Abyss Knight

Chapter 701

"Want to save him?" kukas turned his mind, but refused to let the soul of the shield guard escape. Throwing the long gun in his hand, the knight\'s long gun crossed the sky and punctured the escaping golden light in an instant.

"Puff!" the golden light broke like a balloon, and then turned into countless soul fragments and scattered around.

The black dragon roared, opened his mouth and spewed out the hot dragon inflammation. The Dragon inflammation wound around the shield guard\'s body and scattered soul fragments, and polished these things into nothingness in an instant.

In order to hunt the escaped soul of the shield guard, kukas lost the chance to avoid the magic attack behind him. At the moment when the knight\'s long gun he threw penetrated the soul of the shield guard, the magic attack also hit him hard.

Bang! With a dull sound, a red magic beam penetrated his back heart and blew a hole the size of a head out of his chest.

After penetrating his body, the red magic beam broke instantly, then turned into thousands of chains and wound around kukas.

The mind turned, a large number of ashes kept stimulating the body, and the wound on the chest and abdomen healed quickly with the naked eye. But just a few breaths, the wound healed. During this period, kukas shook his body and left directly from the black dragon, appearing out of thin air at a height of thousands of feet.

A killing prop appeared in his hand. With the guidance of killing talent, kukas ruthlessly threw the spear out.

The killing spear crossed a strange arc in the air. In order to avoid the lock of some casters, the spear quickly turned and jumped in the air. However, it flew over tens of miles of space and directly appeared in the back heart of a caster at the gate of heaven.

Click! With a few explosions, the magic defense props on the caster were smashed, and the defense spells were torn apart like paper. The killing spear made of at least dozens of precious divine materials pierced the caster\'s back heart.

The violent power is released and released in an instant. Not only kukas\'s ash fighting spirit, but also the remaining unwilling resentment and killing breath of fallen gods and legends are contained in the divine material.

These forces were released together, which not only tore the caster\'s body, but also twisted his soul into pieces.

The blood mixed with gold and silver scattered on the earth. There was resentment among the flesh and blood, but the caster was unwilling to die like this. Therefore, the resentment condensed in the air and turned into a strange beast roaring.

After a few breaths, the people at the gate of heaven suddenly fell down. This not only didn\'t make everyone on the battlefield cautious, but they killed more madly because of the stimulation of blood.

The priests of both sides knelt down in the void and prayed constantly. With their prayers, holy pillars of light fell from the sky. By the means of priests, these holy pillars of light have evolved into various auxiliary arcane blessings on their own people: either forming defense or blessing power.

Thousands of miles in the sky have become battlefields, and nearly 100 high-level professionals are fighting here. Blood scattered, limbs flying, a roar broke the sky, and light beams tore the earth.

Both sides were crazy about killing. They took out the magic props they relied on and even the killing treasures they had worked hard to quench and began to fight each other. More people directly tore the scope scroll and took the flame of thousands of miles away, with thunder and lightning.

Kukas cooperated with the black dragon and threw the killing spear from time to time. Almost every time he threw it, a professional of the gate of heaven fell. A few professionals are strong. When kukas attacked them, they also lost dozens or even hundreds of magic props to stop them. Therefore, we can escape our lives under the killing treasure.

In kukas\'s team, the most prominent is not kukas, the crazy murderer, but the ruby Sutra in the center.

The female Sutra, whose forehead was naturally inlaid with rubies, slowly turned a Golden Book and sang in a low voice. Under her singing, countless ancient words flew out of the books, then cast into strange flowers and scattered on kukas and them.

With the blessing of these strange flowers, kukas they don\'t care whether their fighting space is turbulent or not, let alone the recovery of their fighting spirit.

Because by the means of ruby master, the fighting space of professionals has been stabilized seven or eight times out of thin air, and their bearing capacity has been improved several times at once. And the fighting spirit consumed is also recovering rapidly.

Although such means can\'t show anything for a time, with the extension of the struggle between the two sides, the people on which side of the gate of heaven gradually fall into the disadvantage.

Because the people of the abyss alliance, led by kukas, have the help of scriptures, every shot is their strongest killing secret.

When the killing secret method is used, people at the gate of heaven can only resist with powerful magic props or the same level of killing secret method, otherwise they will be absolutely wiped out.

Magic props are limited. After they consume their own magic props, they can only fight each other with killing secrets.

Release the killing secret method continuously in a short time. Even if they are high-level professionals, it still puts great pressure on their fighting spirit and magic space.

Often three or five times of killing secret method to bomb, let their space begin to fluctuate. Only after three or five breaths can we recover. After releasing dozens of killing secrets, they lost more than half of their strength and needed more than a dozen breathing times to recover.

If you put it into the daily struggle, the time for recovery is nothing at all. However, in this chaotic battlefield, every breath time is extremely important. If one is not careful, he will be forcibly bombarded by the other party\'s killing secret. Although not death, but broken limbs, mind turmoil is inevitable.

The mind is turbulent, but broken. For the members of the gate of heaven who are already at a disadvantage, their situation will become worse.

Because the people of the abyss alliance often seize the opportunity and frantically attack those injured.

"Kill the damned Sutra." this idea is the idea of almost all people at the gate of heaven.

The body turned into streamer and flashed in the sky. However, in order to protect the ruby female Sutra, kukasleng tried every means to attract seven or eight shield guards to protect her. Therefore, although those people at the gate of heaven always wanted to let the female Sutra fall, they were forcibly blocked by the strong shield guards.

Stepping on the black dragon\'s head, kukas shook his long gun and stopped the two soldiers at the gate of heaven.

Under the guidance of killing talent, every attack he made was to attack the place where the two soldiers had the weakest defense.

In almost every attack, he would leave a big or small wound on them.

In the perception of killing talent, the two soldiers are full of fighting spirit, but in the seemingly thick fighting defense, some small cracks will appear in some parts. These cracks are the weakness of their defense. With the help of the long gun projected and condensed by the plane props, kukas only needs to spend some fighting spirit to pierce those cracks and hurt the people behind.

While kukas was fighting with the two soldiers, in his perception of killing talent, he suddenly found a figure of a lurker lurking towards the ruby female Sutra. The several shield guards guarding around the Sutra seemed not to notice at all.

Before he could warn, kukas let out a low whistle and threw his long gun at the lurker hiding in the void.

The spear tore the sky, carried his infinite killing breath, and locked the lurk. Although his attack was evaded by the lurk with a secret method, it also attracted the attention of the shield guards of the scripture guard.

These shield guards looked at each other when they found that there were lurks they could not detect, and then roared, trying their best to urge their fighting spirit to spread out from their shields.

These fighting spirits are transformed into a transparent crystal wall through shield blessing. The crystal wall spread and combined into a hundred foot crystal ball.

Seven or eight shield guards are the fulcrum of the ball, while the ruby female Sutra is the center. In this way, it will be full of imperceptible lurks who suddenly appear and hunt the Sutra.

A demon waved a nine pronged fork, turned into a storm and fought with a knight at the gate of heaven. Just after kukas threw the long gun, the escaped lurker flashed and appeared directly on the devil\'s back.

A scarlet short knife poked out of the void. Ignoring the attack of the abyss around the devil, the short knife instantly pierced the devil\'s neck. The dagger turned and the devil\'s huge head was cut off at once.

The magic blood rose into the sky, and thousands of soul fragments appeared with the magic blood.

It turned out that when the lurk cut the devil\'s head, he also cut the devil\'s soul.

After hunting the demon, the lurker disappeared in the air. At this time, some priests found this situation. They released the arcane to attack the area hundreds of miles, trying to blow out the lurk. However, the holy light is vertical and horizontal, the sky collapses and the space is distorted, but there is no trace of the lurk.

Kukas urged the killing talent with all his strength, hoping to sense the lurk. However, in his perception, there was no discovery.

"What secret method can avoid my killing talent? Or do you have a special talent?" kukas frowned slightly. In case, he began to move towards the ruby female Sutra consciously. When preparing for an accident, you can save the teacher as quickly as possible.