a trace of deep fatigue and helplessness appeared in her eyes. But when she raised her head to greet the soldiers, the fatigue and helplessness were quickly covered up by her.

"Relax, we are absolutely safe on the Arctic ice sheet." kukas turned over and got the grill in front of him, then reached out and tore a piece of meat into his mouth. He muttered carelessly on his face: "if you really can\'t bear it, leave this position! I know that your accumulated merit is enough to get you out of this endless killing."

"Leave here? After leaving here, I will be dispatched to other battlefields. I can\'t say it will be more cruel and dangerous than here." the ruby master put his chin on his knee, shook his head and whispered, "I\'m afraid I\'ll be more dangerous without your protection in a new place. I just feel a little tired and don\'t get tired of the war."