Abyss Knight

Chapter 705

"If you can\'t live, what permanent magic items should you consider? The existence of a killing item can at least save your life, and a magic item may just let you live longer." kukas explored the way ahead and couldn\'t help refuting his words.

Kukas\'s words were supported by some people, but also opposed by others. In this way, in the whispered argument, they walked down the ore vein.

The more you walk down, the narrower the ore vein channel is, but the quantity and quality of magic metal on both sides of the channel are gradually increasing.

The black dragon changed his body and became a big man with a feminine smell. After he changed into a man, he subconsciously touched his stomach, then sighed gently, followed kukas\'s steps and continued to move forward.

Gemstones and crystals more than one person high are mixed in those magic minerals. Some professionals begin to collect them subconsciously after seeing these things. These things are already precious to them.

However, kukas did not wait for the professionals who collected gemstones and crystals. On the contrary, they accelerated their speed and walked down the ore vein.

"These things are rubbish. When you see those magic materials, you will regret wasting your time here." seeing that the channel becomes narrower and some natural wonderful patterns begin to appear in the channel full of magic materials, kukas knew that they had chosen the right path. According to previous experience, there will definitely be divine materials under this vein.

"Yes, prepare for it." Ruby female sutras are actually very jealous of the magic materials around them, but they all know that this is not the time to waste time mining these things, so they subconsciously speed up the speed.

After walking hundreds of feet down again, the end of the passage appeared. At the end of the passage, a slowly growing metal wall appeared in front of the crowd.

The metal wall is not man-made, but natural. This metal wall is completely formed by extremely pure magic metal. When kukas and his colleagues appeared here, those magic metal walls constantly showed palm size prohibitions. These prohibitions are constantly generated. Every time they spread, new magic metals will be generated.

"Here it is." looking at the slowly growing magic metal, kukas laughed.

He reached out and grabbed a siege hammer. Then he waved the treasure and hit it hard on the growing magic metal wall.

"Bang!" when the hammer went down, the wall collapsed, and a depression of tens of feet appeared in front of the people. Broken magic metal was scattered on the ground, and professionals quickly gathered them up behind.

Kukas hit the magic metal wall in front of him quickly. Every time he hit it, the wall collapsed and sank more than ten feet deep.

A large number of prohibitions constantly emerged from these magic metals. When kukas broke the magic metals, new magic metals grew rapidly.

In the back, seven or eight casters began to constantly outline the prohibition to brand on the metal walls to temporarily prevent the growth of these magical metals.

The professionals behind are not idle. Some of them carry weapons to help kukas break these magic metals, but their power is too weak compared with kukas. Therefore, the number of broken magic metals is too small after several collisions.

All the way, the magic metal in front of kukas is getting better and more precious. However, the number of magic prohibitions is also increasing. At the back, every time kukas hit it, he felt that the power of magic prohibition was almost the same as the defense prohibition released by the eighth order casters.

Although it can\'t inspire magic and fighting spirit to break these magic metals here, it\'s not too difficult to break them alone with his powerful power.

Some strange magic metals that never appeared in front of the world began to appear. These things were extremely precious, but they were mercilessly smashed by kukas.

A piece of purple durian fire jujube stone with more than one person is the best material for making defense magic props for some high-level professionals. If it is placed in the general plane, even if you turn the whole plane over, you can\'t find any. But here, it appears in blocks.

The purple durian jujube stone, which is so tall, is even more precious to the shield guards. But in kukas\'s eyes, this thing really has no interest in him. Well, although he was in urgent need of these things when making fighting armor, now he doesn\'t even look at them in order to get divine materials.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Precious magic materials were broken under his hammer, and the professionals who followed him twitched their faces and gathered up the broken materials with a distressed face. Although these materials are broken, they are still precious.

Click! With a loud noise, the forbidden and magical metal wall in front of kukas was finally smashed by him.

A huge space appeared in front of everyone.

When kukas led the professionals into the huge space, he found a lonely altar suspended there. On the altar, a three headed strange snake was curled up.

The three headed strange snakes looked nearly 100 feet high when they were coiled on the sacrificial platform tens of feet in size.

The three snakeheads are of different sizes: the snakehead in the center is the smallest, but there are a lot of prohibitions on it. These prohibitions continue to evolve. Every time some prohibitions evolve, the snakehead will increase.

There are two goat horns on the snake head on the left, jumping at the top of the horns and burning two green flames. The flame rolled, and a professional explored it with his heart. In an instant, he was burned by the flame. If he hadn\'t made a quick decision and cut off his mind immediately, I\'m afraid the flame would always follow his mind and burn on his body.

The snake head on the right is the largest. The snake head several feet in size is covered with malignant tumors of different sizes. Those malignant tumors constantly expand and burst, and a large amount of venom is scattered from them.

These venoms dropped on the ground and corroded the earth under the altar, which was completely condensed by strange magic metal, into a deep pit.

In the deep pit, the venom rolled, and strange flowers floated up and down in it. It looked very strange.

As soon as they stepped into this huge space, the three headed snake perched on the altar noticed it. However, the head of the snake in the center did not move, and only the hair of the two huge snakes on the left and right hissed in a low voice.

The huge body wriggled a few times on the altar, but did not move too far. Obviously, the three headed snake has not really grown up. Without the support of the central snake head, its huge body can\'t move.

"That altar is definitely a good thing." some professionals swallowed saliva and muttered subconsciously when they saw the altar under the three headed snake.

"Nonsense, which altar we met before did not contain divine materials?" kukas also stared at the altar. In his eyes, the divine materials contained in the altar already belonged to them. As for the three headed snake entrenched on the altar, he didn\'t pay attention at all.

In his opinion, since the three headed snake has not been really bred, even if it is strong in the future, it is now just a beast that can be easily hunted.

Now the only thing he thought about was the amount of divine materials contained in the altar.

"Hiss! Hiss!" the two snake heads were excited when they saw dozens of creatures emitting powerful Qi and blood breaking into its territory. In its consciousness, as long as it swallows these dozens of creatures with powerful Qi and blood, its breeding can be completed in advance. The temptation of blood food made it forget its current situation.

"Kill it, don\'t waste time, there are more talents behind." a professional roared, then grabbed a javelin and threw it at one head of the three headed snake.

The javelin was entangled with strong fighting spirit, which was mixed with a golden light, tearing the sky and distorting the space. Finally, it evolved into a golden light and hit the three headed snake.

The strange snake hissed, and the big snake\'s head spewed out a mouthful of venom. The venom scattered on the golden light and instantly melted the fighting spirit attached to it. Finally, although it eroded most of the javelin, some javelins were still nailed to the snake\'s head.

The incomplete javelin pierced the snake\'s head, tore the scales on it, and then exploded, leaving a blood hole the size of a washbasin on the huge snake\'s head.

Other professionals also shot one by one. Some spell casters released spells to attack other snake heads, and some priests prayed and called for boundless holy light to turn into spears and swords to pierce the snake head in the center.

Kukas didn\'t do it at the first time. After asking the ruby female Sutra to add various auxiliary magic to many professionals, he released his mind and began to explore and study the wall of this huge space.

On this wall, there are all kinds of natural patterns. Ordinary professionals just think those patterns are exquisite and wonderful, but they don\'t have any other ideas. However, in kukas\' eyes, these patterns are the most precious treasures in the God\'s hiding place, even several times more precious than the magic props bred by those divine materials. Because these patterns are not other things, but evolved from the memory of falling top beings.

These memories are decorated with patterns. If he did not have the knowledge inherited by two extremely ancient knights, evil knight and ghost crying knight, he would not have found the secret.