Abyss Knight

Chapter 677

The space heals and the cracks disappear. With the disappearance of the cracks, there is the breath of resentment.

"The trouble you caused is not small at all, and none of their gods will let you go." the projection of the first power holder, that is, the female knight, swept kukas and dissipated out of thin air. However, before she dissipated, she reminded kukas that he should deal with the chaotic city. You know, many innocent people were affected in the battle they just had to fight. This requires kukas, the third in power, to appease them.

"Even if I don\'t do it, they won\'t let me go. Why should I shrink back?" kukas just sneered as the projection of the first power dissipated. In his opinion, the thinking of the first person in power has become rigid. People like her can\'t get along well with him.

When kukas ordered him to deal with the problems of the soldiers in the city, many people naturally helped him deal with them. What he has to do is to summon more green people to walk on the streets, maintain law and order on the one hand, and kill all creatures who have a killing mind for him on the other hand.

It was only three or five days before kukas appeared in this eternal plane, and the whole ice and snow city was countless times more chaotic than before.

A large number of green people took sticks and walked on the street. After receiving kukas\'s message, they immediately rushed to the target. Then, no matter where the other party is or what race they are, they don\'t care about it at all, and they all rush up and kill it. Even if countless people died for this, they did not hesitate.

Sitting in his room, in front of him, there was a basin sized Amethyst floating quietly in front of him. Under the control of kukas\'s secret method, the Amethyst kept flashing pictures. Whenever a picture appears, he remembers the information and passes it on to the green people. These pictures were all projected into the Amethyst by the people who wanted to kill him within hundreds of miles under the action of the secret law.

Of course, many of these pictures are high-level professionals. Considering the strength of those high-level professionals, kukas did not let the green people deal with them, but firmly remembered their breath and prepared to kill them by himself in the future.

There were many high-level professionals who wanted to kill him, but kukas never felt embarrassed. In his opinion, there are a lot of people on the other side, but his time is also extremely abundant. He believes that as long as he is given enough time, it is not very difficult to kill those high-level professionals who have a sense of killing themselves.

In his previous life, in order to kill a large organization, it took him more than 30 years to complete it. At that time, his life was far less than it is now. But in order to destroy the organization, he wandered around every day and killed all the people related to the organization. It was not until the ordinary members of the organization were afraid of being killed by him that he successfully solved the senior personnel of the organization.

"If I can\'t kill all of you in a hundred years, I\'ll use a thousand years, ten thousand years." thinking of these people\'s extreme killing intention for themselves, kukas knew that there was no way to reconcile between him and those people. No, maybe after he pays the green paper, it will be possible to reconcile.

However, in kukas\'s view, such reconciliation actually turned into his failure. And for such a result, he is absolutely resistant.

When kukas noticed another person who had a strong intention to kill him, a magic prop suddenly sent a message.

The content of the message is very simple, that is, I hope kukas can attend the banquet in the evening. Of course, the party should have been held three or five days ago, but three or five days ago, kukas had just fought with the killers, causing unrest in the city, so it was slowly delayed until now.

"The third authority, I think you must come, because we have to discuss some things at the banquet, which needs your decision." the projection of the first authority comes with the information. Her voice sounded hoarse, and her beautiful face was full of fatigue and happiness.

"Since I need to make a decision, come to me for discussion! I don\'t have much time to attend the so-called banquet." kukas gently tapped the Amethyst and smiled: "there are many killers at the gate of heaven that need me to deal with!"

"The killer of the gate of heaven?" the first person in power frowned slightly, and a touch of doubt appeared on his face.

"Yes, it\'s the people that the green people have cleaned up these days. Those garbage are members of the abyss alliance, but they serve the gate of heaven." kukas laughed loudly.

"Well, the third power holder, I think you know the reason why those people were killed. You don\'t have to deduct any charges for them here. Only those dirty politicians and nobles can do it." the first power holder said with an ugly face: "We are neither politicians nor nobles, so there is no need to be so hypocritical. Kill people if you want! I just hope you don\'t regret it. You are pushing the ice city to the brink of destruction."

"Where will the party be held?" kukas shook his head and stopped pestering the first person in power about it. "Is it a long time?"

"It\'s a little long. Well, speaking, this banquet is a routine banquet in the ice and snow city. We hold it once a year, and then take the opportunity to deal with some government affairs. You know, we don\'t control all the government affairs here." the first person in power said the real reason for this banquet in order to let kukas participate in the banquet: "The venue of the banquet is in the living room below. There are many people. Some people need you to know."

After all, kukas is the third person in power. If the banquet with special meaning lacks him, many things cannot make final decisions.

"Well, don\'t worry. I\'ll definitely participate then." kukas thought a little and made the final decision.

"Remind you, there will be a lot of people at the banquet, especially some church members. They have a high status here, so their suggestions should be taken into account when making some decisions." the first person in power finally told him to leave.

After the first person in power left, kukas was not in the mood to continue to search for the creatures who wanted to kill him.

Sitting in a high back chair, he opened a book and began to read. Although he was reading, his heart could not calm down. After wasting more than a magic time, he was too lazy to stay in the room and turned to walk outside.

Along the flagstone Road, he walked slowly towards the square behind him. He wanted to see the black dragon. See how the animal trainers adjusted and taught his black dragon.

The servants were busy all the way. When they saw kukas, they all leaned slightly to both sides of the road, but they didn\'t dare to face him.

"Do I have that fear? I deal with all those people with evil intentions, not ordinary people like them!"

Kukas didn\'t understand the reaction of these servants. Of course, he didn\'t know that killing was a crime, no matter how good his reasons were, no matter who he killed. Ordinary people were afraid of his killing nature, because they were afraid that they would be killed.

The evil is to be despised and hated. This ancient word is incisively and vividly reflected in kukas.

On reaching the back square, kukas saw the round faced maid again.

She sat alone on a bench under a tree and quietly read a book. Not far from her, some other maids were playing under the tree like lovely butterflies.

When kukas appeared here, the waitresses whispered in surprise, then turned and left, leaving only graceful figures for kukas. However, he was gratified that the round faced waitress did not leave. Of course, it had a lot to do with her carefully reading books and not discovering his arrival.

Sitting next to the round faced maid, the round faced maid didn\'t raise her head and whispered, "I don\'t want to find a man now. If you have any intention, you can go to someone else."

"Ha ha! Do people often look for you like this?" kukas was a little stunned, and then whispered a strange smile: "aren\'t you afraid of me? I still lack a clerk. If you have that ability, you can be my clerk. What do you think?"


After hearing kukas\'s voice, the round faced maid\'s body trembled. She was too familiar with kukas\'s voice. All this was caused by the killing in the ice and snow city in these three or five days.

She whispered, and the round faced maid\'s hand shook, and the heavy book almost fell to the ground. She grabbed the book in one hand and picked up her long cotton dress in the other hand, as if she ran away.

"If you leave now, I\'ll transfer you to me and be my maid." kukas didn\'t react to the behavior of the round faced maid for a moment. After the other party ran out seven or eight steps, he said: "now I give you two choices, one is to be my maid to serve my daily life, the other is to be my clerk and help me deal with some things."

"Don\'t try to escape. In this city, no matter where you go, I can find you. Don\'t forget that I am the third authority on the polar ice sheet. Even if you return to your country, I can find you."

"Lord kukas, I\'m sorry. I just have other things to do, so I can\'t serve you here." the round faced maid didn\'t believe kukas\'s words. After she hurriedly gave kukas a courtesy, she ran with books in her hands.

Her long dress didn\'t make her run fast, but kukas didn\'t chase her, but let her bypass tall trees and finally disappear from his sight.

"Funny boy." after muttering in a low voice, kukas got up and went on.

As he got closer and closer to the square, he heard a helpless dragon chant.

When he set foot in the square, he found hundreds of high-level professionals around a corner. After storing their mounts, these high-level professionals found that someone was training the black dragon. Those who had free time stayed to watch how the black dragon was trained.

Kukas\'s presence here has not attracted the long-term attention of these high-level professionals, even if he is the third person in power here.

As a high-level professional, they all have their own dignity and will not please the so-called immediate boss. Of course, if there is no conflict of interest, they will not hate a person.

"That should be my horse." kukas flicked his finger and muttered in a low voice.

After hearing this, senior professionals immediately made a gap for him and let him go to the innermost part.

When kukas got to the innermost part, he found that in the square below, the black dragon was curling up and moaning like a dog. Dozens of strange spears were punctured on him. Small chains are connected between the spears. Looking from the air, it is found that the chains and spears form a distorted and irregular pattern.

The pattern was so strange that kukas didn\'t know it. And after he looked at the pattern for three or five breathing times, he found that the pattern became more and more blurred. Then in his sight, he could only see a pink cloud rolling and wriggling on the black dragon.

"The most powerful animal trainers have just stepped into the sixth level, but why can the patterns they have arranged blur my sight?"

When his mind turned, he released a trace of mind power to probe the pattern. Unexpectedly, he only felt a mass of disgust.

When he looked at the patterns on the black dragon\'s back, the animal trainers below took long whips and beat them hard on the black dragon.

With each stroke, the hard dragon scales on the black dragon were broken, and wounds appeared on the black dragon. And those wounds did not heal, but accompanied by the beating of the trainer, these wounds became even bigger.

"Get up! Damn it, do you hear me? Get up right away." after a trainer severely smoked the black dragon dozens of times, he suddenly opened his mouth and gave an order.

As soon as he heard the trainer\'s order, the black dragon struggled and stood up. However, when he stood up, he was severely whipped dozens of times by the animal trainer, because his speed was a little slow.

Then the trainer commanded the black dragon to do some actions, and then he stopped.

However, after the black dragon fell to the ground again, dozens of animal trainers beat around the black dragon again.

The whip whipped on the black dragon one after another. The black dragon just moaned, and his eyes showed hate, but he had no ability to resist.

Kukas did not ask about the whip of these animal trainers and the Dharma array on the black dragon, because he knew that those things were the secret skills of the animal trainers, and they would never reveal them unless they were exchanged with precious things. Just as I will never reveal my killing secret.

After watching the black dragon for some time, kukas was too lazy to continue watching, and returned to his room again. But there, he is still not in the mood to read books or do other things.

In his mind, all that came to mind was about the great powers and the ice city. He knew that in the evening party, someone would jump out and embarrass him. What he has to do now is push some possible things and find a way to solve them.

As time went by, night was about to fall. Thick torches were burning in the streets of the ice and snow city, which illuminated the whole city very brightly.

A large number of soldiers appeared here through the transmission Dharma array, then left the city, waved their swords and rushed out of the city, looking for ice corpses and orcs at the gate of heaven to kill.

Among them, only a few of them can return to the ice city, while most of the soldiers will stay outside forever.

These soldiers had no idea who they were fighting for, but they knew they had to obey the orders of their Imperial military headquarters to come here. Finally, after getting enough meritorious deeds, exchange all kinds of materials you want to strengthen yourself.

Soldiers fight on the ground, while high-level professionals kill and fight in the sky.

Compared with the death rate of soldiers, the death rate of senior professionals is much better. And they all know what they are fighting for. Even if they die, they won\'t feel at a loss.

Streamers streamed across the sky, and all kinds of breath were released from all corners of the city without any cover. The night came, and the battle of senior professionals had just begun. But all this has nothing to do with kukas.

Magic communication props sent him a message again. After seeing the new message, kukas was already in a bad mood and became worse.

"A group of soldiers were violent and moved. After they received the powerful magic props in the armory and left the city, they did not go to the front battlefield to kill the enemy, but retreated towards the rear of the battlefield."

"How often does this happen?" kukas narrowed his eyes and talked to the professional who delivered the information through the magic communication props.

"Almost every seven or eight days, there is violence and chaos. This is normal." the professional is the intelligence personnel under kukas. After detecting the information, they will pass it to kukas at the first time.

"How did he deal with them before? Do you know why they were violent and moving?" quickly flipped through the memory in his mind. Kukas didn\'t find such a thing mentioned in the documents he handled. This phenomenon probably means that the people in the ice Castle don\'t care about such violence. Of course, it may also be that someone deliberately hid those files in order to deal with him.