Abyss Knight

Chapter 706

Attracted by the memory of the gods, kukas focused most of his energy on the surrounding walls.

Under the control of the secret method, the mind evolved into a small nine awn star Dharma array structure, which was slowly branded on a wall, and then the mind could sense the information contained in it a little bit.

At first, the professionals who followed him did not know what kukas was doing. Some even suspected that there were special secrets hidden in the wall, so they had checked it in private. But they have no ancient professional inheritance, so they don\'t know the secrets hidden in the patterns.

For his behavior, kukas said that he asked his green skins to collect in the future, so he made a special mark here. Of course, not many people believe this explanation, so some cautious people secretly branded their mind marks on those walls when others didn\'t notice.

After the nine pointed star array structure was branded on the wall, there was nothing about kukas. The Dharma array structure will extract the power hidden in the magic material by itself, and then maintain the Dharma array for a long time.

The working array structure will extract the memory hidden under the pattern bit by bit, so as to obtain great benefits. Of course, although this extraction speed is extremely slow, it is often impossible to absorb the memory in a vein for hundreds of years, but kukas doesn\'t care about it.

He imprinted this mark in at least hundreds of veins, so every moment, some scattered information and knowledge were transmitted to his mind and stored through the strange Dharma array structure.

Although there is very little information from each brand, there are a lot of brands. Therefore, kukas is extremely satisfied with his harvest.

When kukas branded his secret magic mark, dozens of professionals killed the three headed snake as quickly as possible.

These three snakes are not yet pregnant and mature, and their strength has just reached level 8. When you can\'t move, it\'s too normal to be killed by dozens of level 8 professionals in the breath.

After the dead three headed snake was excavated by some professionals, the rest was stored as food. The flesh and blood of these three snakes is still good for high-level professionals. Taking the flesh and blood of these high-level monsters for a long time can slightly hurt the insides of professionals. Even after the secret method is made, it can speed up the recovery of fighting spirit or magic.

After the death of the three headed monster snake, it revealed the huge altar under it. This altar looks very ordinary. There are only a few simple patterns on it. These patterns are all about the three headed snake. It is because of these patterns that it gave birth to the three headed snake. The number of patterns above represents the breeding time of the three headed snake and the power bred in the future.

They didn\'t want to observe the number of patterns on the altar. After removing the body of the three headed snake, they took out some special magic props and began to deal with the huge altar.

In fact, the whole altar that looks very ordinary is completely formed by an extremely strong magic metal. These magic metals are extremely hard and have an extremely strong ability to resist fighting spirit and magic. An eighth level professional hits the altar with all his strength, which at most only makes a fist sized depression appear on the altar.

Of course, although such magic metal is very difficult to deal with, kukas and others have made some special cutting tools as early as a long time ago with the support of profound knowledge.

These tools are made of some equally strange magic metals. They are extremely strong and can quickly cut some items under the urging of fighting spirit or magic. Even some plane treasures specially used for defense will be torn by this special cutting prop.

However, this kind of cutting prop is very large, so it is not suitable for war, so kukas they are only used to search for divine materials.

The huge magic machine was more than ten feet high. Driven by a large number of magic crystals, several chains on it began to rotate rapidly. The chain turned and hit the huge metal altar. The fire burst and pieces of metal were forcibly cut off from the altar.

The cut pieces of metal were neatly stacked together by professionals. After counting the number, they were quickly stuffed into everyone\'s magic ring.

Although such magic metals are not divine materials, because they are very close to divine materials, they have some characteristics after being eroded by divine materials, and their effect is several times better than that of similar magic materials.

Kukas was not interested in these magic materials, but he collected them. In his opinion, these materials can\'t be used by themselves now, but it doesn\'t mean they can\'t be used in the future.

As time went by, the huge magic machinery kept turning, but in a short moment of magic time, the sacrificial platform tens of feet in size was cut, leaving only more than feet in size.

At this time, the cutting speed of the magic machine suddenly slowed down a lot. And every time you cut, you cut a thin layer of metal ore.

Professionals are all nervously staring at the chain of the magic machine moving and moving. Whenever the chain is cut, they will hope to see the trace of divine material, but after they can\'t see and feel the breath of divine material, they have to sigh helplessly, and then look forward to the next cutting.

As time passed, after hundreds of breathing time, the unique light of divine material was released.

This light is like a tide, pouring out from the gap to the surrounding, but in an instant, it fills the whole huge underground space. If not for kukas, the channel had been re grown with magic minerals when they came, the light of these divine materials would definitely break through the mountain peaks, go straight to the sky and lead all creatures within millions of miles.

"I hope this thing is bigger." in the battle just now, kukas used several killing spears continuously, so he hopes to collect enough divine materials this time to supplement his consumption.

The magic machine kept moving, and the last divine material the size of a washbasin appeared in front of the people. When they saw the specific size of the divine material, everyone cheered in a low voice.

Ruby scribe and kukas were the first to calm down. When the crowd cheered, the ruby female Sutra went to the divine material, then took out her thick Scripture and began to recite.

Some old and strange words flew out of her little mouth, which condensed into an irregular grid in the air. Finally, the grid fell and directly wrapped the divine material the size of the washbasin. The grid shrinks and cuts the divine material into blocks of the same size.

In the cheers, the people quickly put away these divine materials that emit boundless divine light. Some impatient people directly took out their own magic props, and then used the secret method to urge their own magic props to swallow their own divine materials, so as to increase the power of the props. However, more people store these things carefully and prepare to use these divine materials together when they have free time in the future.

After putting away his due divine materials, kukas took out a huge siege hammer and began to hit the ground below the altar.

The brilliant light on the siege hammer flickered, but kukas urged dozens of characteristics such as armor breaking, tearing, penetration and shock.

With the blessing of these magical characteristics, every time the Warhammer hits, a pit more than ten feet deep will appear on the earth.

Hit dozens of times in a row, and the more down to the bottom, the stronger the earth formed by the magic metal. In the end, kukas consumed too much energy. The female scribes and priests on one side quickly blessed him with auxiliary magic and divination, which enabled him to continue to dig the earth with all his strength.

A large number of prohibitions appeared in the pit, and these prohibitions continued to evolve, thus blocking his pace. But other professionals are not watching. These professionals use their own means to constantly erase those prohibitions, so as to reduce the pressure on kukas.

"Boom!" a hollow voice sounded. The next moment, kukas suddenly fell into a new underground space.

The violent breath and unwilling resentment followed the hole dug by kukas and vented wildly to the outside. These breath easily wiped out the prohibitions generated in the metal ore, and then filled the huge underground space outside.

The strong breath makes these high-level professionals feel great pressure, but at this moment, no one stays in place. They resist the threat of these breath and follow kukas in the new space below.

The new underground space below is only a hundred feet in size, but kukas was completely shocked by the things inside after they appeared here.

After several breaths, a soldier shouted excitedly, "ha ha! This vote will be more fruitful than we have done three or five times before. Ha ha!"

The soldier was only excited, and his fighting defense stagnated a little. Then he was directly hit and flew out by the strong breath filled in the underground space, and then fell on the wall. If it weren\'t for the timely action of the female Sutra, the soldier would be directly wiped out by the residual breath here.

Dozens of professionals have released their own strength: fighting spirit, surging magic, dozens of defense type magic props floating in them, and even some plane treasures have been carried out by professionals for prevention. After all, this is the place where gods hide. No one can say whether there are ferocious monsters here. In short, it\'s best to be careful. What\'s more, they have to resist the residual strong breath here. But with their own magic and fighting strength, they can\'t resist the residual breath at the falling top.