Abyss Knight

Chapter 692

The madness of the young emperor did not come true, because when his nominal men were arguing with each other, the killing of kukas came.

On the sky of the magnificent palace, a huge crack suddenly appeared, a burning black flag emerged from the crack, and then pierced the earth below.

The soldiers guarding the palace shouted wildly. They had never heard that there would be a crack in the sky and something would fall out. What\'s more, the flames on the falling black flag soared into the air. Tens of thousands of fire snakes wound around them. The momentum alone shocked them.

The black flag hit the earth, and the shock wave expanded around, instantly tearing apart all buildings and creatures within a radius of hundreds of meters.

The loud voice immediately attracted the attention of the contending dignitaries in the palace.

"What happened?" the young emperor slowly turned the bracelet, and a very sunny smile appeared on his face. "Did someone tear down the house? Tell them that this place belongs to us and there is no need to tear it down."

"It\'s a burning black flag that appears directly from the sky. Is there a god punishing us?" a soldier rushed into the hall from the outside and shouted wildly. In his poor understanding, he didn\'t know that someone could tear the space, let alone that the burning black flag would be kukas\'s plane prop. Like most soldiers, he believed that the gods in the sky were punishing their emperors.

"Damn it." those dignitaries knew countless times more than soldiers. After hearing that a black flag was coming from the sky, they immediately guessed that it was the people of the ice and snow city who were impatient, so they came to ask them. At this time, some dignitaries who supported the newly established Empire to take refuge in the gate of heaven also had a trace of regret in their hearts.

"Damn it, before the people at the gate of heaven appeared, the dirty abyss creatures came." the powerful did not care what to hide in front of the young emperor, but cursed loudly.

"What is the gate of heaven? What is the abyss creature?" the young emperor frowned slightly. In the information he got, the abyss creature knew, but he was the name of the gate of heaven "This is a world where people eat people. It seems that as the man said, in this world, what I need is not power and wealth, but absolute power. As long as I have power, I can do everything I want to do. Ha ha! Only absolute power is eternal!" Watching the green skins kill the powerful people below, watching those powerful people flee and shout, the young emperor laughed.

Some of the more than ten women behind him stared nervously at the killing below and limped to the ground, while others pulled out the long sword around their waist to prepare to protect their men, but most of them were panicked. Their brains were blank and stood stiff in place. They didn\'t know what to do.

"Everything is coming to an end. I thought this day would come very late and may never appear. But I was wrong." the young emperor took a deep look at fewer and fewer dignitaries below, and finally turned the bracelet fiercely.

The next moment, the simple Bracelet emitted a layer of golden light.

In the light, there are ancient words constantly jumping, and the voices of demons, gods and beasts constantly reciting those words. The bells are ringing, the space is turbulent, and the gorgeous palace begins to crack under the power leaked from the bracelet, and finally collapses.

The hall columns more than ten feet thick collapsed, and the gorgeous decorations peeled off one by one. At the moment of the collapse of the whole palace, the golden light beating the ancient words completely shrouded the young emperor and his women.

In the next moment, the golden light rose into the sky and pierced tens of thousands of feet into the sky, where it tore a plane crack and wanted to leave the plane.

"Do you want to go? You haven\'t asked me yet!" kukas, who has been paying attention to the situation here through the secret method, noticed the bad moment when the golden light burst into the sky.

When he saw the young emperor, his eyes subconsciously fell on the bracelet that the other party kept turning. In the dark, he thought that the bracelet was the prop that killed the legend.

"It\'s mine. No one wants it. Only I kukas deserve it." kukas growled in a low voice as his mind turned.

A black flag projected from a plane prop evolved into a knight\'s long gun several feet long. The black dragon roared and waved its wings to the sky.

The black dragon roared up into the sky and spewed out a column of light condensed by the ancient words intertwined with gold and silver from the horns on his faucet.

The pillar of light pierced into the sky in front of him and tore out a huge crack there. At the same time, the crack torn by the black dragon also appeared at the space crack torn by the golden pillar of the young emperor.

With the power of the bracelet, the young emperor tore the plane crack to leave here, but unexpectedly, a crack suddenly appeared at the exit he tore.

The next moment, a ferocious faucet stretched out from the crack. The faucet was ferocious, and groups of dragon inflammation poured out madly as if they didn\'t want money.

Long Yan hit the golden light cast by the ancient characters. As soon as he touched those golden lights, he was forcibly erased by the ancient characters above.

Bursts of dragon language sounded, and a gold and silver spear spewed out of the mouth of the black dragon, followed by those dragons, and hit the golden light heavily.

Bang! With a dull sound, the spear with gold and silver was broken in the violent impact.

"It\'s just a little lizard. I don\'t know how he died if he dared to run wild here." the young emperor saw the action of the black dragon in the golden light cast by the ancient words, and his face was ridiculed and disdained.

However, after the gold and silver spear was broken, he found a tall figure standing on the head of the black dragon.

The figure was wrapped in blue and gray armor, and his body exuded the smell of killing. On him, there was a white cloak without a cloak, and black space cracks appeared faintly with the shaking of the cloak.

A long black gun was carried in the armor man\'s hand, and a trace of red flame came out from the head of the gun. The flames burst from the long gun and flew directly behind him, forming seven distorted images.