Abyss Knight

Chapter 690

"Green skin? This suggestion is also good." the thin old man smiled at the speech. "But I heard that your green skins have more problems than the abyss devil, so I need more green skin than the abyss devil."

"The green skin of the top strength of the thousand heads and the seventh rank comes to take the seat. I don\'t want any accidents here." after watching the general situation in the underground city, kukas made such a decision without hesitation. It must be stable here, otherwise nearly ten million professionals will become violent and chaotic, and the Empire will not really perish. At that time, the alliance will hold him accountable.

Those forces who have always wanted to deal with him will take the opportunity to drop the stone and try their best to deal with him. And these things are not what he wants to see now.

The skinny old man explained to kukas in detail about the underground city here in the stone tower.

It turns out that more than 30 million people live in this underground city, which is about twice as big as the surface imperial capital.

About 10 million of them are professionals, and the rest are ordinary people. Of course, these ordinary people are not mobilized from the outside, but the descendants of professionals here.

Some people in the military headquarters put forward the blood lineage theory, believing that the probability of producing professionals among the descendants of professionals is greater, so they forcibly ordered the professionals here to have more than two offspring before reaching level 3.

Time has proved that the lineage theory put forward by that person is still correct, because among the descendants of these professionals, the probability of producing professionals is as high as about 1%. This is dozens of times more likely than ordinary people to combine to produce professionals.

Among them, the offspring of casters are more likely to become professionals. Therefore, the military headquarters stipulated that the casters here can only have offspring with the caster, not with other professional types.

Of course, such rules make many casters feel unhappy. Especially some female spellcasters.

These female spellcasters often have their own arrogance. They like to choose men by themselves. After choosing their own men, they are unwilling to combine with other men. But under the suppression of military rules, they must have offspring with other male spell casters. And this often causes all kinds of trouble.

Although there is a lot of trouble, the military headquarters can only forcibly continue to maintain it for the sake of future interests. Of course, the consequences of their doing so are also very successful. In this underground city, the number of spell casters is increasing day by day.

Under the instruction of the military headquarters, some scholars began to study the blood lineage. In their research, they found that the offspring of casters are not only more likely to produce offspring with spell casting talent, but also their talent is stronger than others.

"Now the worst mood here are the casters," the thin old man said reluctantly, "and most of the members of the glorious hand are hidden among these casters."

"You have a thousand green skins. If you can\'t stop them, I will regret my choice." kukas sat down in a wide chair, tilted his head and stared at the thin old man. "I want to build a magic plantation. Can you help me?"

"No." the thin old man shook his head without hesitation and refused: "Now there are thousands of magic plantations in the whole empire. Most of the things planted are provided to the ice and snow city, and the rest are transported here for the use of young children. There is no surplus material to build new plantations. Moreover, even if there are materials, we don\'t have enough people to build them."

"Manpower is not a problem. The problem is that you must transfer some materials, which must be transferred to me. You know, to build a magic plantation, there are not many magic materials, but as long as it is successfully built, the materials produced are thousands of times more than the materials consumed." Kukas did not consider each other\'s difficulties at all, so he did not hesitate to say his decision.

"To build a new magic plantation, the consumed magic materials will deprive 100000 low-level professionals of any supplies in a year. In this way, I\'m afraid the overall environment here will be more unstable." the thin old man frowned slightly and considered the matter of building a magic plantation more clearly than anyone. But it has been delayed for various reasons until now: "And the output of the magic plantation is not as exaggerated as you say."

The thin old man looked helpless. The construction of the magic plantation involved a large number of material consumption problems, which would have a serious impact on the whole dungeon and even the whole empire. An carelessness could lead to the collapse of the whole empire. You know, the operation of the Empire has stretched to the limit, and even adding a little burden may make the whole empire This operation completely collapsed.

"OK! You provide a quarter of the magic materials, I provide a quarter, and then I ask each of the other two empires for a quarter. We rebuild a new magic plantation. The final harvest is a quarter of each." After waiting for dozens of breathing time and seeing that the thin old man still disagreed with his decision, kukas had to step back and say the improved method.

"1/4? OK, but we should say hello to them in advance, and then deploy the kinds of magical materials provided by both sides," said the thin old man with a serious face.

In this way, after they talked, the thin old man left. Not long after he left, the door was pushed open, and two women in mage robes came in from the outside.

The two women were very beautiful, and their eyebrows were full of charm. According to them, they came here entirely because of the orders of the military authorities.

Kukas was not interested in the two female spellcasters who obviously came to accompany and sleep. He is now thinking about the stability of the Empire.

However, he did not drive the two female spellcasters away, but let them sleep in their own room.

He stayed in the underground city for three days. During this time, people kept visiting him. Among them were senior military officers, members of the royal family and some members of the church.

In the face of these people\'s visits, kukas simply answered them a few times, and then let them leave.

Many people indicated that they wanted the support of kukas or the ice city behind him, but kukas refused without hesitation. In his opinion, the imperial royal family has done well now. He does not want to cause chaos in an empire due to the change of regime, because it will affect the supply of materials to ice and snow cities.

Three days later, kukas directly sent a thousand green skins with seven levels of peak power to the thin old man with plane props. As for how the other party uses those green skins, he doesn\'t care. All he cares about is the stability of the whole empire.

After solving these trivial things, kukas left the empire with the magic supplies provided by the thin old man and went to the next empire.

More than ten days passed. After kukas inspected the situation of the other two large empires, his heart suddenly became much heavier.

It turned out that in the other two empires, he also got the help of those who were in power. Their purpose is the same: I hope he can send enough people to take charge of the Empire to prevent the glorious hand and their subordinate organizations from causing chaos to the Empire.

When kukas told the first power holder who stayed in the ice city about his discovery through magic communication, the first power holder\'s ugly face became even more ugly.

"The messages from the other people are similar to what you said. By the way, if there are no other important things there, go to the blue crystal empire!" after listening to kukas\'s introduction, the first person in power thought a little and said her suggestion.

"What happened there?" kukas has been busy collecting magic materials and stabilizing the three empires these days. He doesn\'t know what happened to the blue crystal empire.

"There has been a civil war in the blue crystal Empire, and the second power holder was nearly killed when he was knocked out half of his body." the first power holder rubbed his tired face and whispered, "no one else can leave. You need to take the seat."

"Did the high-level professionals at the gate of heaven intervene?"

"No, it\'s just a civil war caused by some people in the blue crystal empire. Well! The leader is a young boy. He is very powerful. In just seven or eight days, he has controlled one-third of the army and one-half of the land area of the blue crystal empire."

"Who hurt the second power?"

"The ordinary soldiers under the young man."

"It\'s impossible."

"That\'s the fact. Although I don\'t believe it, other people in power don\'t believe it, and all high-level professionals don\'t believe it, the fact is the fact, and no one can question it."

The first power holder then passed a copy of the image collected by prophecy casters with a secret method after the second power holder was injured to kukas for him to watch. Only in this way can she make kukas believe her words: "I think you will be surprised."

"I hope not." kukas took a deep breath, reached out and pierced into the palm of the first person in power. The next moment, he pulled out a diamond crystal the size of a thumb.

The diamond crystal was crushed, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of kukas.

In the picture, the second person in power is talking to several elderly dignitaries in a luxurious room. Soon the second in power got up and walked out.

When he opened the door, a young maid came from a distance with a drink. Although he was a high-level professional, he still nodded politely to the maid.

The maid bent her eyes and smiled back at him.

However, at the moment when they passed by, a cold light suddenly flew out of the maid\'s arm.

The cold light flashed, and the fierce fighting spirit burst out on the second power holder. At the same time, the light opened by magic props flashed out.

Layers of magic defense were instantly arranged outside his body, and the strong fighting spirit condensed into a substantial shield to resist the cold light.

The magic defense was broken and the air shield dissipated. The cold light easily penetrated all obstacles and was firmly nailed to the waist of the second power holder.

"Bang!" with a loud noise, the waist of the second power burst. Flesh and blood were flying, and the blood of gold and silver was sprayed from his body. Some blood scattered on the maid and melted the maid in an instant.

The next moment, the second authority who broke his body reached out and grasped in the void to grasp the maid\'s soul.

Some white bones began to spread from the broken waist and abdomen of the second power to his whole body. But in an instant, those white bones spread to the chest of the second power.


The second ruler noticed the abnormality of his body and his fighting spirit surged wildly, but there was no way to stop the growth of white bones under him. On the contrary, part of his fighting spirit was entangled by the white bones and turned into bones in an instant.

In this case, the second person in power is not a fool, let alone a stiff head. So he turned his hand and cut off his head by himself.

A blood light rose up, wrapped the head of the second power holder, instantly tore the space in front of him, and then plunged into it.

Before the space healed, the white bone like things completely wrapped the body left by the second power holder. Then a cold light came out of it, followed by the head of the escaped second power into the crack.

When the picture turned, kukas found that the head of the second power appeared over the ice city. With a low roar, dozens of level 8 professionals broke through the air and formed countless magic and morale defense around him.

But the cold light that followed easily tore those defenses. When the cold light was about to hit the head of the second power, the legendary Dharma array in the ice and snow city started.

Countless prohibitions, illusions and disillusionment, have formed hundreds of thousands of prohibitions and even rules around the head of the second power holder.

Even so, the cold light still tore more than half of the prohibition defense, and finally dissipated after crushing part of the regular projection.

"Secret props?"

"No. if it\'s a secret magic prop, the second power owner has no ability to escape." the first power owner said in a low voice: "according to the joint calculation of some prophets, they found that the thing shot by the maid was an arrow."

"What material is the arrow made of? I believe the second power master definitely felt the maid\'s body when he saw her. But why can\'t he find the arrow? He should be able to sense the fluctuations of any magic material." kukas narrowed his eyes and kept thinking about his knowledge in his mind, hoping to find something.

"Half a legendary spine."


"The arrow was made of half a step of legendary vertebrae." the first person in power took a deep breath and repeated seriously: "I don\'t know what method those people used to make it. I asked hundreds of scholars, but none of them had heard of this secret method."

"Arrows made of half step legendary vertebrae? Is it cost-effective to kill an eighth level professional with half step legendary vertebrae?" kukas subconsciously muttered.

"I don\'t know. But don\'t forget that we can\'t compare the resilience of half step legends at all. If we extract a vertebra alone, I\'m afraid it can recover in only one day." the first person in power shook her head, and she was very confused. I don\'t understand why the other party uses this method to deal with the second power.

You know, it\'s cost-effective to use that kind of arrow on the battlefield to avoid assassinating an eighth level professional.

"The half step legendary spine can make props that we can\'t feel? Such a strange means has never been heard of." after thinking about the inheritance of ghost crying knight and evil knight, kukas didn\'t find anything.

"Hehe! Yes! At first we didn\'t know, but later, after reporting to the alliance headquarters, they sent us a message that this method was actually spread from ourselves."

When the first person in power said this, although he was laughing, his face was still very ugly: "it\'s said that it was something made by a so-called killing knight. Not long after she made it, the people of the glorious hand mastered the secret method. Ha ha! Unexpectedly, when we don\'t know the Tao, the enemies know it. It\'s really funny."

"Killing knight?" kukas was shocked when he heard the speech. At this time, he remembered the killing Knight he saw in the plane of knowledge.

Although the knight was a woman, he felt extremely strong and dangerous. During this period, the two fought. Although it was just a simple competition, he still felt the power of the killing knight. And at that time, the killing Knight used only ordinary Knight means, and no secret method was used. And he used the secret method of printing too much.

As a result of the struggle, he exhausted all means and just drew with the killing knight.

"Do you know this kind of knight? It seems that your knowledge is very profound. Some scholars don\'t know the kind of killing knight."

"Yes, I met her when I was in knowledge. At that time, she said she didn\'t master any secret method of killing knights. What\'s more, she didn\'t hear her ability to make magic props without any fluctuating smell with half a step of legendary spine." when I think of the killing knights, Kukas took a deep breath and explained everything he knew to the first power.

"According to which killing knight, her kind of knight is more ancient and powerful than my ashes knight. The emergence of this knight means that all creatures are slaughtered in front of them. In their eyes, all creatures are just stepping stones to the top." kukas thought for a moment, Repeat what you heard from the killing knight.