Abyss Knight

Chapter 702

However, just as he was moving towards the ruby scribe, a short knife suddenly appeared over the head of a praying priest. The simple short knife without any decoration pierced into the priest\'s head, and the powerful power instantly tore the priest\'s mind and soul.

The lurker disappeared again before others reacted. This time, kukas\'s killing talent only vaguely sensed a flaw when the lurk disappeared.

Kukas\'s side fell two eighth order beings in a row in just three or five breathing times, which greatly boosted the morale of the people at the gate of heaven. Some people even forced the secret spell to kill a spiritual caster in the alliance.

The members of his side were killed in succession, and kukas quailed angrily. The smell of killing rose into the sky and formed a vague figure over his head. The surrounding space collapsed violently after the figure appeared. Two soldiers fighting with kukas were slightly blocked by the space collapse, and their bodies stagnated for a moment.

This momentary stagnation is enough for kukas.

The knight threw his spear and pierced a soldier\'s forehead. His body turned into a black dragon and sent out a destructive black light to kill another soldier.

The long gun twisted the space, crossed a distance of more than ten miles in an instant and pierced the soldier\'s forehead. When a shot goes down, it penetrates not only the soldier\'s forehead, but also his soul and mind power hidden in his body.

The black light of destruction is the power generated by the combination of kukas\'s ash fighting Qi and black dragon\'s Dragon Qi under the secret method. The speed of the black light is faster than that of the long gun. In a moment, it passed through the soldier\'s chest.

The black light came out on the soldier\'s back, then exploded into hundreds of spears around and attacked the people at the gate of heaven.

After all, these spears were forcibly condensed by kukas after the end of the secret method. Although the speed was not slow, the power was weak.

Some spears pierced the professionals at the gate of heaven, but only broke dozens of layers of defense around their bodies, but it was difficult to hurt their roots.

Even so, it still brings a chance to other professionals of abyss alliance. Some people seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to hurt several enemies.

"What\'s your method?" the soldier who was passed by the black light evolved by kukas and the black dragon turned around and stared at kukas incredulously.

Looking at the bleeding tears flowing in the soldier\'s eyes and drying up at the speed visible to the naked eye, kukas smiled grimly without answering the other party, but turned and killed another professional at the gate of heaven. He knew that the soldier was about to fall, because it was not only his body, but also his soul and mind that withered.

"I\'m not reconciled." the fast withered soldier roared. He also hid a defensive face treasure in his chest. He thought it was the most powerful prop to protect himself. However, he didn\'t expect that his face treasure would be torn in an instant under the black light of kukas.

The broken pieces of plane treasure penetrated his body, then were wrapped in black light and sprayed, shot and went out to his companions. "They are all eight levels. Why can you kill me?"

No one answered him. Even if someone answered him, he couldn\'t hear it. Because when he roared, the whole body began to turn into fly ash, and the soul also cracked inch by inch, turning into thousands of soul fragments scattered on the earth.

Stepping on the void, with each step, the space within hundreds of feet will be distorted and collapsed, and countless thunder and fire burst out from the distorted space, raging wildly around.

Drops of blood trickled out of his pores. The blood was not made by the soldier, but was caused by the reverse power of the secret method when he exercised the secret method just now.

Kukas just showed some blood beads, but the situation of the black dragon was much worse than him.

Under the knight\'s secret method, the black dragon was set with broken bones and tendons. Most of the Dragon scales were forcibly peeled off by the powerful anti bite force, revealing the scarlet dragon meat.

Some black light emitting the smell of destruction kept wandering in his body. It was said that priests and scribes kept healing him, but he was still unable to float in the air and lost the ability to move.

If the abyss alliance had not gained the upper hand, the people at the gate of heaven were in a mess and had no time to deal with him. I\'m afraid he would have been killed alive so long ago.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the black dragon, kukas couldn\'t help but miss the fenlil magic bear that parasitized his soul fragments with a secret method. If the demon bear were here, he would never suffer such a powerful counterattack when he used the knight\'s secret method he had just practiced. Moreover, the finriel magic bear can easily resist those anti phagocytic forces with its blood power.

"Damn it." thinking of the armor man who easily killed the gods, kukas was completely desperate for his idea of asking for the fenrier magic bear back.

"Kill!" stepping on the void, each step spans tens of miles. In a few steps, he appeared on the head of a priest at the gate of heaven.

Stepping on the void, the twisted space forcibly tore the infinite holy light wrapped around the priest, and a crack appeared under the priest, instantly cutting the unexpected priest into pieces.

The priest\'s soul escaped, but was chopped by the gun and axe that kukas withdrew with him. The broken soul fragments were forcibly absorbed by the gun and axe before they scattered and disappeared.

A mysterious pattern appeared on the spear axe that absorbed the soul of the eighth order priests. The pattern was branded on the handle of the spear axe. Although it was insignificant, kukas felt that it released a trace of strange power and added it to the spear axe, making his spear axe sharper.

At the place where the eighth order priest died, his flesh and blood burst into a blood mist. In the mist, the roar of gods appeared here across the infinite plane.

However, it was just a roar, which did not contain much power. Therefore, kukas just frowned slightly, condensed the power of covering the ground and directly wiped out the blood fog.

"Do you want to collect the souls of believers? I\'m afraid you can\'t protect yourself now, and you still want to trouble me?" after erasing the blood mist, kukas remembered the characteristics of these gods. He extracted the soul fragment of the priest with a gun and axe, and forcibly extracted the faith brand of the priest. It was precisely because of the brand of faith that the God realized it.

Generally speaking, although the priest\'s soul is broken, his belief brand will also be broken at the same time, and then scattered on every soul fragment.

When those soul fragments re evolve into an intelligent life, the brand of faith contained in them will revive, so that this new intelligent life subconsciously pursues its own faith until it becomes a believer of the God again.

After killing the priest, kukas forcibly absorbed his soul fragments, which completely cut off the generation of believers of the God, so he let the God roar angrily.

A series of thoughts flashed by. After killing the priest, kukas did not stop for half a minute and directly stepped to attack another priest. He wants to kill all the priests, so that these professionals of the gate of heaven can lose all kinds of auxiliary means and reduce their strength.

Stepping on the void, the surrounding space is violently twisted. At this time, he sensed that a vague figure was hiding beside him, only tens of feet away.

"That strange lurker." an idea came to his mind, and then he instinctively turned and killed the lurker.

Hold your hands falsely and grasp the space where the lurk is hiding. This blow, however, aroused his greatest fighting spirit and wanted to kill the other party in one fell swoop.

Powerful ashes poured out of the air and spread over hundreds of feet of space in an instant. The fighting spirit was rampant and forcibly twisted the space of 100 feet into pieces.

However, in kukas\' perception, the virtual shadow was accompanied by the ups and downs of the broken space, and was not hurt at all. But the lurk did not take the initiative to attack him, but kept an illusory form in place.

The broken space began to heal, and the illusory image of the lurk began to move. However, the direction he moved was not kukas, but a divine Archer of the abyss alliance in the distance.

"Want to go? It\'s not that easy." kukas smiled grimly. He finally sensed the strange lurker, but he didn\'t want the other party to leave his perception lock like this. So he drew a killing spear with his backhand and threw it at the virtual shadow.

The spear made a shrill whistling sound and nailed it to the virtual shadow.

The broken space can\'t hurt the latent ghost, but the killing spear polished with dozens of divine materials easily tore his body.

When the spear exploded, the fighting spirit of the ashes and the resentment of the gods were vented and came out, which directly tore the virtual shadow of the lurk into pieces.

The broken virtual shadows were not erased in the violent explosion waves. They made a strange noise in the air, and then turned into thousands of black lights, winding around kukas from all directions.

The black light twined, and a fuzzy virtual shadow appeared directly in front of kukas. The virtual shadow distorted its face and hoarse its voice: "dirty creatures, fall into the eternal abyss!"

"Arrogance!" kukas\'s eyes were cold and his feet burst into golden light. These golden lights dispersed, and in an instant they formed a fighting armor to wrap him up.