Abyss Knight

Chapter 673

"Hum!" with a light hum, the fighting spirit contained in the fighting space poured out like a hurricane, and was frantically vented around the fighting space.

In front of this huge number of fighting spirit, the strange power of green skin is like a delicate small shovel, which is easily crushed into nothingness in the face of a hundred million year mountain peak.

The fighting spirit that crushed the strange power was vented from under the armor, ejected from the body, and crashed into the green skin that hugged him.

The green skin, which flew backwards, fell to the ground. This time, before he could stand up, kukas stepped forward and stepped on his chest.

"Wake me up." a trace of fighting spirit was instilled into the green skin from his feet, and it was rampant. But for a moment, those fighting spirit tore dozens of holes of different sizes out of the green skin.

The fierce fighting spirit tore the green skin and flesh, which not only didn\'t wake it up, but made it angry. A roar rang out from its mouth, the sharp teeth collided with each other, and opened their mouth and tore at kukas\'s leg.

Creak and creak, and seven or eight of the green teeth were broken off by the hard armor.

Kukas raised his foot and crushed all the bones on the green skin a little bit, and let it lie on the ground for seven or eight breathing times. Only then did the angry green skin wake up and realize that it was his master, not his enemy, standing in front of him.

While waiting for the green skin to wake up, kukas used his secret method and began to detect the information hidden in the blood of the green skin with the seventh level peak power.

A trace of fighting spirit flew out of his fingertips. These fighting spirit condensed into a small Dharma array structure in the air, and then branded in the teeth on a green skin\'s head.

For a time, countless broken pictures emerged in his mind. These pictures flashed disorderly, looking like a life of killing green skin.

However, kukas knew that these pictures were not formed by a single green skin, but showed by the blood owners of the green skin over a hundred years. During this period, I don\'t know whether hundreds or thousands of green skins were inherited little by little through blood power.

Through the secret method of blood, kukas traced back more than a hundred years. After consuming dozens of soul power, kukas still didn\'t find what he wanted to know. In those pictures, all he saw was endless killing.

"Through killing evolution, they have the same ability as the fenlia warriors? This is what they had in their original blood. Are they awake now? Or have they evolved by themselves?"

You can\'t get any answers in the end. Finally, he felt bored and gave up thinking about the mystery: "maybe a female doctor will find something here. It\'s a pity."

He felt some pain in his head when he thought of the female doctor. He once used the power of the deep-sea giant and the Danu Protoss to search for information about female doctors, and finally got a news that made him feel extremely depressed: after the female doctors were defeated in his main plane world, they were taken as prisoners of war and imprisoned by people at the gate of heaven. However, there is no specific information about the specific detention there.

While kukas was thinking about something, the crystal ball on the table gave off a light red light.

"Invasion?" seeing the light red curtain on the crystal ball, there was an obvious frown mark on kukas\'s metal mask.

"There is no magic wave and no fighting spirit. Why is there a red alarm?"

In doubt, he immediately released his mind into the crystal ball, but in an instant, he knew what had happened.

"Damn it." after learning about what happened outside through the crystal ball, he was in a bad mood and became worse.

Through the small transmission array, kukas appeared directly at the scene of the incident.

Here is a huge room, where people inside the castle are handling rewards and certificates for some professionals.

Every day, a large number of professionals come here to handle various documents, so many people gather in this huge space that can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people.

When kukas appeared here, many professionals who heard the information gathered.

In a document handling area of the space, dozens of internal guards of the castle are besieging a lion headed man with weapons. Opposite the lion headed man was a clerk who couldn\'t stand up.

When kukas walked into the crowd, the clerk lay on the ground wailing in pain. He wailed on the ground with his stomach. It sounded very sad. However, after releasing a mind and observing the situation in his body, kukas found that there was no serious injury in the clerk\'s body, but there was a congestion in his small abdomen.

The lion headed man is barehanded. His fighting power is only three levels. But kukas felt an extremely strong smell of blood in him. The smell of blood means that he killed a lot.

Besieged by dozens of internal guards, the lion headed man seemed a little excited. Sometimes he waved his huge fist and shook his head. Sometimes he twisted his head irritably. The whole person seemed to be greatly affected by the killing battlefield.

"What happened." kukas pushed away the people in front of him and went directly to the lion headed man diagonally opposite and asked the clerk on the ground.

"My Lord, he attacked me and humiliated the alliance." when the clerk saw kukas appear, his hand covering his stomach tightened. And there was a sense of relief on his face.

"Why did he attack you? Just because of this little thing, he is sending out an orange red alarm? Do you know what kind of image this will lead to?" kukas snorted coldly, but did not listen to the other party continue to say: "stand up and apologize to him immediately."

"Sir, why should I apologize to this Orc? He is just a small soldier. My identity is not comparable to that of this kind of person." the clerk was surprised. He couldn\'t understand kukas\'s request for a moment, so he excitedly stretched out his hand and pointed to the lion headed man, roaring with some effort.

"If the abyss alliance doesn\'t have soldiers like him who can kill countless soldiers on the battlefield, the whole alliance will collapse. Just as an empire has no civilians: those civilians look weak and small, but if an empire has only dignitaries and no civilians, the dignitaries will die. Because they can create beautiful poems and exquisite poems Artifacts and precious props, but they can\'t prepare enough food for themselves. When these dignitaries learn to grow food, they lose enough time to create. "

"My Lord, there is a humble soldier to challenge the alliance today. If the alliance does not have jurisdiction, there will be more soldiers to challenge tomorrow. For a long time, the work here will not progress."

"Well, if they can\'t make progress, they can\'t make progress. They just want to get their due reward, and because of your existence, let them constantly rush to get forms and write formal aristocratic words with killer hands holding exquisite quill books. This is an extremely terrible thing."

"It was just a very simple procedure, but you made it very complicated. Anyone will have complaints."

"Well, pack up your things and get out of here immediately. I know what you have done. I don\'t want to kill today. You only have three breathing times. If you don\'t disappear here after more than three breathing times, I\'ll let you disappear in this plane."

Kukas\'s words not only surprised the clerk, but also surprised the surrounding onlookers.

In their perception, if this kind of thing generally happens, they who come to work will be at a disadvantage. But now the appearance of the armor man instantly overturned all their understanding.

"Who are you? What are you qualified to order me like this?" a trace of panic flashed in the clerk\'s eyes, but he gritted his teeth, hardened his neck and shouted at kukas.

"The third ruler of the Arctic ice sheet, I think you must have seen my image. By the way, you still have two breathing times."

"I just did things according to the rules and let him wait a little while. Is it unfair to punish me for this?"

"But things that can be dealt with in half a moment of magic. As a result, you asked him to come here dozens of times, and each time you asked him to wait for several magic, and finally let him leave. Do you think it\'s good? A breathing time. To be honest, the time I calculated for you is really slow." kukas flicked and picked up his fingers gently. His mood was even worse because of the clerk\'s sophistry.

"I just did things according to the rules. When he came, I was dealing with other things and had no time to receive him."

"You\'re making me kill." kukas\'s big hand subconsciously touched his head. There were horns on his hard helmet, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"The third power came here for the first time, and there was no need to see blood." just as kukas was about to start, a projection appeared directly in front of him. The woman\'s clear voice sounded, which made kukas suddenly extinguish more than half of the killing intention that had just risen in his heart.

"To tell you the truth, the management power of these departments is still in the hands of the third person in power. It\'s all caused by the previous post. At first, it only needs a document to reward these soldiers. But the poor man added many departments to show his authority. Ha ha! These clerks think they have the personal support of the alliance The appointment is superior. There are too many things that embarrass the soldiers on weekdays. Today, when you took office for the first time, they didn\'t have time to disguise and can\'t resent them. "