Abyss Knight

Chapter 674

"Yes! They are just clerks and should not resent. If they want to resent, they resent the last clerks. When any clerks move, other clerks also shake. Some people quickly stamp the paper in front of them, and then quickly hand it to the person in front of them. From receiving the document to sealing, it can be done in a short breath.

No clerks dared to give up their work, because those who stopped their work were scratched by kukas and directly broke their heads. Instead of them, kukas transferred people from some ordinary servants.

"There is nothing missing in this plane, and the only thing that is not missing is intelligent creatures." when kukas crushed the heads of dozens of clerks in one breath, he left such a sentence in such a large space: "since they are also dead on the battlefield, it\'s better to die here. They can turn into ice corpses and bring trouble with their companions."

"Interesting." after kukas left, in the corner of this huge space, dozens of professionals at the top of level 7 looked at each other and turned away. They didn\'t find a suitable opportunity here, so they had to wait for the next time.

The leader of these seven level peak professionals is a young female swordsman. As a special professional among soldiers, her strength is still extremely strong. Just because the cultivation time is too short, she doesn\'t have enough ability to impact the eighth level.

As a genius of the kamanlong family, the female swordsman not only received a lot of material support, but also made great efforts. It is because of her efforts that she became a swordsman at the top of the seventh order in just a few decades.

As a seventh order top swordsman, her strongest record of killing is killing an eighth order shield guard instantly. That killing is her eternal pride.

Now, with this pride, she appears in the ice castle to hunt a knight who is said to have just been promoted to level 8 for more than a hundred years. With her, there are dozens of top level killers.

Although they have never assassinated level 8 professionals alone, they have already done a lot of things when three or five people unite to assassinate level 8.

Of course, their joint assassination was successful, otherwise they would not gather together again to assassinate kukas.

After leaving the hall, the female swordsman quickly changed her clothes. After changing part of her breath with the melody of fate, she twisted her small waist, shook her upturned ass and walked towards a nearby pub.

When she appeared in the pavilion on the top floor of the tavern wearing a light red silk robe and carrying a slender one handed sword, she unexpectedly saw a big man dressed in a silver white cloak and wrapped in green gray armor sitting at a table in the corner.

A little stunned, the female swordsman raised her mouth slightly, and then stepped on the cat step towards the big man wrapped in armor.

Some rough and crazy men who drink here see the female swordsman, make a wolf cry, want to attract each other\'s attention, and then have a spring breeze with her.

However, when they noticed that the beautiful looking female swordsman walked towards the man wrapped in armor, they were all disappointed, because in a short magic time, everyone in the whole ice and snow city knew that the man in armor was the third power.

"Hey! The power holder, can you buy me a drink?" the female swordsman tilted her head, a naughty smile appeared on her face, and her eyes were full of smiles.

"I didn\'t ask the killer to drink." Kukas gently knocked on the table in front of him, and there was only one glass of Baijiu on that table. The Baijiu accompanied him to knock on the table and spread a layer of ripple.