Abyss Knight

Chapter 675

"The third authority, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." the female swordsman blinked and looked at kukas with some doubt.

Her expression seemed a little confused and puzzled, but in kukas\'s killing talent, she sensed the strong killing intention in the deepest heart of the other party and a special wave secretly released when she sat in the chair.

A maid in heavy leather clothes brought a glass of red wine to the female swordsman. She took up the red wine and shook it gently. Then she opened her mouth to taste it a little and looked intoxicated: "the wine here is actually good. I heard that they sold it after freezing it with special ice for decades."

"If you leave here, maybe you will live. Otherwise, when this glass of wine is finished, your life will come to an end."

Kukas just glanced at the female swordsman in red, and then slowly played with the wine cup in his hand. The soldiers around were all angry when they heard kukas say that the beautiful female swordsman was a killer. Some grumpy soldiers even rushed directly at the female swordsman with some broken weapons and planned to kill her.

"The third person in power, I just want to get close to you." when the female swordsman saw the fierce soldiers around, her heart was full of disdain. In her eyes, she could kill all those rude men with one finger: "these people are really impolite, don\'t you think?"

"Do you think you can kill me? I can kill you when I\'m in the hall. But I\'m a little tired of killing now. I just want to work here quietly. I\'ll leave here as soon as the time comes. But why can\'t you accommodate me?"

"The third power holder, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." the female swordsman took a sip of the wine glass in her hand again. Although she drank very little, the glass of red wine had disappeared half.

"I have never been soft hearted in killing all my life. There are old people and babies who have no strength to bind chickens, beautiful and holy women, strong existence and weak enemies who die in my hands. Almost all those killed by me are crushed and burst their brain bags one by one."

"In fact, you should leave before you drink this glass of red wine. Go back and tell your master and tell them not to force me. My patience is extremely limited."

"The third authority, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. I think we can talk about life, or go to a secret room? There will be a soft wooden bed with thick velvet cushions, and there will be pure girls on both sides. They are pure and naive, and will meet any requirements of you. Maybe there will be a noble girl there The woman is waiting for you to conquer. "The female sword hand stretched out her white, tender and slender palm and slowly put it on the back of kukas\'s hand.

The nails with strange patterns gently rubbed on the back of kukas\'s hand. Although it was only hard metal armor, those armor were like his skin to kukas, so they could clearly sense the subtle feeling of fingernails.

"I once pinched and burst the heads of several women when I was closest to them." kukas gently clasped his fingers on the table. Dang! With a loud noise, the finger collided with the table and made a sound like the roar of a giant clock.

The voice sounded, and kukas\'s body blurred for a moment.

The next moment, he appeared directly in the street outside the tavern, where a thin soldier was walking quickly towards the tavern with his head down.

Kukas fiercely appeared in front of the skinny soldier. The soldier trembled slightly, and then pretended to be nothing. He leaned aside, as if it was natural for ordinary people to detour.

"Dead!" he whispered, his hands sticking out, cut through the sky left and right, and grabbed the soldier\'s head directly.

Ten fingers made a snap. The soldier didn\'t even send out his fighting spirit. He was pinched and burst his head in an instant.

The fierce ash fighting spirit instantly spread to the soldier. The soul and mind hidden in it were crushed by the ash fighting spirit, but it was crushed into nothingness in an instant.

The body blurred again. The next moment, kukas appeared in a street farther away. There were two professionals like soldiers talking naturally and moving towards the tavern. They talked in a low voice. When kukas appeared in front of them, he was slapped by the evil man as soon as he noticed it, They patted their heads and upper bodies into meat sauce.

In a short breath, more than a dozen professionals moving towards the tavern were killed by kukas in an instant.

When kukas appeared in front of a shabby stall, dozens of layers of magic defense suddenly appeared on the caster who set up the stall there, then his body blurred and suddenly appeared in an ice house tens of miles away.

In the igloo, seven or eight professionals dressed in black cloaks whispered around the campfire. A large piece of Warcraft meat was hung on it and roasted. Big drops of fat fell down and landed in the fire, making a Zizi noise.

"Enemy attack!" the caster appeared behind the ice house and roared in a low voice.

Three or five of those black cloak professionals disappeared from their original place in an instant, while others suddenly burst out their fighting spirit and magic power, turned and rushed out of the ice house.

"Want to go?" kukas\'s voice sounded outside the house.

With his voice, the space around the igloo was violently twisted. The next moment, a big blue and gray hand fell into the air and slapped on the igloo.

The strong ash tore the igloo crazily. The mountain like pressure was accompanied by a big hand, but several professionals were forcibly suppressed in place.

"Kill!" more than a dozen professionals looked at each other, but they were unwilling to be suppressed by an eighth order Knight without a mount, so they urged the secret method to increase their strength, and then frantically attacked the big hand above and kukas who followed.

I think they all worked together to kill the eighth level professionals. At this time, although kukas suddenly killed them, they were not too frightened. On the one hand, they calmly responded to the sudden attack, on the other hand, they quickly used their secret methods to send a message, so that other hidden killers were ready to look for opportunities, and then cooperate with them to kill every shot.

After several angry attacks, seven or eight fireballs the size of a washbasin collided with kukas\'s big hand.

In a dull explosion, the fighting spirit and flame dissipated, and the big hand continued to fall under the surprised gaze of more than a dozen professionals.

Several casters screamed in a low voice, but they urged the secret spell to flash away from the area.

However, their secret method was used, and their body shape was blurred. The next moment, they suddenly exploded just tens of feet away from the ice house.

The magic props on several casters flickered and burst in an instant, but they were forcibly erased by the distorted space around them. Without the defense of magic items, these casters forcibly released several defense spells, but under the distorted space caused by the land cover power, several defense spells were torn away in an instant. And they themselves, after losing all their defenses, were forcibly twisted into ashes by space.

Six or seven casters, just a blinking time, there is only one left. The only remaining caster released the flash a line slower than others. If he was elsewhere, he might be killed because he was a line slower, but at this moment, the slightly slower caster survived.

Seeing that his companion was exploded into a blood mist not far from him, the young caster screamed in a low voice, then shook his body, but manipulated the flashing secret method to flash directly behind one of his companions.

With the help of his companion\'s shelter, he did not hesitate to take out a golden scroll from his arms and crush it.

The scroll was broken, and a transmission of golden light rose into the sky. The golden light spread, but it wrapped the caster and the warrior companion in front of him.

The transmitted golden light penetrated kukas\'s big hand, rose to the sky more than a hundred feet high and pierced into the void. I don\'t know where it leads.

The shape of the caster and the warrior is blurred, but it is to be transmitted to other places by this scroll.

"Come and go if you want? Who let you go?" kukas screamed, stepped on the void, directly appeared at a hundred feet high, and then stretched out his hand to puncture the golden light column to catch the caster.

The caster hid behind the warrior companion. Kukas grabbed it with one hand and directly penetrated the soldier\'s chest. The fierce ash fighting spirit was instilled into him, and the soldier was torn into countless pieces in an instant, bursting out of the golden column of light.

When kukas caught and exploded the warrior, the beam of light transmitted the caster to the void.

The light column shrinks, but kukas is unwilling to let the other party escape like this: "if you don\'t succeed in assassinating me, you want to leave. What do you think this is? Do you think you have that ability?"

His face armor was ferocious, and his fierce fighting spirit poured out madly from his body. A large number of pairs were instilled into his hands. His hands stood side by side like a knife, and then pierced to the place where the light column contracted.

Ten fingers barb, instantly tearing out a crack more than one person high where the transmission light column disappeared.

The strong mind and the smell of killing mixed together, rushed into the crack, and then followed the residual breath left by the caster and chased across the infinite void.

The mind crosses the infinite void. In an instant, thousands of faces flash by.

When kukas followed the breath, the caster just appeared from a plane.

The place where the caster appeared was a huge cave. Huge torches were lit around the cave, and those torches evolved into silver curtains around. Chains spread through these light curtains to outline an altar in the center. It was the altar that brought the caster here.

"The assassination failed." the caster whispered as soon as he appeared on the altar.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" dozens of torches exploded around the cave, and fuzzy figures emerged: "what\'s the matter?"


Before the caster spoke, a crack more than one person appeared on his head.

The crack emerged, from which a limitless vicious breath was released. The breath condensed and evolved into a python swallowing the sky, circling towards the caster.

"Because he picked the wrong target." with kukas\'s angry voice, two big blue and gray hands poked out, and half of the knight came with the big hand.

"Die!" with a low roar, the two big hands immediately grabbed the caster\'s head, and the defense magic wrapped around the caster was easily torn apart like paper. The next moment, his head burst, but he was forcibly pinched and burst by kukas.


More than a dozen roars sounded in the mouth of the figures gathered by the torch, and some figures waved and cut dozens of flames towards kukas. And someone suddenly broke up, turned into a fire net, forcibly pierced into the space, and then cut the space and shrouded it towards kukas.

"Is arrogance, what ability do you have to deal with me?" kukas giggled, but his backhand repeatedly hit the power of covering the ground.

The ground cover India power was so powerful that it instantly destroyed more than a dozen people and their attacks.

Finally, the distorted space directly destroyed the whole cave. The altar collapsed and the torch was broken. When it was printed, almost all the shadows of more than a dozen people in the cave were destroyed.

"I am waiting for you in the eternal plane. If you have the ability, go there to find me." with a grim smile, the evil man stepped away.

"Kukas! We will never let you go."

Some people roared, and dozens of powerful breath crossed the void and appeared in the cave in an instant, and then turned into all kinds of monsters to collide with kukas\'s breath and mind.

The breath collided, and the breath left by kukas in the cave was destroyed by the other party\'s cooperation in an instant. And those breath still cling to him, following the space crack he tore, crossing the infinite void and directly appearing in the eternal plane.

However, kukas said that after retreating half of his body from the crack more than one person high, he closed his hands and wanted to heal the space crack as quickly as possible.

His speed is very fast, but the dozens of breaths behind him are faster.

If the figures that kukas killed in the cave at first were only one tenth of the power of the eighth level professionals, now the breath of chasing and killing has more than half of the power of the eighth level professionals.

Dozens of violent breath heavily hit the healing crack with a dull sound. The crack collapsed violently towards the inside, and then broke like glass.

Dozens of smells turned into monsters rushed out of the broken space and rushed towards kukas.

The high-level professionals in the ice and snow city have long been aware of the abnormalities in kukas, but most of them chose to turn a blind eye. Only a few professionals released some of their breath and detected their mind towards their position.

The projection of the first person in power instantly appeared next to kukas. The female Knight frowned slightly. A knight\'s long gun suddenly appeared in her hand. The long gun shook out countless gun flowers in the air and killed the breath of killing.

Just a collision, the spear of the first person in power pierced seven or eight fierce beasts with evolved breath. The fierce beasts were pierced, made a slight explosion, and vented irregularly around.

When kukas saw that the other party came up across the void, he was both angry and helpless; What is angry is that the other party is rampant, but what is helpless is that their own strength is not strong enough. Of course, at this time, he had already forgotten his rampancy.

"Get back to me." the backhand pierced into the void again. This time, he directly grabbed a nail head and hammered it out. This nail hammer is also a plane treasure. Although the power is not the most powerful, it is most suitable for him to deal with those air killing.

Waving the nail head hammer, a large number of fighting spirit condensed Dharma arrays were vented from them, and then turned into countless virtual shadows with giant hammers, which instantly hit the breath. Just like this, they smashed the fierce animals that evolved the breath.

A roar was transmitted from the unhealed broken space. The next moment, from the collapsed and broken space crack, seven or eight weapons of different lengths were found, carrying boundless fighting spirit, like a meteor falling to the ground, all of them hit kukas.

Stepping on the void and distorting the space, they collide with those weapons, but they just resist the breathing time.

However, a breathing time is enough for kukas. With the help of this breathing time, he fiercely took out the gun and axe that had killed the projection of breath.

The spear and axe crossed a strange arc in the air, and then gently touched the falling weapons like feathers on the water.

Every time he touched, the gun and axe in his hand gave out a satisfied groan and groan. With the sound, weapons dispersed and fell to the ground like a piece of scrap iron.

At the other end of the space crack, dozens of eighth level professionals proficient in space shuttle screamed.

It turned out that at the moment when the spear and axe were killed on their weapons, a powerful suction emerged from the spear and axe. In a short moment, it swallowed the mind control power contained in those weapons.

These eighth level professionals have encountered such strange means for the first time. Although they are surprised, no one retreats. Instead, they are ready to step into the space crack in front of them one by one, cross the infinite void, directly appear in the eternal plane and have a real fight with kukas. But they finally understand that they can\'t appear on the eternal plane, otherwise they will bring trouble to some forces behind them.