Abyss Knight

Chapter 691

"What a rampant word!" the first power holder was also a knight. She thought she was extremely powerful. Unexpectedly, she heard from the third power holder that a knight was even stronger than her, which she couldn\'t accept at all.

"Take us as stepping stones? The highest peak? Ha ha, interesting. I\'m afraid she can\'t even reach half a legend." the third power holder muttered with a stiff face.

"Half step legend? You underestimate her. If nothing happens, she will become a legend. It\'s just a matter of time." kukas once spent ten years with the killing knight. Although there have been few words on both sides in the past ten years, his understanding of the killing knight is no worse than others.

"In this endless void, there are too many things that are really missing, but the only thing that is not missing is accidents. Especially during the all-out war, it is too normal for some accidents to happen." the first person in power muttered in a low voice: "Since she is so rampant, she has made a half step legendary spine to make special props. I\'m afraid some people don\'t want her to continue to live."

"Including our own people?"

"My own people? Yes, just like some people want to deal with you." the first power whispered, "the killing knight may be extremely old or powerful, but there is no lack of these things in the endless void. The ancient things have been eliminated by the times, and they are not qualified to recover. Now those walking under the endless void are not ancient professionals."

"It\'s not that the times have eliminated those ancient classes, but that the current times have no capacity to accommodate those powerful classes." kukas took a deep breath and laughed, "do you know the conditions for the killing knight to achieve legend?"

"I just heard the name of the killing knight. Do you think I will know?" the first authority turned his eyes and muttered, "but I\'m still very curious. What magic materials does she need to become a legend?"

"Magic material? Hehe, maybe!" kukas flicked his finger gently. He suddenly remembered the words of the killing knight in those years, brewing his emotions a little and whispered: "If I want to be a legend, I must kill three thousand legends and build a throne with their heads. Then kill three thousand gods and weave them into a crown. Finally, kill three thousand demon kings and use their hearts to forge My scepter."

"It\'s really rampant." the first person in power trembled when he heard the speech. You should know which killing Knight kukas had just imitated.

When the killing Knight spoke, his murderous spirit condensed into substantive words. Every word he said, the murderous spirit condensed words fell directly on kukas. Now kukas repeated this word in the way of the killing knight.

Dozens of murderous words fell into the projection of the first power holder, impacting her mind and soul again and again.

The projection was distorted, and it took more than a dozen breathing times for the projection of the first power to stabilize.

"Is it rampant? I think she is confident." kukas shrugged, and a strange pattern appeared on his visor: "in the half step legend, I\'m afraid ordinary people can\'t kill 9000 powerful creatures."

"No wonder such professionals will disappear. I\'m afraid they will be killed for some reasons before they grow up under such harsh conditions."

"Ha ha! Yes, when I heard the killing Knight say so, I also wanted to kill her. Unfortunately, there is knowledge, and it is impossible to kill her." Kukas has a ferocious face. In fact, he was afraid of the killing Knight he met that year. Especially when he showed the killing secret of the ash knight and still didn\'t hurt her, his fear became stronger.

"Do you know the situation of the killing knight?" kukas asked with his head tilted.

"What? Do you want to kill her?" the first person in power smiled in a low voice: "it\'s a pity that I just listened to the senior leaders of the abyss alliance and didn\'t know where she was."

"Kill her? She\'s very strong. We got along well in those days. Why kill her?" kukas shook his head and smiled strangely: "although I\'m afraid, I\'m not going to fight in the same room."

"What kind of Knight are you? I can\'t speculate or feel you once." kukas didn\'t want to say too much about the killing knight, so he suddenly changed the topic and asked.

"People who know the type of Knight are dead." the first person in power suddenly blinked, swept away the obscurity and ugliness on his face, and turned to smile: "the type of occupation is actually a kind of secret. If someone knows it, they will design some killing games for you."

"With the existence of prophets, will your concealment last for a long time?" kukas shook his head indifferently. In his opinion, the concealment of professional types is completely unnecessary. Killing on the battlefield depends on the fundamental strength of both sides, not anything else.

Of course, his idea is extremely wrong in the eyes of many professionals, but no one can reverse his idea that it is not right or wrong.

After the two whispered again, kukas finally decided to follow the advice of the first person in power and go to the blue crystal empire.

Of course, before going there, he summoned thousands of green skins to disperse to the military headquarters of the three empires to maintain sufficient ability to prevent violence and chaos.

However, before kukas set foot on the blue crystal Empire, the first person in power gave him new news: the military headquarters and royal family of the blue crystal Empire were completely defeated. The rebellious young man overthrew them and became a new emperor.

"It seems that there are a lot of surprises." after receiving the message from the first power holder, kukas\'s first thought was this.

"The young man decided to take refuge in the gate of heaven. Of course, even if he didn\'t take refuge in the gate of heaven, we should wipe them out completely. The boy is a member of the hand of glory." the first person in power said darkly, "but we are a little short of manpower now, especially the number of low-level professionals."

"Well, I know what you want to say. Don\'t worry, I\'ll give the blue crystal Empire to me." kukas grinned: "as long as I\'m not allowed to negotiate with them."

"Destroy all organizations and creatures related to the hand of glory and the gate of heaven."

"It\'s better to kill by mistake than put by mistake?" kukas looked at the first person in power with his head tilted strangely and muttered: "in fact, I suggest that ordinary imperial soldiers attack them. It can\'t be said that a large number of professionals can come out."

"All empires have reached their limits in order to provide us with materials. If young people are allowed to die on the battlefield, I\'m afraid the whole empire will collapse." the first person in power rubbed his temples and said: "Get rid of the blue crystal empire as soon as possible. I got the news that the alliance and the gate of heaven plan to hold a decisive battle in the near future. At that time, you and I will be involved."

"Then I\'ll deal with the blue crystal Empire slowly!"

"The blue crystal empire can\'t handle it well. Our ice and snow cities will be under more pressure during the decisive battle. Kukas, I hope you can speed up some speed."

"OK! I\'ll clean up the blue crystal Empire now. Well, give me a place." kukas fiddled with his fingers, and the murderous gas began to release a little bit. The murderous gas gathered by killing thousands of people formed twisted monsters around his body, roaring up to the sky, but it seemed that he was ferocious.

The first person in power gave kukas a mark, and kukas didn\'t go directly after getting the mark. Instead, he integrated his mind into the mark and began to use the secret method.

The cloak behind him fluctuated, and space cracks were cut out under the shaking of the cloak. These cracks spread around, and finally formed a six pointed star array structure on his back.

The brand mark falls into the array structure, and then the array rotates, instantly stirring the whole brand mark into powder.

Under the influence of the Dharma array, the broken brand logo quickly evolved into a map. The map spread and completely stabilized after occupying the whole Dharma array structure.

A burning black flag was thrown to the center of the map by kukas. At the same time, the order to destroy all creatures within the map was branded on the black flag by him.

The chaos of the imperial capital of the blue crystal empire is rapidly recovering under the maintenance of some soldiers. Some young officers rode horses and galloped through the streets. They killed those soldiers who violated military orders.

A large number of ordinary people also began to leave their homes under the persuasion of ordinary soldiers, then clean up the bodies in the streets and help these soldiers make delicious food.

In the imperial palace of the imperial capital, a young man sat on the throne of the emperor, and behind him stood more than ten young and beautiful girls. They were all the women of the new emperor. Now their men have become emperors, and they have become imperial concubines and so on.

In the magnificent and solemn hall, there are some dignitaries sitting there. They are all subordinates of the new emperor. Most of these dignitaries are former dignitaries of the blue crystal Empire, and only a few of them suddenly rise because of the emperor. Of course, if they were in the past, these newly rising dignitaries would not be as good as a servant of those old dignitaries Noble!

"Everyone, the blue crystal Empire has completely disappeared in the torrent of history from now on. Instead of this rotten Empire, it is a new empire created by all of us: the red scarf empire." the young emperor sitting on the throne shouted with high spirits: "In this new empire, there is no oppression, no slavery and no unfair treatment. In this empire, everyone can eat and pay heavy taxes. Let alone disappear inexplicably and be killed by conspirators."

A series of words came out of the young emperor\'s mouth. The old dignitaries below sat there silently, while the newly rising dignitaries blushed and cheered with every word of the emperor. The imperial concubines behind the young emperor also looked at their emperor\'s back with happiness and pride.

"Emperor, what should the messengers in the ice and snow city do?" after the young emperor\'s long speech, an old nobleman stood up from his seat and asked the new emperor in a hoarse voice.

"Ice and snow city? Do they still want us to devote our strength to paying them a lot of materials? It\'s just a city. They want to fight against an empire. Do you think they have that ability?" the young emperor sneered. He subconsciously touched a bracelet on his wrist. He picked up this bracelet when he was very young.

On weekdays, this not too beautiful bracelet didn\'t attract anyone\'s attention, but after his wife was humiliated, when another bad old man asked him for trouble, the power of the bracelet excited him.

It was that time that the bracelet showed his power that he became the throne of an empire from a successful businessman, and his descendants will be called royal blood. At the thought of this, the young emperor was excited. He trembled and growled in a low voice: "Now we have more than 100000 senior soldiers, millions of middle-level soldiers and tens of thousands of low-level soldiers. Can\'t we flatten the ice and snow city? Really not. We can also join other empires to attack the ice and snow city and let them spit out all the food they have eaten for us."

"And there are dozens of churches supporting us. A small ice and snow city is really not worth worrying about. Even if they sit in the legendary gods, they can\'t stop us from resisting their cruel rule."

"They didn\'t rule us, just a cooperation." the old aristocrat coughed and muttered awkwardly.

Old dignitaries like them actually know very well about the ice city. But for some purposes and intentions, they will not tell the young emperor the real situation of the ice city. They choose the young man as the Emperor just because he has a strange prop that can kill legends.

"Cooperation? I looked through the transactions between the blue crystal Empire and the ice and snow city in the past years and found that the ice and snow city only returned some old books to the blue crystal empire. What the blue crystal Empire paid was extremely expensive secret silver, refined gold, blue diamond, jade water and other precious magic materials. Each of those magic materials, even a pound, would make the whole empire happy The dignitaries are crazy. But every year, the blue crystal Empire pays thousands or even tens of thousands of pounds in exchange for useless books, which even senior professionals can\'t read. " The young emperor growled in a low voice. He was too young, and because of his identity, he didn\'t know the secrets of more than a hundred years ago. That\'s why he said these ignorant words.

"Those books are extremely precious. If we put them more than 100 years ago, we couldn\'t see one of them. Now we only need some magic materials to exchange for those books, which is actually very good for us."

"What\'s the use of books that senior professionals can\'t read? Do you want to wait for those senior professionals to break through and become masters? No one has broken through in more than a hundred years."

"It\'s not that no one broke through, but after they broke through, they were forcibly sent to the ice and snow city as slaves by the former Blue Crystal empire." a thin dignitary roared angrily. He waved his arm and performed hard: "As long as we attack the ice and snow city, the former slaves will be liberated, and we can get all kinds of magic materials accumulated in the ice and snow city for more than 100 years. Think about it! Even the most common of those magic materials can make everyone crazy."

"Yes, we must attack the ice and snow cities. As long as we get a little material there, we can make the whole empire strong. At that time, we may even rule the whole Arctic ice sheet. And the emperor will be the greatest and wise emperor in tens of thousands of years."

"What we call senior soldiers now was actually called Level 3 professionals a hundred years ago. As for the legendary master professionals, they were previously called level 4." a powerful man fiercely stood up and looked at the young emperor with a mocking face and shouted: "more than 100 years ago, professionals were divided into 13 classes."

"At present, the lowest level professionals in the ice and snow city are all third-level beings. There are countless other higher-level beings. It is impossible to destroy the ice and snow city. Now you have to continue to cooperate with the ice and snow city, or the Empire will be destroyed. These people who encourage you to fight with the ice and snow city are all glorious hands Their purpose is to destroy the whole blue crystal Empire and even make all the creatures of the Empire disappear from the polar ice sheet. "

"Cappuccino, don\'t talk nonsense here. After taking advantage of the ice city, do you want to continue to let more than 1 billion civilians of the Empire continue to be slaves? Let our emperor be oppressed?" the old dignitary who spoke at the beginning pointed out the thin dignitary and roared.

The emperor on the throne looked at the quarrels of those dignitaries below and sneered in his heart. In fact, his understanding of the world was not as superficial as those dignitaries thought. Even in some things, he knew more than these dignitaries.

It\'s just that he is now tossing around with them in order to realize his childhood dream: "Bite! A dog bites a dog. Ha ha! A group of ignorant youths! Do you think I\'m a fool? In fact, you\'re a fool! Want to use me to offend the ice city? Offend countless high-level professionals? OK, I\'ll offend you. I\'ll offend them not only, but also all the empires on the polar ice field and the forces behind you. Let me Everyone is crazy about my dream! Ha ha! "

Thinking of his pride, the young emperor laughed. And those dignitaries are still quarreling below. They don\'t know that they are as ridiculous as actors in the eyes of others.