Abyss Knight

Chapter 707

In this underground space, which is only more than a hundred feet in size, there is a pool of water in the center. The pool water is red, and there is a tall divine material in the center. At the top of the divine material, there is a strange flower.

The flower blooms, and at the stamen, a baby curls up on it; The immeasurable light and breath emanated from the baby.

"Safina\'s nostalgia!" after seeing the baby curled on the huge divine material, the ruby female Sutra shouted, "it\'s mine." while talking, she subconsciously rushed to the divine material and wanted to find the baby in the flowers above.

"Stay here." kukas shrieked, stretched out his hand to penetrate the magic defense of the female Sutra, pressed her shoulder and said, "who does this thing belong to needs to be considered. Do you want it? Unless everyone agrees."

"Safina\'s nostalgia! Hehe, I didn\'t expect the legendary thing to be true." an old caster in the team smiled in a low voice: "in fact, the value of this thing is almost the same as that divine material."

"I\'ve never heard of such a thing. Tell me what it\'s good for." kukas and most professionals don\'t know the reason why the baby on the strange flower came from. And this is the first time they have seen this strange situation since they mined the divine materials in hundreds of veins.

"Safina\'s nostalgia is spread in some aspects: in ancient times, a goddess named Safina combined with an abyss devil, and their combination was cursed by the gods. Finally, the curse killed the goddess and the devil. But when the goddess fell, she already had the blood of the devil. The goddess fell in the back left This strange flower grows in the place where the flower is, and the baby on the flower is the blood of the legendary gods and demons. "

"Even legends can be instantly resurrected after death after eating a little of this. Even if the soul is erased, it can be instantly resurrected." the old mage simply told kukas about Safina\'s love: "its effect is far more than the resurrection scroll and magic."

"Can the lost soul be restored?" a group of professionals were all excited. Although they all have some resurrection scrolls, those resurrection scrolls do not have the ability to resurrect those whose souls disappear. In most of today\'s battles, the souls of the losers are often erased or broken to pieces. The power of the resurrection scroll has no effect at all.

Now I hear that something can revive the erased soul. How can this not make them crazy?

Although the divine material is very precious, compared with the things that revive the soul, the divine material is like a worthless thing.

Almost all professionals have this idea in their minds. After listening to the old mage\'s explanation, they all focus on the sleeping baby curled up in the stamens. As for the divine material with a powerful breath, no one paid attention to it.

The ruby nun\'s face was a little ugly. She wanted to swallow Safina\'s nostalgia alone, but after the old mage said the effect of this thing, she knew she didn\'t have the ability to swallow it alone. Now the best result is to get enough recovered souls, even if it\'s good.

Kukas is not too excited about Safina\'s nostalgia. He completely controls a plane and can directly resurrect with the help of the original power of the plane, so he doesn\'t care about it at all.

In his opinion, there are a large number of divine materials to make killing props, which is far more effective than the medicine that can revive the soul.

A killing prop can save his life once. The medicine for resurrecting the soul can also save a life. But the former may kill the enemy on the premise of saving one-time life. The latter can only save his life once, but he does no harm to his enemies. It is likely to be killed by the enemy again after resurrection.

Of course, kukas did not say what he thought. Now he just wants other professionals to compete for the shrinking baby and voluntarily give up their due talents. In this way, he can get more divine materials.

Around Safina\'s nostalgia, dozens of professionals began to quarrel. However, the quarrel did not last long and soon came to an end.

It turned out that some professionals also thought of the same idea as kukas, so they gave up the struggle for the nostalgia for Safina and wanted to get more divine materials, so as to fundamentally improve their strength.

Of course, the remaining professionals have always stubbornly believed that the medicine that can restore the soul has a greater effect on them. This includes the ruby scribe and her companion priest, as well as the old mage.

After arguing for nearly a hundred breath times, it finally came to fruition. About half of the people chose to get Safina\'s nostalgia for this strange drug, while others, like kukas, chose divine materials.

The next thing was much easier. The ruby female Sutra cut the divine material with a secret method, and then divided it equally among kukas and them. Finally, the old mage cut the baby like medicine with a secret method and distributed it to those professionals.

Some professionals swallow it immediately after they get it. When the ruby female Sutra and the old mage saw that these people swallowed the drugs, their faces changed slightly. After they looked at each other, they had to swallow the medicine they had just got. Of course, these drugs can\'t have the greatest effect if swallowed in this way, but they still eat it in order to hide something and avoid unnecessary trouble. Moreover, in case of emergency, the ruby lady also reminded all those assigned to the drug to swallow the drug now.

Professionals who swallowed special drugs hurried to sit on the ground and began to recuperate, while kukas and others guarded them.

The fighting spirit and magic smell of these professionals who swallowed drugs became more and more powerful. Finally, fighting spirit and magic turned into flames and wrapped their bodies. In those flames, a large number of words and patterns loomed, but kukas didn\'t care about these things and thought it was just a normal reaction of drugs.

When seeing those people consuming their own drugs, kukas was unwilling to waste time. Instead, he took out his stored divine materials and just obtained divine materials and began to refine killing props.

The refining of killing props is actually very simple, but after carving special sentences and Dharma arrays on some divine materials with secret methods, these divine materials will condense into a disposable weapon by themselves. Of course, the shape of this weapon is actually condensed completely according to the characteristics of those divine materials.

The number of magic materials of the fusion killing props is different from the characteristics of each kind of magic material, and the shape and size of the self generated killing props are also different.

In the long years, after countless attempts, some professionals finally summarized the shapes of hundreds of killing props.

For example, the killing spear often gathered by kukas requires relatively few divine materials and few types. It only needs dozens of divine materials to do it. In a vein, although there is only one or several divine materials, these divine materials are not the same alone, but gathered by dozens or even hundreds of divine materials.

Often, after mining divine materials once, he can get the materials needed to refine the killing spear. It\'s just that the quantity of some divine materials may be insufficient.

Dozens of divine materials were placed in front of kukas in a certain number. Then he gathered fighting spirit and instilled it into his fingers, and carved words on these divine materials with his fingers little by little.

There are only a few ancient characters carved on each divine material, but these characters alone can form a complete meaning. Finally, after a simple Dharma array is carved on several larger divine materials, all divine materials are stacked together, and then a little mind and fighting spirit are instilled, and the divine materials will slowly evolve by themselves.

Although the killing spear of kukas does not use a large number of divine materials, it is enough to damage level 9 professionals. As for killing level 8 professionals, it\'s even easier.

Among all the killing props, the biggest power is a kind of Jinge. If you want to condense this kind of Jinge killing props, you need to consume dozens of times more divine materials than a killing spear. And its power is far more than the killing spear.

In legend, this kind of killing Jinge can kill level 10 and even hurt level 11 professionals.

For such powerful killing props, kukas only refined one. Of course, he hopes he will never use this killing prop. Because he uses this kind of prop, it means that he meets high-level professionals of level 10 or even level 11. At that time, even if he uses that prop, whether he can kill the enemy is still between two words.

After seven or eight killing spears were continuously quenched, kukas ended the quenching. It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to continue refining these killing props, but that he has no materials.

A piece of divine material several feet high is evenly distributed to more than ten people. Although it is quite a lot, not every kind of material is enough. And even if he wants to exchange with others, there are not enough materials for other professionals to exchange with him. In this case, the lack of a material is enough to make him stop the work.

Of course, he can also refine small killing props such as hand axe, but the power of these killing props is very low. At most, they are only killing level 8 professionals. They have no ability to hurt level 9. Therefore, he has no great desire for such props. After all, the killing methods of his ash Knight are very easy to use when killing ordinary level 8 professionals. There is no need to use killing props at all.