Abyss Knight

Chapter 676

Although their noumenon did not dare to appear in the eternal plane, they were unwilling to be treated by kukas. Therefore, several professionals roared, leaned over and stretched out their palms, like giant claws from the crack, and tore them straight towards kukas.

Looking at the big hand that appeared in front of him across the infinite void, the expression on kukas\'s face armor became more ferocious. All the killing breath contained in his body was released: the red killing breath rose into the sky and formed a cloud column above his head.

The cloud pillar rotates slowly, including the sound of golden war, the cry of death and the cry of unwilling.

"Kill!" with a roar, the red cloud column burst from left to right. Kukas stepped on the void and appeared in the air hundreds of feet high.

The space under his feet was distorted, and the space hundreds of feet around was shrouded by his land covering power. Endless thunder and fire burst out from it, but in a short moment, it evolved into a killing hell.

A large number of professionals were affected by the battle, even if they had the power of the seventh level peak, but under the influence of kukas\'s land cover power, these people were instantly destroyed by endless thunder and fire, turned into powder and scattered in the air.

Under the power of overlaying the ground, the palms that poked out of the crack were instantly hit by the most powerful blow. The space is twisted and the big hands are twisted into meat sauce.

A vague figure crossed tens of miles of space and appeared behind kukas. After the figure emerged behind him, he waved a one handed sword and pierced directly into the back of his neck.

The tip of the sword trembled rapidly in the air, tearing the twisted space and the cloak defense behind kukas, and instantly lit on the back of his neck.

Ding! Ding! Ding! In a short moment, kukas felt that the armor at the back of his neck was hit hundreds of times by the other party\'s sword tip. The high-speed concussion long sword tore the armor at the back neck and pierced out from the throat in front.

His body retreated, and his huge body hit the assassin behind him like a hill. At the same time, the cloak shook behind him. Filled with fighting spirit, it was like a hill falling fiercely towards the people behind him.


From the long sword, an extremely powerful fighting force broke out, which was even stronger than kukas\'s power of overlaying the ground.

The fierce fighting force broke out from the long sword and tore his upper body in an instant.

The broken metal fragments are sprayed, shot and sent out at high speed around. They are not scattered to the earth and sky, but rotate rapidly within a hundred feet with kukas\'s head as the center.

"Ah!" a scream sounded from behind kukas, and a red figure was hit by kukas\'s lower body. The impact instantly smashed the attacker out of a distance of hundreds of feet.

Under the control of kukas\'s mind, the armor fragments quickly passed through the body of the red figure like raindrops, then rolled under his head and condensed into complete armor again.

"I don\'t want to kill you." kukas\'s armor body recovered in an instant, then his body shook, his feet stepped on the void, and instantly appeared on the side of the figure flying upside down.

The five fingers bent into claws, like an eagle hitting the sky, and instantly grabbed on the head of the backward red figure.

The head of the figure in red was like tofu under kukas\'s big hand, and was nailed in by five fingers in an instant.

Nailed the head of the figure in red, kukas did not crush her head, but dragged the figure into the void, vaguely, and returned to the crack formed by the collapse of the space again.

"I let you know that those who want to kill me will be killed by me one by one in the end. Although your secret method is good, you can\'t hurt me half." kukas looked ferocious, dragged the figure in red into the crack, and fought again with the big hands sticking out of the crack.

"The third in power, let me go! I was just deceived by them." kukas\'s five fingers penetrated his head. The figure was not others, but the female swordsman in red.

She wanted to rely on her own secret method to cross tens of miles of space and kill kukas in an instant, but she didn\'t expect that the other party\'s body was blown to pieces by herself, but she recovered in an instant. This made her mind cold to the extreme.

"When the long sword was passed to him, it was empty without any obstruction. There was no flesh and blood under the armor. Could it be that he was just a projection? If it was a projection, why couldn\'t I feel the breath fluctuation?"

After being scratched through her head, the female swordsman in red was still thinking in her mind. At this moment, after seeing kukas kill more than ten big hands from the cracks in the collapsed space, she knew that the hunting mission of this trip had failed.

You should know that the masters of those big hands are able to destroy the enemy in their organization. Even if such existence crosses the void, it can easily kill a ninth level professional under the joint action. But now the fight has lasted so long that even an eighth order knight has not been killed. "The third power holder, let me go, and I\'ll tell you who is dealing with you." the head is penetrated, and her soul and mind are all forcibly restrained by the strong ash fighting spirit. The life is placed under the minds of others, which is unacceptable to the female swordsman.

"It\'s just a short chance that I can become level 8. If I achieve level 8, I can kill the knight in an instant with my secret method. Unfortunately, I can\'t stand loneliness and go to this chaotic battlefield ahead of time, which cuts off the possibility of becoming level 8 or even a legend in the future. I\'m not willing! As long as you give me time, I can become a legend in a short time At that time, it was just an idea to kill the knight. "

Thinking of some things, the female swordsman in red begged for mercy more sincerely, just hoping that kukas would be kind-hearted and let her go.

There was no result in begging for mercy. In the end, she even said the name of her mentor, but kukas still didn\'t take it to heart.

"I don\'t care what your status is, I don\'t want to know who your mentor is, and I don\'t want to know who let you assassinate me." kukas closed his five fingers, wriggled his fingers in the female swordsman\'s head, and forcibly stirred her brain, which gave the female swordsman a headache.

"I just know that you must die today. Because I gave you a chance, but you don\'t grasp it. What you lose is what you lose. If you want to find it back, you can\'t do it even if you pay a heavy price."

The face armor was ferocious. Kukas waved his gun and axe, cut off the big hands sticking out of the cracks, and tore apart the powerful single attack magic and killing spirit.

A man was like an abyss demon, standing in the center of the space collapse, carrying a female swordsman, and forcibly blocked dozens of level 8 professionals.

"You\'re crazy."

When kukas pierced the collapse of the standing space of the female swordsman\'s head, dozens of roars were transmitted from the other end of the space.

"Let go of IKA!" a thunderous voice sounded from the other end of the crack: "you all get out of the way. I\'ll crush the boy to death."

"If you can get to this plane, I\'ll let you completely disappear from this plane." kukas smiled grimly and raised the female swordsman\'s strange voice: "if you want this woman, kill it, otherwise I don\'t mind pinching and exploding a beautiful woman\'s head again."

"If you dare to hurt ICA, I\'ll make you regret coming to this world."

With the sound of a heavy thunder, a big hand with scales all over it came out of the crack. There was a ball of lightning around the palm of the big hand. The lightning circled and turned into an electric snake, woven into a big net and shrouded it for miles towards kukas.

"Get back to me."

Without waiting for kukas to face the huge electric snake net, the projection of the first person in power on one side shot.

The unknown spear pierced the sky, instantly pierced the huge electric snake net, and then ruthlessly pierced the palm with scales all over it.

The fierce fighting spirit was vented from the long gun and tore the big hand open in an instant. After the fierce fighting spirit tore the big hand, one part filled the space crack like a waterfall and began to heal the space, while the other part followed the big hand\'s arm and directly killed the master of the palm across the void.

"Want this woman? Here you are."

Kukas giggled strangely. His heart was full of evil and malice because of the other party\'s provocation. His fingers pressed hard and instantly pinched and burst the head of the female swordsman in his hand. With the head bursting, there was also the mind and soul of the female swordsman.

After crushing the female swordsman\'s head, kukas pulled out her spine with his backhand, and then threw the body towards the crack.

The angry cry rang from the other end of the crack. The breath of resentment broke through the fighting spirit of the first power holder and condensed into a vague breath directly in front of kukas. The spear pierced fiercely into his head.

"Angry? Ha ha! Come here and kill me! Don\'t you people always want to kill me? I\'m waiting for you here." two scarlet lights came out from the eyes on the visor.

The cloak behind him automatically cut a crack in front of kukas without a cloak. The faint breath spear had no time to change its direction, and suddenly pierced into the crack and disappeared.

"Our svemmon God system will never let you go." the voice of anger sounded from the rapidly healing crack, and dozens of resentment breathed here from the other end of the crack, and then wound around kukas, evolving into a vicious curse, trying to fall on kukas.