Abyss Knight

Chapter 680

Life is very leisurely. Kukas has a lot of time to read books and practice secret methods every day. Unless invited by the first authority, he will never leave the ice castle.

However, such days did not last long and disappeared.

"Civil strife broke out in the blue crystal Empire?"

When kukas heard the news, he looked surprised. You know, it\'s a time of war, and every empire is under military control. Professionals will be sent here as cannon fodder soon after they are born. Only the royal family of an empire will control a large number of professionals as the ultimate guards. Most of the ultimate guards are high-level professionals, and even one or two legends will sit there.

Under normal circumstances, with such a deterrent, no empire will have civil strife, especially large-scale civil strife.

But the message from the intelligence personnel broke everyone\'s understanding.

Thirteen controllers of the Arctic ice sheet gathered together, and their faces were very ugly. This is not only because of the civil strife in the blue crystal Empire, but also because of the news of the civil strife in the blue crystal Empire, as well as the signs of civil strife in other empires.

"It happened suddenly, and the people of the blue crystal Empire didn\'t realize it." the first person in power simply told the people what happened in the blue crystal Empire, and finally concluded: "in case of any accident, we must send some forces to each empire. Only in this way can we have a stable rear."

"How did that legend fall?" kukas gently knocked on the table and asked in a deep voice. You know, he has seen the power of gods as powerful as legends. In his opinion, unless several legends or gods work together, it is extremely difficult to make a legend fall suddenly.

"The message from the blue crystal empire is that the legendary projection was wiped out by a powerful prop of the low-level professional when fighting with a low-level professional." the first person in power said with some uncertainty. In her opinion, the news seemed to be a lie woven by the people of the blue crystal empire in order to shirk their responsibilities.

"What kind of props can erase a legend? And the legend is just a projection. After erasing the projection of a legend, directly erase the body? I\'m afraid such props can\'t be done by power fully open level props." a power holder muttered in a low voice.

"Yes, even if there is a plane prop that can erase the legend, but as far as I know, the power of a plane prop wants to be fully displayed, and only the legend can do it." kukas thought a little, and then expressed his opinion: "A low-level professional is absolutely unable to open all the powers of a level prop, even one thousandth or one ten thousandth. How can such a prop kill a legend?"

Kukas\'s doubts were also those of other power holders. But at this moment, no one said anything. They were just silent, waiting for the final proposal of the first power holder.

However, the first person in power didn\'t want to expose the fall of the legend so easily. She waited for a while, and then still said in an uncertain tone: "I heard that the prop is likely to be an empty prop."

"It\'s impossible."

As soon as the words of the first person in power were finished, all those in power, including kukas, lost their voice and shouted.

For kukas, the void prop is a legend. In the eyes of other power holders, the void prop is also an elusive legend.

In people\'s understanding, the empty prop only occasionally appeared in the extremely ancient times, and then quickly disappeared in front of the world.

In the records of some books, there are only three or five descriptions of the appearance of void props in tens of thousands of times. Each appearance of void props represents the disappearance of tens of thousands of planes and the permanent disappearance of countless races.

If there is really an empty prop in the blue crystal Empire, they will not hesitate to do everything they can to leave this eternal plane. They even prefer to be captured by the people at the gate of heaven rather than stay here.

"Well, it\'s just said. After all, the professional who delivered the news has died, and the soul and mind have completely disappeared from the world."

The first person in power organized the language and then continued: "but he also said that the prop is likely to be something similar to the legendary Dharma array. It is a prop made by dozens or even thousands of legends together with secret methods: Secret methods."

"If it\'s a secret magic prop, there\'s nothing to be afraid of." one side, the person in power breathed a long sigh of relief and muttered happily.

"Secret magic item? If it\'s a secret magic item, even an ordinary person can release one or dozens of legendary hits at the same time with the aid of that item. But you say there\'s nothing terrible about this item? Then go to the blue crystal Empire to deal with that person! You\'d better bring that item back and we\'ll study it by the way." Some people in power turned their eyes and muttered in a low voice, but they despised each other and couldn\'t speak but their brains.

"Cough! I just said relatively." the person in power who spoke also found something bad, so he quickly defended. But no one listened to his explanation. Everyone, including kukas, stared at him with a strange look.

"Damn it, I will never go to the blue crystal empire. If you want to go, you go." the person in power instantly understood what kukas\'s eyes meant. So he shook his head and shouted, "I have a wife waiting for me. She has just been pregnant. I think she must miss me very much."

"If I remember correctly, your wife has been separated from you for more than three years. If she is pregnant, she must not be your child, and you don\'t have to pay attention to such a child. Well, go! The blue crystal Empire needs you." the first power holder blinked, but smiled.