Abyss Knight

Chapter 683

However, the demons now find that they are not enough to build the whole demon nest. In particular, after the abyss River tore the plane barrier and rolled directly from the endless void to the heart, the demons turned into fly ash faster and faster.

"Send some demons." kukas was also aware of the difficulties of these demons. He was afraid that the devil\'s nest could not be completely built after the demons died. Therefore, he directly sent a message to the first power holder left in the ice and snow city through magic props.

In fact, anomalies tens of millions of miles away have long been found in the ice and snow city where the first power is in power, especially those powerful demons.

The smell emitted during the construction of the devil\'s nest constantly seduces the demons\' inner impulse. Some powerful demons can\'t bear to tear the space, directly appear there, and then participate in the production process of the devil\'s nest.

However, without orders, although they were anxious, they did not dare to leave without authorization.

Now, after kukas sent the message of the need for demons to the first power, all the powerful demons were boiling.

The first person in power also knew the importance of the devil\'s nest. She didn\'t expect that kukas could make a material for making the devil\'s nest in private, and also build the devil\'s nest in that place.

For a moment, her heart was both excited and angry.

The excitement is that the emergence of a demon nest will greatly increase the strength of demons; Angry that the devil\'s lair was not built in a place.

"Damn it, if I knew you had the material to build a devil\'s nest, I would definitely let you build a nest here in the ice and snow city, not in a place without any strategic significance." the first power holder, who was somewhat depressed, muttered in a low voice while helping kukas transfer powerful demons to the past.

However, she didn\'t know that kukas had three materials to make the devil\'s nest. In order to build a powerful devil\'s nest, those demons used all three materials at one time.

"Damn it." when the first authority sent more than 3000 demons who reached the peak strength of level 9, she still kept getting kukas\'s request.

In desperation, she just continued to transport demons there. At this time, she began to be curious about the devil\'s nest built by kukas\'s demons.

You know, the devil\'s nest built outside the ice city was just thousands of demons with ten levels of power. The devil\'s nest is the most powerful nest in this eternal plane.

However, according to the current situation, the first person in power believes that the devil\'s nest built by kukas has far more power than the ordinary devil\'s nest.

After tearing the plane barrier for a long time, various natural disasters began to occur in some areas of this plane. A series of natural conditions such as earthquake, volcanic eruption, rainstorm and seasonal anomalies all emerge one by one. Countless ordinary intelligent creatures died in this series of disasters. Even unlucky empires disappeared directly from this plane, because in their empires, they suddenly spewed out countless magma.

The magma rolled, and the high-level professionals guarding the Empire could only guard several large cities, while in other places, they could only allow tens or even hundreds of feet of magma to rage in the past. Then the basin is accumulated into high mountains and the plain is evolved into hills.

The occurrence of natural disasters in the plane is only a slight reaction of the plane itself due to the forced healing of the plane barrier. The disaster caused by these reactions is very confused and panic in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is very bad news for the legendary professionals on both sides of the enemy and ourselves.

You know, in this eternal plane, although someone tears the plane barrier every day and forcibly enters the plane in place from the outside, the time for that kind of tearing plane barrier to enter is very short, only in an instant each time.

In such a short time, the plane will not have such a big response at all. The reason why such a violent reaction can occur for a long time is that someone has torn the plane barrier for a long time.

All legends know what the plane barrier represents for a long time, because this phenomenon occurs only when large-scale transmission professionals come. Unless the bit plane source is used for transmission, a simple bit plane transmission array will cause this situation.

The people of the abyss alliance think that the people of the gate of heaven summoned a large number of reinforcements, while the people of the gate of heaven think that it was caused by the people of the abyss alliance. After all, the plane barrier crack they sensed is located in the chaotic Arctic ice sheet, where the forces of the enemy and ourselves are intertwined, and there is no obvious boundary at all.

Almost in a short period of more than a dozen breathing times, the legends who felt that the surface barrier had been torn for a long time all rushed to the extreme north ice plain with their brain.

Streamers tear the sky, and space cracks appear and disappear in an instant. However, hundreds of thousands of legends and gods appeared over the Arctic ice sheet in more than a dozen breathing times.

Countless spirits and breath are raging madly in the air. These spirits and breath are swimming in the air without any cover up. Crazy searchers are all abnormal places.

The legends and gods have no hidden meaning. They all try their best to urge their momentum to wrap around, like beasts, and use the most fundamental things to frighten their enemies.

Hundreds of thousands of gods and legendary Qi and blood rose into the sky, and immediately fragmented the sky of the polar ice sheet.

Where the gods walked, the sky collapsed, the infinite divine light scattered thousands of feet, stirred the earth to tremble, stirred infinite thunder and fire, and burst out from the broken space.

Legend walking, the golden light spread tens of thousands of feet, one step across the sky, leaving a crack hundreds of thousands of feet long. Countless turbulent flows emerged from the crack, stirred by turbulent flows, turned into tornadoes, raging in the sky and the earth.

The spirit breath is like mountains and mountains, and the legendary breath is like the sea and the wind. With each step, the sky collapses, and visions emerge all around: floating sun in the sea of blood, nine dragons swallowing the sky, magic cover in the sky, lotus growing step by step, flowers blooming and other visions.

The strong mind swept across the sky and the earth, leaving cracks. At this time, the plane source seems to have noticed something, so those spatial cracks were healed in a short moment. Otherwise, if these hundreds of thousands of legends and gods are allowed to walk in the sky, I\'m afraid it won\'t be long before their wholehearted power will tear the whole sky apart and even break the plane barrier. By that time, the whole plane may have a large-scale disaster.

All legends and gods who came to the sky of the polar ice sheet found the location of the plane barrier crack at the first time.

After all, there was a gap in the barrier, and hundreds of feet wide abyss poured down.

The long river dropped, and the breath of the abyss was very strong. After seeing these breath, legends and gods only dared to look at it from a distance, but none dared to come forward and touch it.

The people of the abyss alliance saw the long river falling down in the sky and were all secretly relieved, because they knew that only the demons of the abyss alliance could hook the long river of the abyss.

When the people at the gate of heaven saw that it was the breath of the abyss, they suddenly looked ugly. In particular, their eyes followed the long river of the abyss, looked down, crossed hundreds of thousands of miles of altitude, and found that someone was building a devil\'s nest below.

It was precisely because the devil\'s nest stirred the breath of the abyss that all the people at the gate of heaven became anxious.

"In this eternal plane, there are countless devil nests, but none of them can move the abyss. But the devil\'s nest in front of us has done it. It must be absolutely different. Kill and destroy the nest, and we can\'t let it appear in this plane." for a moment, the idea, The legends and gods who appeared at the gate of heaven almost at the same time.

"We dare not provoke the abyss, but we are not afraid of the unfinished devil\'s nest."

"Destroy it."

For a time, more than 100000 thoughts of killing were intertwined in the air, or evolved into tens of millions of spears, or into countless beasts, frantically killing on the earth hundreds of thousands of miles below.

"Stop them!" the legends and gods of the abyss alliance saw that the people at the gate of heaven wanted to destroy the devil\'s nest, so they all stopped it.

Some people have boundless divine light behind them. They rotate like a wheel and polish thousands of spears. There were thousands of golden lights under someone\'s feet, and a round of red sun emerged from the golden light. The sunlight scattered, rowed all over the sky, and the sea water squeezed countless fierce animals.

For a time, hundreds of thousands of legends and gods collided with each other at an altitude of hundreds of thousands of miles on the Arctic ice sheet.

It was just a simple collision, and the aftermath of the explosion destroyed the plane barrier over the polar ice sheet.

The plane barrier is broken, and immediately there is an infinite amount of void turbulence rolled back into this eternal plane. After entering the plane in place, these turbulence are blessed by the original power of this plane. They evolve into countless fierce beasts and wars, crazy attackers, members of the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven.

The turbulence after the blessing of these original forces on the throne is extremely strong. They tear the boundless divine light around the gods, erase the golden light at the foot of the legend and break the attacks of both sides. For a moment, the whole sky became chaotic.

The changes in the sky, kukas and others, were only aware of them, but they didn\'t feel much. After all, those top professionals are hundreds of thousands of miles high in the sky, and their struggle can\'t affect them at all.

Even if there was a leak, kukas couldn\'t think about the reason.