Abyss Knight

Chapter 682

This transport altar is different from other transport altars. If it\'s a common delivery altar, after opening the delivery Dharma array, the creatures standing on it will directly reach the destination through the space torn by the Dharma array.

After this kind of transmission altar is opened, it will directly break the space and carry the above creatures to the destination.

Endless void, as long as there is enough magic power, this transmission altar can carry creatures across the past.

Crossing the void and transmitting the altar will produce the most powerful defense force of countless legends. In this case, even if there are three or five thousand legends, they have no ability to break the void and kill the creatures crossing the void. Its security level is far beyond the general tearing space transmission.

When the secret method was opened, a large number of magic crystals were thrown onto the altar by kukas. After absorbing these magic crystals, the altar continued to grow. With each increase of one point, dozens of demons jumped up and waited for transmission.

After all the demons jumped on the altar, kukas also stepped on the black dragon and fell directly in the center of the altar.

The simple secret method is opened, and countless Haoguang are released from the surrounding of the altar. These Haoguang condenses into a light belt, which rotates wildly around the altar like a tornado. With the rotation of the light band, the surrounding space was distorted and thundered. The sky within a radius of tens of miles was obviously dimmed. The space collapsed slightly and forcibly shattered the killing breath condensed by 3000 demons.

The next moment, the altar shrunk fiercely, and then those light bands turned into tornadoes rolled back and went into the altar.

"Dang!" the bell like sound sounded, and the space within three or five miles burst into pieces. The altar turned into a streamer and disappeared into the broken space in an instant.

After the altar disappeared, the broken space quickly recovered, but in just two or three breathing times, the space of three or five miles collapsed and was smoothed under the healing power of the ruling surface itself.

The altar entered the endless void crack, and countless forbidden Dharma arrays were born under the feet. These forbidden Dharma arrays tightly wrapped the whole altar, forcibly tore the void, crossed tens of millions of miles in an instant, but emerged in the sky at the junction of the three empires in a few moments.

Emerging from the cracks in space, the altar just distorts the space and does not tear it apart. But even so, the power that distorts the space and emits unconsciously also cracks the earth tens of feet or even hundreds of feet deep.

Fortunately, it was carefully selected by kukas through the magic map, and it did not cause the death of innocent intelligent creatures.

"Just build a devil\'s nest here! We will stay here for a long time before we leave." after receiving the transmission altar, kukas stepped on the void, pointed to the snow covered earth below and whispered, "I have prepared three materials for you. I hope you won\'t waste it."

As soon as kukas said this, he immediately aroused the excited roar of three thousand demons. You know, a devil\'s nest is a good thing that is countless times more precious than any magic materials and materials for demons who step into the abyss of other planes. As long as they have a devil\'s nest, their survival probability of these demons can be increased by at least 35 times or even more than 10 times.

I\'m afraid the idea of living is strongest among the abyss demons in the endless void. Even if they envy and despise life, they cherish their own life very much.

Piles of magical materials were dumped on the ground by kukas. Three thousand demons, regardless of the ridicule of the black dragon, fell on the ground one by one, and then began to build their demon nest.

The construction of devil\'s nest is actually extremely easy, but the premise is that there must be sufficient magic materials.

Most of those magic materials are extremely precious and necessary for legends to make magic props. In this case, kukas was able to prepare three copies of the materials of the devil\'s nest for them, which excited all the demons.

You know, even in the ice city, there are more than 500000 high-level demons all year round, but there is only one demon nest. It\'s not that ice and snow cities don\'t want demons to build their nests, but because the magic materials for building nests are too scarce.

The demons did not ask where kukas got these magic materials. They quickly sorted out the magic materials randomly stacked on the ground, and then began to dig holes in the hard earth.

The earth covered with ice and snow for countless years is extremely hard. Even if ordinary people wield the sharpest battle axe, they have no ability to leave a trace on it. But in the eyes of the demons of the abyss, the earth covered with ice and snow is not hard, even a little loose.

The sharp claws tore off large pieces of soil, which was not discarded far away, but was slapped on the wall of the pit by demons with special abilities, making the wall stronger.

In less than half a magic hour, an underground building more than 3000 feet deep and more than 1000 feet wide appeared in front of kukas.

The underground building was simply divided into some rooms of different sizes and various strange stone towers, corridors and other styles by the demons. The whole building is patted together by demons with soil.

The underground pit is big for ordinary people, but it is still a little small for demons. But they can\'t continue to dig down, because if they continue to dig down, they will dig out something called far north water.

These things are everywhere under the whole Arctic ice sheet. They are like an underground ocean flowing in any corner under the Arctic ice sheet.

These extreme northern underworld waters have no abnormal effects on ordinary professionals and creatures, but for demons, if they are contaminated by the newly unearthed extreme northern underworld water, most of them will be instantly melted by the power of the extreme northern underworld water, and only a few demons can survive.

When this extreme northern water was discovered, crazy scholars in the abyss demons began experiments that looked extremely ferocious in the eyes of other creatures.

Hundreds of thousands of demons were thrown into the pool that kept pouring out of the water of the far north. In the end, only three or five of those demons survived. The others were melted in the moment when they entered the pool of the far north dark water, and there were no bones left. This also includes dozens of demons with ninth level ability.

And those who survived the demons, they got some unexpected benefits: Blood evolution.

From the worst little devil to the devil who gets the blood reward from the abyss.

Under the experiment of crazy demon scholars, it was finally found that these extreme northern underworld water could improve the little evil demons in the abyss, and there was no other discovery. The professionals of other races did not find the use of this thing. Therefore, no other creatures studied this thing except some professionals of the gate of heaven who deliberately dug some extreme northern underworld water to deal with demons.

When they were about to dig out the extreme northern underworld water, the demons stopped, and then they polished and fused the materials prepared by kukas according to a certain proportion and way. Finally, the unique magic fire in the abyss burned three or five magic.

Piles of magic materials turned into drops of liquid under the burning of magic fire, and a trace of smoke floated out of those liquids, making the liquid of these materials less and less.

In the end, only a liquid mass the size of an adult\'s head was left rolling in the 3000 magic fire.

The demons tempered their magic for more than one hour, and finally used the secret method to urge the blood essence from their heart to drop into the liquid.

Three thousand drops of demon blood essence fell into the liquid, which began to roll violently. Finally, the liquid turned scarlet, and then beat gently like a heart.

Strange abyss words came out of the mouth of the demons, and countless abyss words condensed by the devil\'s power fell into the heart, constantly suppressing the heart and falling into the newly excavated abyss building community.

Every minute the beating heart falls, some red silk thread sprays out and winds around the buildings.

Those silk threads looked extremely fragile and even broke when the wind blew, but kukas found that with the emergence of these red silk threads, the heart fell more and more slowly. Even it beat violently from time to time, trying to resuspend into the air.

Three thousand demons recited the abyss language faster and faster. The demons gathered together and twisted the space around them for tens of miles.

In this twisted space, even kukas did not dare to resist forcibly, so he could only urge the black dragon to retreat towards the back.

"Master, give orders! These humble and ugly demons can\'t move at this time. As long as we break through that twisted space, we can kill all these garbage demons. Otherwise, these demons will never obey your supreme glory. They must be baptized with blood to let them know who is the most powerful." The black dragon roared nervously. He puffed out a cloud of dragon inflammation, which burned at the edge of the twisted space.

"Shut up, or I don\'t mind throwing you directly." kukas smiled grimly, stepped hard, and his big foot severely crushed the flesh and blood on the black dragon\'s head, leaving cracks on his solid Faucet: "want to stir up discord? You don\'t have that skill. Be honest with me, or I don\'t mind stuffing you again."

"Roar!" the black dragon uttered an unwilling low roar. His head shook wildly. His huge body rolled in the air, but he was unwilling to accept his current situation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" when he stepped on the void, the space under kukas\'s feet was distorted, but in an instant, he stepped on dozens of places on the black dragon. At every step, the Dragon scales on the black dragon will burst, a lot of flesh and blood will break, and blood gas will rise into the sky.

The scattered dragon blood and meat did not fall on the earth, but were forcibly absorbed by the distorted space several miles away.

After absorbing dragon blood and meat, the twisted space directly grinds them into the most primitive blood gas. Under the traction of the secret method, these blood gases went into the falling beating heart.

The agitated heart became stronger after being nourished by the blood gas of the black dragon. A heartbeat is like the roar of a giant clock, as well as the collapse of space and the roar of legend.

With every beat of the heart, 3000 demons lose one point. These demons are using their own blood essence to urge all the forces, a brain blessing to the heart.

"Dragon blood." after the heart beat more powerful, a demon suddenly roared. In order to remind kukas, he was hurt by the rebound force hooked when his heart beat. Dozens of cracks suddenly burst out on the whole huge body, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. If it weren\'t for the help of other demons, I\'m afraid he would be torn to pieces by the rebound force of his heart.

"Dragon blood? OK, I\'ll give you as much as you want." kukas heard the speech and cackled. He stepped on the black dragon forcibly over the twisted space, and then pulled out a hollow spear with his backhand.

The spear pierced into the heart of the black dragon. For a time, the dragon blood followed the hollow spear and scattered like a fountain. After being pulled and polished by the twisted space, it turned into infinite blood and continuously injected into the beating heart.

The heart stirred more and more violently, and the red silk thread sprayed out from it became more dense. These red silk threads, like poisonous snakes, quickly wound around mud buildings. In just a few breathing times, they can wind a section of buildings into scarlet.

After the building turned scarlet, the heart sank by itself, but in kukas\'s view, the demons became more difficult.

The flesh and blood of some demons closest to the beating heart began to dry up. In order to speak the ancient abyss language with secret methods, they consumed not only their own abyss power, but also their own flesh and blood power.

"Roar! Roar!" a dry devil roared reluctantly. The next moment, their whole body was like rotten dead wood. With the beating of their heart, they broke into small powder and attached to other remaining demons with the fluctuations caused by the beating of their heart.

Those powders scattered on the demons, which immediately made the dry demons a little refreshed, but their spirit fell again after only a few breaths. Moreover, the sudden death of dozens of demons made the remaining demons more difficult.

The dragon\'s blood poured out, and the black dragon at kukas\'s feet kept roaring. He rolled wildly in the air, and tears fell from the huge longan.

"Roar! Kukas, let me go! I\'ll die if this goes on." the black dragon roared, but he couldn\'t get rid of kukas\'s control.

"Let you go? Hehe! After becoming my mount, do you still want me to let you go?" kukas smiled grimly, but he didn\'t pay attention to the black dragon\'s request at all. He just urged the black dragon to release more dragon blood.

Of course, he doesn\'t care whether the black dragon will die because of the lack of a large amount of dragon blood. In his opinion, the establishment of a devil\'s nest is far more precious than a black dragon. What\'s more, it\'s still a disobedient black dragon.

The black dragon\'s cry seemed to stimulate the beating heart. The heart kept growing, and the speed of absorbing the black dragon\'s blood became faster and faster. The blood turned into dragon blood was forcibly extracted by the heart, and the body of a demon kept drying up, then exploded into countless powders and scattered on other similar bodies.

Watching those demons with eighth order ability fall constantly, kukas couldn\'t help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

He only knew something about the devil\'s nest in some books and the inheritance of knights, but he saw the production process of this kind of thing for the first time.

"How powerful is the devil\'s nest made of the blood and flesh of demons with eighth order power? The function of the devil\'s nest according to the legend of the outside world can\'t have only so many things." kukas narrowed his eyes and kept coming up with ideas one by one in his mind.

When the heart fell to half the distance of the pit, three thousand demons, but there were more than a thousand demons left. At this time, more than ten demons turn into fly ash every time the heart falls ten feet. And the effect of the fly ash transformed by these demons on other demons is becoming weaker and weaker.

An abyss breath condensed into substance began to be released from the buildings and hearts wrapped in red silk thread. The dark abyss breath rose into the sky and pierced thousands of feet into the sky. Without kukas\'s attention, these abyss breath directly tore the plane barrier, and then penetrated into the endless void outside, tearing out a huge crack in the depths of the void.

The void cracks emerged, pouring out an abyss breath as thick as blood. The breath of these abysses turned into a long river in the void and rushed towards the eternal plane.

Some professionals fighting in the void were accidentally rolled in by the surging abyss River, and then couldn\'t hold on for an instant. In an instant, they were polished into nothingness by the abyss river.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" after the long river of the abyss emerged from the crack of the void, the abyss demons who recited the spell shouted in complete panic.

They also built demon nests in the abyss at first. At that time, build a devil\'s nest, 380th order demons, only temporarily die more than 2000 of the same kind. After the completion of the construction of the devil\'s nest, those dead will rise again with the help of the power of the devil\'s nest.

And those resurrected demons will become stronger. In the future, as long as the devil\'s nest is not destroyed, those demons will live forever.

It is for this reason that the demons built their nests as quickly as possible after they got the magic materials provided by kukas.