Abyss Knight

Chapter 703

The golden light dispersed, and the blue gray fighting armor directly shrouded kukas. Although the bluish gray fighting armor has been broken once, it is completely restored in a few breathing times. Now, under kukas\'s Secret Law, through the power of the source of the plane, it directly crosses the infinite void and appears in this eternal plane.

The fighting armor directly shrouded him, making kukas\'s anger more rampant.

The fighting spirit condensed into a flame suit, which was mixed with a lot of killing breath and his crazy fighting spirit. These things mixed together, stabbed hundreds of feet into the sky, crushed the sky and shook the earth.

"You must die today." kukas growled, and his backhand urged the power of the ground cover to shoot directly at the unreal head condensed in front of him.

Space distortion, thunder and fire explosion; The head of the strange lurk was just twisted and never burst.

"Ha ha! You are not qualified to kill me by this means." the head of the strange lurk twisted and made a harsh cry.

"Not qualified? Let me see what you can do." kukas grinned and stepped on the void, twisting the space in a wide range.

The distorted space shrouds the house for hundreds of feet, that is, the thousands of dark shadows are distorted by his land seal power. Some black light bands even collapsed directly and were forcibly twisted into a black fog.

"You have a killing secret, so do I." the strange lurk was angry when he saw that his killing method was easily broken by kukas. He also found that the situation of his companions was getting worse and worse. Therefore, he knew that he didn\'t have much time to entangle with kukas here. Therefore, a strange cry directly prompted his most powerful killing secret.

"A thousand wrong kills!"

The head of the strange lurk was twisted. A strange fighting force was released from his mouth, and then evolved into some ancient words around his twisted head. Strange screams came one after another. In this strange scream, the twisted black light belt covered with ground began to burst and fuse.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" there was a muffled sound. The black light bands burst in the air and then merged with each other. Finally, it evolved into a thousand spears and pierced towards kukas.

These spears distort space and even tear out twisted cracks in the sky. Some void forces are directly blessed on these spears under the action of the secret method, and finally form some strange patterns and words on the top of the spear.


When the mind turned, the ashes from the body rose to the sky. These fighting spirits were entangled in the air, and finally evolved into golden horses, swords, spears, swords and halberds, forming thousands of weapons. They greeted the spears in the past.

A series of collisions were accompanied by a dull explosion. At one time, within a range of hundreds of feet, black smoke billowed, fighting rage raged and murderous.

It was just a collision. Kukas\'s ashes were angry, and all kinds of weapons of fireworks were smashed, while the strange lurker\'s black spear was just a little smaller. If it weren\'t for kukas\'s killing talent, he wouldn\'t be aware of the changes of those spears.

"Brilliant evil fist!" a black spear crossed space and time and appeared directly in front of kukas. Without any hesitation, the bald man immediately urged him to kill and hit the spear.

The fierce ashes wound around his fist to form a ferocious skeleton. When the fist was waved, the skeleton\'s hair screamed bitterly. With this strange cry, the fist and spear collided together.

Bang! A violent explosion sounded, and a visible wave broke out between the spear and fist, rolling wildly around.

The powerful impact force hit him and tore a crack out of the fighting flame outside him. Some black light bands mixed in the impact force hit his fighting armor hard, and then hit a crack somewhere.

As he swayed, kukas watched the strange lurker while avoiding the interference of the shock wave.

Under his observation, he found that when the strange lurk faced the shock wave, his head was just distorted and did not suffer any damage at all. Such means made kukas frown secretly.

"Damn it!" his mind turned, and kukas was more interested in killing the strange lurker. The idea of killing soared. The bald evil man roared, forced a lot of fighting spirit again, and showed his killing methods that he had just deduced.

"Brilliant seven crimes kill!"

The fist was raised, and the space around dozens of feet collapsed violently. The next moment, a crisp sound of rupture was heard. A large spider net crack appeared in the space of tens of feet.

The crack broke, and some void force flew out of it and wound directly around kukas\'s fist. At the same time, seven distorted images appeared on his back. These images made the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, and then wrapped around his fist.

The distorted image is mixed with the power of the void to form a vague Knight virtual image under the secret method of kukas.

The knight\'s virtual shadow was no more than a foot high. He sat down with a one horned black cow. The cow\'s head shook and roared bitterly.


Almost at the same time, kukas roared with the strange lurk. The two men sent out the smell of killing, which turned into a cloud column above their heads, and then hit each other like thunder.

The knight\'s shadow jumped on kukas\'s fist and rushed directly at the strange lurk\'s head.

Virtual shadow quickly lightning, instantly across time and space, directly appeared in front of the lurk.

"Wrong kill!"

The strange lurker whispered, and the next moment, a black twisted object flew out of his mouth.

The twisted object collided with kukas\'s brilliant evil fist, and then swallowed up the vague knight in an instant.

The twisted black ball exploded and dozens of black patterns flew out of it.

Those patterns are full of killing, sin, endless resentment and unwillingness. As soon as these more than ten patterns emerged, they stirred the spatial turbulence within a radius of tens of miles and twisted.

The professionals fighting around him were shocked when they noticed his situation here. In their perception, even if there are killing methods, they will never have such a powerful impact. But now, the struggle between kukas and the strange lurk broke their understanding.

Between hands and feet, the space is broken and the earth is broken. Every attack and defense triggered the power of sky collapse. This makes people doubt their true identity.

Especially those members of the abyss alliance who followed kukas. They have followed kukas for several times in this eternal plane, but it is the first time to see his momentum so rampant and his power so powerful.

You know, in previous battles, kukas only used the means of overlaying the ground, and almost didn\'t use other means. But just now, they saw that he not only used the killing methods he had never seen before, but also saw him summon the fighting armor to wear on his body.

The enemy is strong. The same idea emerged in the hearts of everyone at the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance. Because the people at the gate of heaven have never seen the lurk come out by this means of killing.

When the professionals on both sides were thinking about it, the strange lurk\'s killing method: the power of thousands of wrong killing began to show up.

The ancient and strange patterns were integrated with those spears, and then these spears burst into pieces and turned into a huge black net covering hundreds of feet.

The black net emerged, just trembling slightly in place. With the trembling of the black net, kukas felt his soul and fighting space trembling. This trembling was uncontrollable. With each trembling, he felt as if he were taking a step into the eternal abyss.

The killing talent was completely inspired, and the projection of the black net appeared in kukas\'s mind. On the projection of the big net, dozens of light spots of different sizes move rapidly.

"As long as you have shortcomings, I can erase you." with a sneer, he stepped on the void, kukas shook his body, instantly appeared under the black net, and then urged the power of covering the ground to slap it hard at a light spot in the perception.


With the explosion, kukas\'s palm pierced into the black net. Five fingers pulled hard and pulled a black silk thread out.

The black silk thread was wrapped with a strong smell of killing, which eroded kukas\'s fighting defense, and then collided with his fighting armor to make a strange squeak.

The cloak shook behind him, cutting the surrounding space, and there were palm wide cracks. After these cracks appear, more void black light floats out of them.

Under the guidance of the secret method, these empty black lights twined around kukas\'s hand again. After mixing his ash fighting spirit, he re evolved a blurred knight image.

Just as kukas evolved the brilliant seven sin killing, the thousand wrong killing controlled by the strange lurk was also evolving again.

The large black net connected together contracted fiercely, and then cut the space within a radius of hundreds of feet.

The space debris was polished into gray powder by the big net. The powder was wound around the big net, and then the silk threads were peeled off to form chains thick and thin baby arms.

These chains trembled slightly in the broken void. Although the frequency of trembling was very low, the eternal plane could not heal the broken space by itself. On the contrary, over time, the broken space area becomes larger.

Ancient characters emerge from these chains, which are wrapped around the chains and constantly dripping black blood. Every ancient text is dripping black blood, and every drop of blood contains infinite breath of resentment and killing.

These blood gathered together and finally formed a blood river more than 100 feet long. The blood River spread and turned into a python swallowing the sky, swallowing it to kukas. At the same time, the separated chains carried blood dripping words, staggered irregularly, and shrunk towards the position of kukas.

"Kill thousands of mistakes. Even if you are level 9, you don\'t want to survive." the twisted lurk\'s head chuckled. "You should be honored. You died at level 8. I will remember you, Gaga."

Kukas didn\'t talk big, but released the power of brilliant seven sin killing with a sneer. At the same time, he stepped on the void, distorted the surrounding space, and tried his best to block the blood River swallowed towards himself.

The distorted knight image charged at the strange lurker again. This time, the lurker still didn\'t dodge, but rattled. Dozens of blood dripping words appeared in front of him, and then evolved into a shield.


Kukas drew a killing spear with his backhand and pierced the shield composed of words. The spear crossed the sky and appeared on the shield in an instant.

In a violent explosion, all the powers contained in the killing spear poured out.

Dozens of divine materials contain those fallen legends and the unwilling breath of gods, which mixed kukas\'s ash fighting spirit and frantically tore the shield.

The broken shield evolved into some ancient words. These ancient words danced in the air, dripping more black blood.

At this time, kukas\'s brilliant power of killing seven sins also came directly to the virtual shadow of the strange lurker\'s head.

"Kill!" a roar sounded from the distorted knight image. The next moment, the distorted knight image waved a long gun and pierced the strange lurker\'s forehead.

The sarcastic and disdainful expression solidified instantly after the spear pierced his forehead.


The strange lurker shouted powerlessly. After the twisted Knight\'s virtual shadow pierced his forehead, a strange force directly locked his soul and mind. Under that strange power, the locked soul and mind can\'t hide into the void through the secret method.

In the case of losing his body, the soul and mind are locked, and he can only roar powerlessly.

In order to deal with the spiritual casters, the brilliant seven sin killing broke out all its powers.

The knight\'s virtual shadow pierced into his forehead split into thousands, and then began to crazily strangle his soul in the virtual shadow of his head. However, during the breathing time, the soul and mind of the strange lurker were forcibly erased by the distorted knight image.

Although the strange lurk died, the thousand wrong killings he released still did not dissipate.

The blood River rolled, and the infinite blood gas tore the sky. Those blood gases released strange forces and constantly stirred kukas\'s essence, spirit and even soul.

The chains hummed. These chains contracted slowly, still cutting the space, hooked the turbulent flow in the void space, and evolved into fierce beasts, ferociously killing kukas.

The powerful ashes burst out of the body, evolved into golden horses, swords and halberds, and constantly killed those fierce beasts.

Although the speed of killing is very fast, it takes a lot of fighting energy to kill a fierce beast. If not for the auxiliary magic and magic bestowed on him by the scribes and priests, even if his fighting space is solid, it may collapse under the condition of continuous crazy urging fighting.

The chain around him was only a hundred feet away from him. Kukas waved his hands and released the power of covering the ground to hit a chain. In his sense of killing talent, that chain is the weak one of all chains.

But even so, after releasing dozens of overlays in a short breathing time, it still didn\'t break the chain, but made the chain a little smaller.

"What a terrible thousand wrong kills!" after feeling the strength of the chain, kukas\'s deep sense of war became stronger.

"I want to see if you can stop me when you lose the control of your master."

Ferocious and strange smile. At this moment, he forgot the professionals fighting outside and the original intention of coming here. I just wanted to break the chain and see how powerful the thousand wrong killing power came out of nowhere.

After releasing the overlays twice in a row, kukas stepped on the void and appeared directly in front of the chain only three feet away.

Holding his hands in front of him, the blue and gray fighting armor clanked. The fighting armor shrouded on kukas fell off his hands under the urging of kukas\'s mind, and then turned into a blue and gray light and shadow and hit the chain heavily.

Chain winding, instantly cut the cyan gray light and shadow into hundreds of fragments. Hundreds of ancient words dripping with blood attached to the broken light and shadow from around the chain and began to erode these light and shadow.

"Scattered!" when he felt the light and shadow of those ancient words eroding his fighting armor evolution, kukas was moved and immediately transmitted the broken light and shadow directly to the burning plane source through the secret method.

The next moment, a killing spear appeared in his hand.

The spear was thrown and hit the chain.

This strong chain was in a stalemate with the killing spear, but in an instant, they were both broken.

The broken chains evolved into black smoke and wound around other chains. The broken killing spear fragments formed a six pointed star structure under the control of kukas, and then supported to form a gap between several gathered chains.

Seeing the gap, kukas roared and stepped on the void. His body immediately followed the gap and escaped from the encirclement of chains and ancient words.