Abyss Knight

Chapter 681

"No, you don\'t understand. Although the child is not mine, I like my wife very much, so I will still raise the child. You should know that raising a child takes a lot of energy and time, and I can\'t go to the blue crystal Empire at all." the person in power giggled and laughed.

"No matter what reason you find, only you can go to the blue crystal Empire to stabilize the rebellion." the first person in power gently shook his head and smiled: "if someone opposes him to go to the blue crystal Empire, stand up and say it." after saying this, she slowly swept over the other 11 people in power to see if anyone stood up and said anything.

No one stood up to say anything, because they all knew that the blue crystal Empire had fallen a legend. No matter how the legend fell, it would be dangerous for them to go there. In particular, there may be legendary void props or secret magic props.

Those two props, no matter which one, are not what they can resist now, even if they lead thousands of eighth steps there.

"Since there is no objection, you go to the blue crystal empire." the first person in power gently knocked on the table and finally made such a decision.

"I think it\'s more appropriate for kukas to go there than I do. His strength is stronger than me. He can deal with any danger, but I probably can\'t deal with it." the person in power knows that he said something wrong, but he is not willing to be sent to the dangerous Blue Crystal Empire because of a wrong word.

"There\'s something wrong with his head. He just knows to kill. Going there will only make things worse." the first person in power suddenly looked serious and serious: "We are not joking. Kukas is not suitable for going to the blue crystal empire. If you have any grudges against him, you can deal with it in private, not on business. This is not a good thing for the polar ice sheet."

"Damn it." the person in power cursed in a low voice: "I need at least three thousand eight ranks of professionals and one hundred nine ranks to exist."

"Level 9 professionals are all in the ice and snow city, and we have no right to mobilize them. I allow you to choose the most elite level 8 creatures. I think according to your power, many powerful level 8 creatures will be willing to follow you. Well, that\'s all for the blue crystal empire. What do you think? I\'ll talk about it after dealing with the violence and chaos of the blue crystal empire." The first person in power spoke out her final decision again.

The man in power wanted to say something more, but when he saw that other people in power didn\'t support him, he had to give up. However, he whispered a few words, saying that his wife\'s children would miss him. Of course, these words were true or false, and no one cared.

Including kukas, except that the first person in power stayed in the ice and snow city, all other people in power LED 1000 to 3000 level 8 creatures or professionals to more than ten countries on the ice field.

Kukas led the 380th rank professionals to take charge of the Empire on the ice field. However, due to the lack of manpower, he wanted to take charge of three empires. Other people in power took charge of one or two empires because of the different conditions of each empire.

The meeting lasted a short time. After all, they were not politicians and there was no need to talk at length.

At the end of the meeting, the other powers left, but kukas was left by the first power.

"Kukas, the three empires you are in charge of are the three largest empires in the Arctic ice sheet, and they border on each other." the first power holder took out a magic prop and played it in his hand for a few times, then projected a lot of information from it and suspended it in the air to explain to kukas: "It should be noted that the amount of materials provided by these three empires each year is a little more than one-fifth of that provided by more than a dozen other empires."

"Absolute stability is needed there. If the three empires are in turmoil, we will lack a large part of our supplies. In that way, the pressure here will increase a lot."

"And there are hundreds of church organizations of different sizes in the three empires. Those church organizations are extremely difficult to deal with. If they trouble you, you\'d better ignore them."

"It\'s said that some great powers have branches and take root in the three empires. Maybe they will take the opportunity to deal with you. But don\'t worry. The legends who are in charge of the three empires are still controlled by the abyss alliance. They may help you."

"The emperors of the three empires are very strong. They all want to use this all-out war to annex more land. What you have to do is to stop their mutual annexation and keep their war under control."

With the narration of the first power holder, the information evolved into maps and sentences, which were firmly remembered by kukas with secret methods.

"You have been here for the shortest time, but your task now is actually no worse than that of the person in power who went to the blue crystal empire. I hope you can do a good job and keep the three empires stable for at least 30 years."

"Why thirty years?" kukas thought that there were some special meanings in the words of the first power holder, so he asked subconsciously.

"In another 30 years, I will end my mission here." the first person in power has nothing to hide. She smiled and said the reason: "I don\'t want to be seized by the people at the gate of heaven because of the turmoil of the entire polar ice sheet caused by the civil strife of those Empires during this period."

"Civil strife is not simple. I think if there is no accident, what happens in the blue crystal empire will eventually happen in other empires. Well, for example, the three empires I want to be in charge of." kukas muttered with some worry.

"Just hope is a coincidence. You know, in this situation of all-out war, the ability of some spies is not enough to have any impact on an empire. It may be just an accident, not a long planned means of the gate of heaven." the first power holder rubbed his head with a headache and muttered in a low voice: "We also have some spies lurking in the Empire controlled by the gate of heaven. They have been lurking there for nearly a hundred years, but they have no ability to affect an empire or even a principality."

"As you said, I hope the blue crystal empire was just an accident. Hehe, I don\'t know why that legend fought with a low-level professional."

"Because of a woman. Damn it, among the immediate descendants of the legend, some young people fell in love with the professional\'s wife. In order to rob the woman, a struggle broke out, which led to the fall of a legend. Ha ha, it\'s ridiculous." when saying this, the first person in power looked very ugly: "Now the members of that family jump to avenge their ancestors. Damn it, a bunch of brainless things."

"I\'ll start tomorrow." kukas is not curious or concerned about the complaints of the first person in power. He just wants to know how his eighth level professionals should convene.

"I will send some abyssal creatures to join you. Although those abyssal creatures are a little confused, they will absolutely obey orders." the first person in power may have noticed kukas\'s dilemma, so he solved the problem in advance: "the time is not tense. It\'s OK to arrive there in ten days."

"Well!" nodded, and kukas got up and walked out of the conference room.

"Be careful. When you go to those places, some people won\'t worry too much like in the ice and snow city. After many things happen, we can\'t react here." when the first person in power saw kukas\'s back, he suddenly opened his mouth and reminded again.

"Thank you!"

"As long as you can stabilize the three empires, you will be grateful to me. To tell you the truth, I am tired of such a war." the first person in power sighed in a low voice: "meaningless consumption. Countless people die every day, but there is no gain on both sides."

When he came to the door, kukas turned his head fiercely and stared at the first person in power and said, "I heard that the all-out war will last for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years."

"Yes, but it won\'t last that long for us." the first person in power smiled in a low voice: "few people can survive this long war."

"I\'m definitely one of them."

"I hope so."

The heavy door was pulled open by kukas and left the huge and empty conference room.

After he left, the first person in power sighed in a low voice, then tore the space directly and disappeared.

After kukas returned to his residence, he quickly handled some documents, and then delegated his rights to the think tank provided by the alliance according to some special procedures. These think tanks will help him deal with some ordinary documents when he leaves the ice and snow city. As for those important documents, they will be transmitted to him through a small transmission array handle.

After returning to his residence, kukas began to take out the information given to him by the first authority and watch it carefully.

For three or five days in a row, he stayed in his room and read the information, because he knew that if he wanted to completely stabilize the three empires, he must know very well about the situation there, otherwise he would be prone to accidents.

After recalling the maps of the three empires and the staggered relationship between various forces again, kukas decided not to stay here, but to sit in the three empires.

However, before going there, he had to accept the 3000 abyss demons with the strength of level 8 professionals prepared by the first power holder.

The abyssal demons had been mobilized by the first power when he studied information. Because of their particularity, they did not gather in the ice city, but in the abyssal nest outside the city.

The abyss lair is actually the residence built by the abyss demons for themselves. There, their strength can be blessed by the lair. These abyss lairs are very important to the abyss demons.

It can make demons quickly recover from injuries, reproduce, increase strength and enhance blood power.

Of course, such nests also have different grades. The higher the grade, the more precious they are to the abyss demons. In the infinite battle in the abyss, the abyss nest is an important reason for the demons to kill.

When kukas left the ice city, three thousand demons also left their nest and gathered outside the ice city.

Seeing the three thousand demons, kukas was in a much better mood. Because those gathered demons can be regarded as a strong race in the abyss.

There are dozens of powerful demons, such as Barto demon with crow head, Roy demon who can release poisonous smoke, and man horse demon with four arms.

According to kukas\' understanding, these demons once killed with ghost crying knights and evil knights in groups in extremely ancient times. And their killing will bring great trouble to these two knights.

Three thousand demons gathered together, and there was a dark cloud above their heads. There was a sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling in the clouds, and evil spirits rolled in them.

More than ten miles away from these demons, kukas could feel their powerful killing breath. The strong smell of killing made his mind slightly excited.

The killing breath hidden in the depths of his soul and mind was released fiercely. These breath rose into the sky and formed a cloud column dozens of feet thick above his head. The pillar of cloud turned and rolled, and the cries of countless creatures came out of it.

The cloud column moves with kukas, distorts the space and emits bursts of thunder like sound.


The closer he was to three thousand demons, the more excited kukas was. In the back, stimulated by the killing breath of demons, he roared loudly. Then he manipulated his own killing breath and collided with the smell of demons.

"Boom!" with a loud noise, the tens of feet thick and thin cloud column collided with the devil\'s breath, and the whole cloud column broke, but the dark clouds condensed by the devil\'s breath also fluctuated.

Some demons suppressed their voices and roared. If they didn\'t know his identity, they would have rushed up and killed him.

Seeing these demons ready to move, kukas roared again. With this roar, a black streamer came from the ice city.

The streamer dispersed, and a black dragon appeared directly at his feet. And this black dragon is the one he forcibly subdued.

After decades of training by animal trainers, the black dragon is many times more honest than before. After hearing kukas\'s call, he didn\'t dare to stop for half a minute and rushed over immediately.

Stepping on the black dragon\'s head, kukas showed his fierce eyes and slowly glanced at the three thousand Demons: "from now on, you will be under my temporary command. I don\'t need you to give me advice. I just need you to absolutely obey my orders."

"Do you hear me? You damn dirty creatures, obey my master, or you will all die." the black dragon roared at kukas\'s feet, and a stream of dragon breath gushed out of his nostrils, making him look ferocious. When he heard the black dragon\'s roar, the evil demons immediately made a riot, and some demons showed ferocious eyes, Bared his teeth and wanted to go up and tear kukas into pieces of meat to eat clean.

When the black dragon saw the angry faces of the demons, he became more rampant: "gaga! Be a slave to my master! You dirty things."

"Bang!" a dull explosion remembered, and the fierce ash poured out from kukas\'s feet and polished on the black dragon\'s head. Just once, the flesh and blood on the black dragon\'s head was fried, leaving only Bai Sensen\'s skull.

Dragon blood splashed everywhere, a stream of Qi and blood rose into the sky, and the strong breath spread around, instantly hooking up the demons\' bloodthirsty instinct.

A low roar rang out from the demons. Some demons even squeezed out of the team and roared in a low voice. When they were red, they wanted to rush up and swallow.

"Be quiet. I know some of you are unconvinced, but what I want to tell you is, if anyone is unconvinced, come out and fight with me. The winner lives and the loser dies."

Kukas smiled grimly. Although he hated the black dragon to stir up trouble, now is not the time to punish him. He has to face those angry demons.

"No one will fight with you. When we came out, we had made an oath." a demon with three pairs of bat wings flew to kukas. The demon had only one mouth and one eye on his head. In addition, he was bare and had no other devices.

"Don\'t worry. As long as we don\'t die in vain, no one will oppose your order."

The devil\'s words relaxed kukas\'s mood. He knew that if he wanted to subdue all the 3000 demons in front of him by himself, it would not be easy at all. Even if he kills dozens or even hundreds of demons in a row, some demons will still be unconvinced. Because demons always think they are the most powerful and have never tried it in person. They absolutely don\'t recognize the gap between them.

"It\'s the best." kukas nodded. He was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly took out a transmission altar that had already been made.

This transmission altar is a special transmission array specially made by the ice and snow city. Users can easily use it even if they are not spell casters proficient in space transmission.

However, using this kind of altar will consume a lot of magic power. Due to the war, this kind of transmission altar that consumes extremely huge magic power is still very rare in ice and snow cities. This time, it was for the convenience of kukas to mobilize the army to sit in the three empires, so he was allocated one.