Abyss Knight

Chapter 678

"If it is handled according to the previous method, that is, after they leave a certain area of the ice and snow city, they will send the green skin to hunt them down." the intelligence officer was a little stunned, but he was confused because of kukas\'s inquiry.

In his opinion, the violence and movement of soldiers is a very important thing for the third power holder since the past dynasties. The new third power holder has no reason not to know how to deal with similar things in the past.

"As for the reason for the violence and movement, it should be that the leader of the group of soldiers withheld their reward, and assigned extremely dangerous tasks to the soldiers because of personal hatred." the intelligence officer quickly answered kukas\'s query.

"What does that man rely on to deduct the reward from the soldiers? And what is his personal hatred?"

"It\'s said that the leader of those soldiers is a dragon man. He has a crush on a female caster. However, the female caster doesn\'t like him, but likes another person. In order to get rid of his rival, the Dragon man assigned a mission of death to his rival\'s team. Moreover, before that, the Dragon man leader had dealt with many soldiers against him The intelligence personnel were very familiar with these things, so they answered them as quickly as possible.

"Let the Dragon man come to see me. As for the violent and moving soldiers, give them a retirement document and let them leave!" kukas gently knocked on the table in front of him and issued such an order.

"Third, Lord, if those soldiers are allowed to escape, others in the city will follow suit. The dignity of the alliance is absolutely not allowed to be trampled on, even if their reasons are sufficient."

"It is the people in charge of the army who have made mistakes. Why hide these mistakes? Can they be killed just for the so-called stability of the city and the dignity of the alliance? If the alliance does not make mistakes, how can they riot, rebel and flee?" kukas banged on the table "Just follow my orders. Remember, it\'s not the soldiers who are sorry for the alliance, but the alliance who is sorry for the soldiers."

"They work for us. We can\'t deprive them of their credit, even frame them and kill them."

"Go! Give them what they deserve. Well, wait a minute, I\'ll write another letter to them. It\'s our mistake. You should recognize it."

While talking, kukas ignored the bad expression of the intelligence officer, but quickly wrote a letter. This letter is a letter of apology, in which he not only explained the alliance\'s mistakes, but also promised to punish the officer who framed them.

After the letter was written, kukas did not give it to others, but to the green people who were absolutely loyal to him, and the retirement documents issued were also kept by the green people.

In order to prevent accidents, he also ordered the green people to protect the soldiers, because he knew that some soldiers in the alliance could kill the defected soldiers for their own interests and human relations.

"Tell the Dragon man to come here to see me right away. My time is very tight." kukas stood up and said in a deep voice, "get ready. When there are results, I will tell you the results, and then you will tell everyone in the city."

"Yes, all follow the orders of the third power." the intelligence officer was a little stunned, and then nodded hard to know.

After closing the magic communication, the night became thicker and thicker as time passed.

After more than one magic hour, kukas sat quietly in his room waiting for the Dragon man to appear.

Another magic time passed, and the Dragon man did not come, but the projection of the first power appeared in front of kukas.

"The third person in power, you said you wanted to see the banquet, but the banquet has been a magical time, and I haven\'t waited for you. Others are waiting for you." the first person in power has an ugly face. She thinks kukas has violated her promise, which makes her a little passive in front of the members attending the banquet.

"I\'m dealing with my business. I won\'t go there until I finish my business." kukas lay lazily in his chair, lit a silver smoke and smoked hard. "You can do it first. I think I\'ll be at the party in a short time. Moreover, the party will last a long time. It\'s not impolite for me to delay because of my business."

"No, kukas, you are deceiving me." the projection of the first authority shouted in a low voice: "you have been here for more than a magic time, and there are no documents for you to deal with. Is this your business?"

"No, you don\'t understand the situation. HMM! I\'m waiting for a dragon man to appear." kukas grinned. If his body is here, his grin may give people a simple and honest feeling, but he now uses the fighting armor body refined by secret method. When he smiles, his face armor is distorted and looks extremely ferocious.

"A dragon man? My God! Is that dragon man your illegitimate son? You have a mother dragon? Hehe, it seems that your taste is still very unique!" the first person in power was stunned for a moment, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "I also have some powerful Warcraft changing humans under my command. If you need it, I can transfer some to you. Well, you know, the desires of those Warcraft are no less than the dragon family."

"Oh! You\'re wrong. I\'m not interested in the female dragon. Even if I\'m interested, I won\'t let them leave offspring for me." kukas rolled his eyes. He didn\'t expect that the first person in power would guess the identity of the Dragon man like this.

"The Dragon man broke the rules here, so I\'ll punish him." kukas organized the language a little, and then said the news he got from the intelligence officer: "a man like this is not suitable to be an officer at all. I must deal with him seriously, otherwise the resentment of the soldiers at the bottom will be greater and greater for a long time."

"The third person in power, you are only in charge of logistics." the first person in power frowned slightly. Kukas said that such things have not happened many times in the ice and snow city, but she never cared, let alone thought of dealing with those officers who made mistakes like kukas.

"I also manage the maintenance of the rules of the Arctic ice sheet. I don\'t think I exceeded my authority." kukas gently flicked the ash on the silver smoke, and then continued in a low voice: "those who make mistakes must be punished. Soldiers are the cornerstone of the entire Arctic ice sheet battlefield. We must deal with their affairs well, and we can\'t treat them differently because of their status and privileges."

"The third authority, you didn\'t handle this well." when the projection of the first authority knew kukas\'s decision, he immediately shook his head and said: "Even if the Dragon man officer is no longer wrong, you should not cause the loss of the reputation of the whole city and even the whole alliance on the polar ice sheet for some soldiers. If I were you, I would only suppress the situation and give some compensation to those soldiers. There is no need to correct their names and damage the reputation of the alliance."

"You can consider the reputation of the alliance, but you can\'t consider the reputation of ordinary soldiers." kukas stared at the first person in power and grinned: "do you think a little compensation can make those soldiers bear the charges of treason and mutiny? They won\'t be willing. No one is willing to bear the charges of treason and mutiny."

"It\'s just that there is too little compensation for them. What if they sacrifice some for the benefit of the alliance? Well, now we don\'t discuss the problem of the Dragon man and the rebel and disorderly soldiers. We need to go to the banquet and make some plans." the first person in power seems a little impatient. Her idea is different from that of kukas.

"No, you are wrong. They are just mandatory to serve the alliance. They have no obligation to serve the alliance. So they have no obligation to lose their reputation because of the reputation of the alliance." kukas stubbornly shook his head and retorted.

"How can you think so? It\'s not the help of the alliance that these soldiers can achieve their present achievements? Without the alliance, they don\'t have their own strength, even if they can live or not." the first person in power frowned slightly. She didn\'t agree with kukas\'s way of thinking at all: "We have given them the peace and right to live in the past, and now let them pay some. There is nothing inappropriate."

"Those rights of peace and living are not given by the abyss alliance, but they should have. Even if the abyss alliance does not exist, they will have those things." kukas shook his head impatiently and muttered: "I must punish the Dragon man, and I want everyone to know my punishment."

"It\'s not advisable for you to do this. It\'s a major mistake." the first person in power yelled angrily: "after all, he is an officer, an officer. There is no need to apologize to the soldiers. There are many soldiers, but there are few officers. Without the exquisite command of the Dragon man, maybe the soldiers would have died on the battlefield."

"That\'s enough, the first authority, this should be handled by me. You don\'t have to say that." kukas growled, stood up fiercely, walked to the projection of the first authority, then reached out and grabbed her chest and roared: "Shit officer, do you think I don\'t know anything about the Dragon man? He just occupies a high position by relying on his identity and blood. Under his leadership, the dead soldiers are many times more than those led by other normal officers. Many capable soldiers lost their lives because of the wrong command of the Dragon man. Many fighters were lost in his hands It\'s too late. "