Abyss Knight

Chapter 704

Taking advantage of this opportunity, kukas roared and stepped on the void. In an instant, he crossed the gap and escaped from the power of thousands of wrong killing.

"Roar!" kukas broke out in a cold sweat after escaping from the power of thousand wrong killing.

Turning his head to look behind him, he found that the chains of thousands of wrong killings were all wrapped together, and then shrunk into an irregular black ball the size of a washbasin, shrinking in the broken nothingness.


The killing talent sensed the dangerous smell contained in the black ball, which reminded him of the killing scroll and the dangerous smell sent to him by the God. So without any hesitation, he fell directly on the black dragon and rushed to the ruby Sutra and shouted.

These professionals of the abyss alliance have fought with kukas several times, so they are very aware of his sense of danger.

Kukas was in such a panic that they saw him for the first time. So no one hesitated and all turned around and ran away.

The black dragon roared. Although he was seriously injured because he hurried forward with kukas for a knight\'s secret method, after the treatment of the ruby master and priests, his body has recovered his basic action ability. At this moment, kukas, who is much stronger than himself, wants to run away. He waved his wings and fled away.

Kukas instantly fell on the black dragon\'s head. No matter what the black dragon\'s situation was at this time, he directly forced a large amount of ash fighting Qi into his body, and then urged the knight\'s secret method again. The ruby Sutra and her shield guards all appeared on the black dragon, and some priests who were competing with each other jumped on it.

The priests began to pray, praying like their gods, in order to gain strong defense. The shield guards put up their shields again and condensed a crystal barrier to protect everyone.

The fierce ash fighting spirit is raging madly in the black dragon\'s body. These fighting spirits flow madly in his body according to kukas\'s will, constantly stimulating the black dragon\'s body.

Under the stimulation of those fighting spirits, the meridians in the black dragon were broken, the blood and flesh were broken, and the dragon blood splashed out and scattered on the broken earth, which was swallowed up by the monsters formed by the fall of some gods.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" the dragon head shook. Under the knight\'s secret method, the speed of the black dragon suddenly increased by about ten times. The huge body turned into a streamer. Where it went, the space was broken, the earth collapsed, and the bleak roar did not know how many monsters were killed looking for food on the earth.

When the people at the gate of heaven found kukas and their sudden escape from the battlefield, their hearts relaxed at first, but after seeing the distorted black ball, their hearts rose again. In their view, since the most powerful lurk on their side has died and they still escape, it must be because of the thousands of wrong killings left by the lurk.

"Go!" the people at the gate of heaven did not dare to neglect. After looking at each other, they turned and fled to the distance. But the place where they left was not the same as kukas and them, but in the opposite direction.

The streamer of the black dragon fell on the mountain formed by the fall of the gods.

Kukas stepped on the black dragon\'s head with his feet. Only the blood and flesh flew on the black dragon\'s head, revealing Bai Sensen\'s bones: "go to the mine quickly."

"Damn it, sooner or later, I\'ll kill you." the black dragon roared helplessly, but he didn\'t dare to stay. At the urging of kukas, he carried dozens of professionals and drilled into a valley deep in the mountains.

There is a vein they will find in this valley. If the people from the gate of heaven don\'t come here, they will dig some divine materials in that vein for standby. Therefore, the environment here is still very familiar to everyone.

At the bottom of the valley, there was a hole nearly a hundred feet tall. After the Black Dragon flew into the cave, he fell powerlessly to the ground and couldn\'t stand up.

"Go, go deep." kukas growled, reached out and grabbed the horns of the black dragon, dragged it and went deep into the cave.

"What is it that makes you afraid? We haven\'t explored this vein in detail. If we go deeper, I\'m afraid there will be danger." a priest asked in a deep voice.

"The lurk\'s thousand wrong killing power hasn\'t really burst out. What I\'m afraid of is the thousand wrong killing power. Although the vein is a little dangerous, it\'s not as dangerous as the thousand wrong killing power." kukas walked down the cave without looking back.

At this time, some casters suddenly sensed that there was a violent explosion thousands of miles away where they had just fought. A caster who was observing there with mental force suddenly shouted sadly with his head in his arms. But in an instant, his head exploded with a bang, along with his soul and mind power.

Broken brains scattered on the ground, and then formed a blood dripping ancient text. What these words drip is not the black blood that kukas saw at first, but the fresh blood, which is the blood essence of the caster who suddenly burst his head.

"Broken!" seeing the bloody text floating from the ground, kukas did not hesitate to urge the power of overlaying the ground to erase it.

As soon as it was printed, it distorted the space, and countless thunder and fire chopped into this blood dripping ancient text. The ancient words trembled and wiped out all the thunder and fire. Finally, a crack broke out in the space, which swallowed the bloody words.

After the caster\'s head was exploded by the ancient words in a strange way, kukas and they all gathered their scattered minds into their bodies. Although they didn\'t find the situation in person, they all thought that the death of the caster had a lot to do with his careful detection of the black ball.

The earth became turbulent, and the channel of the ore vein began to shake. In the huge channel, the natural precious metal on the wall fell directly, but the entrance of the cave collapsed during breathing time. And with the passage of time, the shaking of the ore vein channel becomes more and more violent. Just in case, other professionals decided to follow kukas, follow the vein and continue to go deep into the earth.

When they went into the vein to hide, the twisted black ball thousands of miles away finally exploded.

The chain that condensed into a black ball cracked and turned into a ring. It splashed wildly around and went out.

The ring is only the size of a baby\'s head, but when it sputters around in the sky, it tears the space and hooks out of the space cracks.

The black space turbulence wound around the ring, walked across the sky and made a strange cry of sobbing. The powerful force was released and directly ploughed hundreds of feet deep gullies on the broken earth.

A caster of the gate of heaven was at the back of the team. When he saw a ring chasing after him, he did not hesitate to use flashing to dodge. But at the moment of his flashing, the ring suddenly disappeared in the air, and when it appeared again, it appeared directly in his head.

The ring of the chain expanded and burst his head in an instant. With the disappearance of his head, his soul and mind.

A professional exclaimed in a low voice and saw more rings coming. In a hurry, he forgot the taboo here. Therefore, his hands pierced into the void and directly tore out a space crack for transmission.

There is a huge difference between the wave emitted by the space crack for transmission and the general space crack. Therefore, after he tore the space, half of his body just stepped into the transmission crack, and the next moment, a finger appeared above the crack out of thin air.

The finger is dozens of feet thick and thin. Although it is only half, the breath emitted from it is extremely strong. Alone, the leaked breath directly distorts and breaks the space around hundreds of feet. And the finger fell and gently touched the caster\'s head.

"Bang!" the blood fog burst, the soul was wiped out, and half of the professional\'s body was directly ignited by his fingers. The other half of the body is directly exiled into the eternal void space with twisted and broken space cracks.

Dozens of rings made of chains hit the finger, and the ancient blood dripping words burst out of those rings and attached to the huge half of the finger.

The ancient words spread and interlaced, evolved into chains, wound around this finger and contracted constantly. The breath of destruction is released from these ancient words and crazily erodes holding a finger.

And there are chains intertwined with each other, directly piercing into the void and winding around the body of the finger master.

"Roar!" a roar crossed the space and appeared directly where half of the finger was located. The huge sound broke the sky and broke the earth.

The wind and fire roared, the thunder and lightning rolled, and the strong killing breath crossed the void and appeared around the fingers. The killing breath was wrapped around the ancient words and polished constantly. Bursts of rapid explosion sounded on half of the fingers. However, during the breathing time, the fingers suddenly contracted, and then exploded violently.

The burst fingers let out powerful divine power, which wreaked havoc and distorted the space thousands of miles. The cathartic power surged around like a tide, which directly wiped out the dozens of eighth level professionals at the gate of heaven into nothingness. In the end, not a soul fragment remained.

However, more divine powers rolled towards the mountains hidden by kukas and them.

The divine power surged, turning thousands of feet of high mountains in the peripheral area of the mountain into fly ash. After destroying hundreds of huge peaks in a row, most of the divine power dissipated. But even so, there were still some remaining powers that hit the outer area of kukas\'s valley. It was this impact that collapsed part of the whole ore vein channel.

The earth and the sky are only destroyed by the release of divine power. As for the words dripping with blood and the ring of chain evolution, there is no damage at all.

Perhaps it was the strength of these divine powers that aroused the interest of those chains and words. Perhaps it was for other reasons. After these bloody words attached to those rings, they forcibly broke the void space and rushed in the direction of the finger.

For these things, kukas, who closed his mind, they didn\'t know at all. After they walked a distance down the channel of the vein, they all breathed a sigh of relief and realized that they had safely avoided the power of the strange black ball explosion.

After realizing that the black ball was not dangerous to them, everyone was a little relieved, but kukas was still not completely relieved. After waiting for almost a moment of magic, he released his mind to explore the outside and explore the tens of thousands of miles to see if there are still professionals at the gate of heaven.

Of course, the result of the detection made everyone very happy, because there was no smell of the gate of heaven. They did not know that the unlucky people at the gate of heaven were washed into nothingness by the divine power contained in a God\'s burst finger.

When kukas re condensed the outside image and presented it to other professionals, everyone couldn\'t help taking a breath of air conditioning.

In the image, centered on the place where they fought, it collapsed, thousands of miles around, and the earth turned into a lake thousands of feet deep. Hidden under the earth, the far north water filled it and formed a lake.

"Let\'s go! Don\'t forget what our original goal was." seeing those professionals staring at the huge lake in a daze, kukas shook his head and said helplessly, "while no one comes now, we\'ll hide this God for search."

Shenzang is the place where gods, legends and other top creatures evolved after falling. Here, professionals can often find many precious divine materials, even natural magic props. These things are extremely precious not only to kukas, but also to some half step legends.

Now the legends in the sky are killing madly for nihilistic ideas and interests. Kukas and other professionals kill and attack each other for these gods. Of course, they also fight for the abyss alliance, but this kind of battle is often weak and not very sincere.

If the members of a team of abyss alliance meet the members of the gate of heaven, if there is no God hiding place around, they will simply fight and then separate. Of course, if there are enemies in the teams of both sides, the two sides mostly let several professionals who hate each other fight. The winner survives and the loser dies. There\'s nothing to resent.

If there is a god hiding place, both sides will fight for this God hiding place. You know, in this eternal plane, with the crazy killing of those top beings, there are more and more God hiding places, but similarly, most of these God hiding places have been excavated, and there are no precious God materials in them.

Therefore, every god hiding place is extremely precious to kukas and their high-level professionals. It\'s too normal to die for these things.

Kukas\'s words reminded those professionals that they actually thought that the professionals who left the gate of heaven had moved to save the soldiers. When the other party comes again, they must leave here. Therefore, they all think that we should seize the time to dig this God\'s hiding place.

This sacred place is very large, hundreds of thousands of miles in size, and there are precious mineral veins under almost every mountain peak. But not every vein has precious divine materials.

Often, there are only seven or eight mineral veins in a place of divine resources.

These veins evolved either from the heads of top beings, or from their vertebrae or from an extremely strong position in their bodies.

Kukas has excavated more than 100 sacred places, so he has a deep understanding of the mineral veins in the sacred places.

In his understanding, God\'s hiding place was the easiest place to break into when it was first formed. Because at this time, some divine materials were born, but the prohibition or powerful creatures guarding them are still pregnant. These things need half a year or even a year to take shape.

If the prohibition of a god hiding place is completely bred, relying on kukas alone, they have no strength to search for God materials in the deepest part of the vein.

Even because of the strength of the fallen, they will be attacked by different strengths in the ore vein. If you are not careful, you may even fall directly.

In fact, the mine cave chosen by kukas is located in the central area of the whole God reserve. This is the center of shenzang, and also the place where the heart of the falling top existence evolved.

For every top existence, their hearts are extremely strong. Therefore, almost every god hiding place will breed a large number of God materials here.

"If I find the magic material this time, I will also refine a killing prop." a professional muttered in a low voice. He didn\'t join the team for long. He followed kukas, but fought three or five times. This is his second search for shenzang. In the last search for shenzang, although he got a lot of divine materials, they were passed to the abyss alliance by him with secret methods in exchange for a lot of contributions.

However, after he just saw kukas\'s continuous use of the power of killing props, he became interested in the killing props.

"It\'s OK to have a life-saving killing prop. You\'d better use it to make a magic prop. You know, using divine materials to make killing props is a shameful waste. Only kukas can waste so." a priest looked at kukas and persuaded the professional to hope that he won\'t be affected by kukas\'s behavior.

"The magic material used to make a killing prop is enough for you to make three or five powerful magic props. You know, killing props are disposable, but magic props are permanent. Although the power of magic props is not the most powerful, it is most useful to us. You can\'t have no other means after losing killing props!"