Abyss Knight

Chapter 708

At the end of the refining of killing props, kukas paid attention to the professionals who were refining drugs.

After a long observation, he finally found some abnormalities.

In the fighting spirit or magic flame emitted by the professionals who swallowed the medicine, he suddenly found that those pictures were somewhat the same as the memory of which fallen god he got in the vein.

In the picture, a goddess fights in the endless void. Her enemies are demons, giants, legends and gods.

"Memory, memory of fallen gods." kukas realized it for a long time. At this moment, he understood why the ruby female Sutra and the old mage must ask for medicine. It turned out that the medicine could not only revive them when their souls were destroyed, but also let them get the memory of fallen beings.

In kukas\'s view, the memory of these fallen top beings is countless times more precious than those divine materials. Divine materials are easy to get, but a top memory can\'t be obtained at all unless it has a special opportunity. And every top memory is extremely precious to those professionals who have not been promoted to legend or gods.

Because every little more such memory, they may go further on the road of cultivation, and even give them the opportunity to win the legend and God.

After discovering kukas\'s abnormality, other professionals also carefully observed those who swallowed drugs. Some of them soon reacted and found that the pictures floating in the fighting spirit and magic flame belonged to the falling goddess. They were all annoyed. However, things have reached such a point that they can\'t recover even if they are annoyed.

As time went by, the words and pictures that appeared on the practitioners of refining drugs gradually became scarce, and in the end, they completely disappeared.

The ruby nun was the first to wake up. When she saw the jealous and annoyed faces of the professionals surrounding the guards, she blinked her big eyes, then opened her small mouth and whispered, "I didn\'t expect this thing to have other effects."

As soon as she said this, the old mage who also knew the effect of the drug subconsciously frowned, but he still closed his eyes and sat motionless as if he were not awake. Of course, deep in his heart, he had already begun to complain about the ruby female Sutra.

"Well, there\'s no need to explain anything. We can all taste this strange drug when we have a chance in the future." kukas shook his head and smiled in a low voice. He didn\'t envy these people who got benefits, because he got more benefits and played more secretly.

"We will find other mineral veins that may contain divine materials immediately. It can\'t be said that there will be unexpected harvest there."

"Yes, there can be a divine medicine here, and it may be born in other places." a professional said hurriedly: "we must hurry up, otherwise those who fled the gate of heaven will come back, and we won\'t have that chance."

In the whispered conversation, kukas and his team once again opened the growing ore channels. After returning to the surface, they identified the direction as quickly as possible, and then flew to the northernmost end of the God\'s hiding place. There, it is likely that there will be a falling tip and a vein of brain evolution. They are likely to get some divine materials or divine medicine there.

Dozens of streamers streamed across the sky at the same time. In order to frighten some monsters evolved by those falling top beings, everyone released their own breath and rushed on the road.

After kukas stepped on the black dragon and appeared at the northernmost end of the God hiding place, a caster quickly checked the trend of the mountains here.

After a few breaths, when a messy mountain map appeared before and after kukas, he was desperate here.

"Let\'s go! It seems that this God is unlucky and his head has been shot. There are only the peaks of her brain evolution scattered here. Even if there are mineral veins, it is estimated that there will not be any divine materials." some professionals turn their lips and mutter reluctantly.

"Go!" kukas was not a wordy person. After finding that there was no too large ore vein formed here, he urged the black dragon to fly in the other direction of the God hiding place. They also have to dig the mineral vein evolved by the spine of this God hiding place.

Under normal circumstances, there will be a large number of divine materials in the mineral veins evolved by the spine ghost in every god reserve.

Dozens of veins were intertwined with each other. After detailed identification, the casters quickly chose a vein to go in.

The final result makes all professionals feel very satisfied, because they have harvested a lot of divine materials in this vein.

However, some professionals feel unwilling, because in this harvest, they did not see the magic medicine that can instill memory knowledge into users.

When they found that there were still no hostile professionals passing by, kukas and them continued to stay in the God hiding place for some time. During this time, they explored other larger ore veins. In such a vein, they also accidentally harvested several pieces of divine materials the size of their heads.

Although the quantity is not large, it is divine material after all. If they put it before the war, they can\'t see a piece, even a piece the size of a finger.

Some other small lodes may have divine materials, but kukas and his team did not focus on those small lodes. Because a piece of divine material was excavated there, which was no more than the size of a fist. It was divided equally among dozens of people, but one person was only a little.

Moreover, mining these small veins will also waste a lot of time. Instead of wasting a lot of time and getting little harvest, it is better to use the same time to search for new God reserves.

With this in mind, after cleaning up several large ore veins in the God\'s hiding place, kukas and his team left here and continued to wander on the Arctic ice sheet.

Kill professionals at the gate of heaven, or escape each other\'s killing. Dig God\'s hiding place, or do it for nothing. The days passed little by little.

With the passage of time, fewer and fewer professionals followed kukas: some professionals followed the low-level professionals in the ice and snow city to find a suitable time to leave this position after exchanging a large amount of magic materials for enough contributions. But more were killed in a series of battles.

Although a large number of professionals still joined kukas\'s team during this period, they could not live long and were soon killed.

Decades later, in kukas\'s team, more than a dozen other high-level professionals, except the ruby Sutra, were all newly joined.

Although these professionals also exist at level 8, their killing methods are far inferior to those of kukas, who has killed for decades by level 8 or even level 9 professionals.

These professionals have just been promoted to the eighth level, and then sent here after a short ten-year latent training. Most of them, like the former low-level professionals in the ice and snow city, were killed after surviving for dozens of days or even less in this war. Only a few survive longer, but in kukas\'s view, they can\'t live more than a year at most.

The billions of miles of Arctic ice sheets have disappeared in decades of fighting. At first, there are rolling peaks or bottomless Canyon cracks everywhere.

There are more and more God hiding places. By this time, some of the first God hiding places have been completely covered by the later God hiding places. Often, under a god hiding place, there will be several or even more than ten God hiding places entrenched there.

In the decades long showdown, night never fell in the sky of the polar ice sheet. In the sky tens of thousands of feet high, there are burning flames everywhere. The flames tumble and slowly extinguish after colliding with each other for a period of time, or exist all the time. These flames are the legacy of the top beings in battle. Part is formed by magic fighting spirit, and part is formed by the burning of blood essence or powerful magic props.

The whole sky was twisted by the flames. If not this eternal plane is the top plane, I\'m afraid the flame left by those powerful beings alone can burn the whole plane.

The burning sky is very used to kukas, but it is too unusual for those high-level professionals who have just come to this position. However, as long as they have experienced some battles, they immediately forget those discomfort. Because everyone here is busy for their own lives and has no time to pay attention to environmental problems.

Kukas stepped on the head of the black dragon and stood behind him a ruby female Sutra. The black dragon was lying on a collapsed mountain and staring at the busy professionals below.

More than ten professionals are constantly busy in the broken mountains. They have just fought with some professionals at the gate of heaven under the leadership of kukas. The last group was completely killed by kukas, who had just become the eighth order of the gate of heaven.

While kukas was resting, these professionals quickly collected things from the dead.

Broken magic props, precious magic materials and metal ores, and even magic books and memory crystals that store knowledge.

In this battle, dead creatures are not respected. Their bodies will be turned over and removed by the enemy, and all their supplies will be searched to supplement themselves. Finally, their bodies are wiped out or thrown to their mounts.