Abyss Knight

Chapter 672

"What do you mean? This seal is different from other seals. Its shape is a gem ring. Wear it on your hand to instill your fighting spirit into the ring, and then press the gem on the paper or scroll to leave an extremely complex pattern on it in an instant.

The patterns are different every time, but if you sense them in a certain way, you can make those patterns form a strange picture with the help of kukas\'s residual breath on the patterns, and that picture will never change.

A large number of documents are all about the decentralization of materials. Although kukas is not interested in these things, he still carefully checked these documents and branded them one by one as belonging to the third power holder.

As time went by, although more and more documents were sent by young men and women, kukas\'s processing speed also increased significantly. In the end, he even just scanned the documents with his heart and immediately disposed of them.

Most of the time passed, and the documents accumulated for more than half a month were cleaned by him at one go.

Although he had no real body, he still felt a little tired.

Lying lazily on the high back chair, he closed his eyes and silently recalled the contents of the documents he had just handled.

Recalling the contents of the file only took him less than half a quarter of his magic time.

Looking at the empty office space, kukas immediately took out a golden scroll from the drawer and began to write on it.

There were not many words, but three or five precious scrolls were discarded, because he always revised them when he was about to finish writing. Finally, after several twists and turns, he finally wrote his first order in office.

The order was very simple, but after he revised it again and again, he finally formed a document with a slightly stricter wording.

In this order, he asked all professionals not to fight privately in the city. If there is a fight, they will be punished. If someone wants to fight, they will go to the front line to fight and kill. In the specified time, whoever kills a large number of enemies will win. The loser will pay a certain price to the winner according to the original agreement.

"We don\'t have the ability to fight each other. We have the ability to fight with the people at the gate of heaven." kukas wrote this sentence hard in the last line of the command.

After the ancient Knight characters were written with secret method and special ink, they glittered with a light silver light. The light flowed and looked like a little momentum.

After calling a servant waiting outside to give the order, kukas began to summon his direct subordinates again.

The soldiers subordinate to the third power are not professionals mobilized from various planes, nor professionals from this eternal plane, but an endless number of green skins.

Due to the characteristics of the green skins, in many places within the abyss alliance, some powerful green skins are regarded by the authorities as law enforcement teams for internal stability, and here is no exception.

When his mind turned, the number of green skins in the whole ice and snow city suddenly appeared in kukas\'s mind, and the strength of each green skin was instantly known by him.

More than 100000 green skins with seven levels of power have been entrenched in the ice and snow city for a long time, while the other green skins just stay in the city for a while. After a short rest, they carry simple weapons and embark on the road of killing.

Among the more than 100000 permanent green skins, there are dozens of the most powerful green skins. These green skins are the leaders of other green skins. They form tribes of different sizes in the ice and snow cities. They usually unite to hunt ice corpses or orcs outside the city in turn, so as to obtain a large amount of meat. The ice and snow cities can only provide them with very little Amount of food.

After all, the green skins can eat so much that the food consumption of each level 7 green skin is almost the same as that of a giant dragon. And the level 7 green skins can\'t catch up with the giant dragon in killing, so they can\'t enjoy the treatment of the giant dragons.

For kukas, the lack of food for the green people is not a problem at all. In his opinion, the green people want to get food only through killing, and what others give is not suitable for the green people\'s food at all.

Dozens of green skins appeared in front of kukas at the fastest speed after being summoned by their master.

It was the first time kukas saw the green skin with seven levels of power. Dozens of green skins appeared in front of him, each more than 30 feet high. Their faces were ferocious, and their eyes radiated green light. Sharp teeth came out of their mouths like a wild animal.

With his body shaking, kukas instantly appeared behind a green skin and waved his palm. He just used meat and body strength to test the real strength of these green skins.

The washbasin sized palm hit the green skin\'s back instantly. In his killing talent, when the palm was about to hit it, the green skin\'s muscles contracted fiercely, and then shook his body to escape kukas\'s attack.

But kukas\'s attack was too fast. Even if the green skin reacted quickly, it didn\'t avoid kukas\'s attack.

"Bang!" there was a dull noise, and the green skin flew out. When other green skins saw that their companions were attacked, they roared conditionally for a time, and even several green skins swayed and wanted to rush to kukas to fight with him.

But then they reacted and knew that the armor man in front of them was their master. So he stopped abruptly and stood in place with a silent roar.

The flying green skin\'s body burst and bled in mid air, and the green skin quickly adjusted his body in the air, wildly waved his thick bone stick and rowed through the air according to a special arc, but protected him in an all-round way.

"Bang!" the huge body of green skin hit the crystal wall more than ten feet away. At the moment when the body touched the crystal wall, the green skin roared, but with the help of the wall, the body rebounded and impacted directly in the direction of kukas.

The thick bone stick drew an arc in the air, and countless ferocious green heads appeared on the bone stick. There are messy images of creatures such as green skin, human beings, giants, dwarves and elves in these heads.

A mass of green fighting spirit broke out from the green skin. These fighting spirits rose into the sky and formed a blue light curtain around the green skin.

The light curtain spread, wrapped around the green skin, and then dozens of long and short spikes grew from it.

Spikes across the sky, even vaguely distorted the space and made a sad whistling sound.

Kukas\'s vision penetrated the green fighting spirit outside the green skin body, and he saw that the broken green skin body was rapidly recovering. The belly that exposed its internal organs recovered in a few moments. The broken half head is also growing rapidly.

The cloak flew behind him, the tail wrapped around his arm, and then hit the green skin.

After this punch, dozens of broken spikes condensed by the spirit of green skin were forcibly crushed by the breath wrapped on the fist. The next moment, the defense was also broken.

A fist the size of a casserole hit the green chest. This punch went on, but it smashed a transparent hole in the green chest with seven levels of peak power.

Before that, under the conscious control of kukas, the green bone rod also hit his head.

The bone stick hit his head hard and hit with his helmet, making a loud bell sound. A visible ripple diffused around, making some small waves appear in the space.

The stick cracked in the violent collision. The bone stick is made of green skin who killed thousands of creatures and quenched their vertebrae and skulls little by little. Now there are cracks all of a sudden, making the green skin even more crazy.

"Roar!" a low roar, the green skin completely crazy. His red eyes, his thick nostrils kept opening and closing, and a stream of hot gas gushed out from inside, like two strange snakes.

The injury on his chest seemed to have no effect on the green skin. After kukas penetrated his chest, he jumped directly on kukas without retreating. Then he made great efforts with both arms, picked him up and held him high, and then planned to fall to the ground and break him into meat sauce.

At the moment of being held by the green skin, kukas felt a strange force released from the green body, then wrapped around him, constantly washed his body and began to imprison his body.

Moreover, these strange forces appeared directly outside his fighting space, and then evolved into some prohibitions, which constantly collided with the fighting space, but wanted to kill him fundamentally and completely.