Abyss Knight

Chapter 671

"I don\'t need you anymore." kukas looked at the servants deeply and said in a deep voice, "this horse hasn\'t been tamed by me. I\'m afraid it will hurt you if you take care of it."

Although the servants were of low strength, kukas didn\'t want to cause casualties for his own sake.

"My Lord is joking. As long as my Lord can restrain the magic and fighting spirit of the black dragon, we will have a way to teach him well and make him the most powerful assistant." the leading servant quickly said: "a few days ago, a giant dragon was taught here, and we have enough ability to make it docile."

"If you can do it, do it! But I still hope you can be more careful." kukas was a little stunned, then nodded and smiled: "this reptile still has some temper, you must be careful. If you can\'t, just leave it here and I\'ll deal with it myself."

"Yes, sir." all the servants were excited when they heard that they could teach the black dragon. As an animal trainer, their biggest wish is to train all kinds of fierce animals and make those wild animals tame.

Now a black dragon can provide them with training, which will not only bring them some precious magic materials, but also improve their animal training skills.

When his mind moved, the chains growing in the black dragon trembled, and then imprisoned all the power of the black dragon, leaving only a weak power for it to use.

Ignoring the thought of the animal trainers, kukas went out of the back square and walked step by step towards the ice and snow castle in front.

The broad slate paved the path. On the road, servants cleaned up the frozen frost in time and took care of some cold resistant plants on both sides of the road.

Kukas walked along the path. The servants didn\'t know him. They talked in a low voice while working, talking about what happened in the snow castle. Although these conversations were extremely scattered, kukas also had some vague understanding of the power conflict in the ice castle.

When some female servants saw kukas walking, they blushed, picked the fruits on both sides of the road, held them in their hands, and then walked to him, hoping that he could taste the fruits in their hands.

According to the words of the jealous male servants, kukas understood that the maids showed him their love by picking fruit. If he accepts the fruit of one of them, the other will be in love with him.

"I am a knight. One day, I will die on the battlefield." when a maid with round face and big eyes stood not far from him with a shy and timid face holding fruit, kukas finally spoke, but the words were full of rejection.

"If you want to find a man to rely on, maybe it should be them, not someone like me." kukas reached out and pointed to the other servants, and then pointed himself to a deep smile.

"I just envy you powerful beings." the round faced maid swallowed her saliva hard, then opened her mouth and whispered, "Why are other powerful beings willing to accept people like us?"

"Because they need to vent their desires." kukas laughed. The huge body suddenly appeared in front of the round faced maid. He leaned down and stared into each other\'s eyes and grinned: "I don\'t need it. Well, at least for now."

"Maybe soon you will become like them." the round faced maid\'s face blushed more. She turned her head and glanced under a dwarf tree in the distance. There once stood one of her companions, but after meeting a professional who came out from the back square, she disappeared under the dwarf tree with each other.

"Maybe! Are you from this position?"

"What face?" asked the round faced maid in doubt. Like other sisters, she was extremely confused about these powerful beings, but no one knew where they came from.

"Where is your hometown?"

"Blue Crystal empire." the round faced maid looked at kukas with some confusion. She didn\'t know why the other party was interested in her hometown.

"How did you come? When did you come?"

"Three years ago, the Empire recruited a maid, and then she appeared here through a white gate." the round faced maid is just an ordinary person. She doesn\'t know anything about the portal or something.

"For the family?"

"There are many brothers and sisters at home and there is not enough food, so I have to go out to work." the blush on the round faced maid\'s face has dissipated a lot. After feeling the oppression brought to her by kukas\'s huge body, she stepped back a few steps.

Seeing the maid\'s behavior, kukas smiled in a low voice.

Even if the smile on the metal armor is kind, it still looks ferocious in the eyes of others.

When the round faced girl saw the ferocity on kukas\'s face armor, she lost her voice and shouted, then turned and ran into the bushes on the side of the road. At this moment, she only wanted to find companions and face fear together, as if only companions could make her feel at ease.

After watching the round faced girl disappear into the bushes like a dancing butterfly, kukas realized that the smile on his visor frightened each other. You know, when he was refining his face armor, he set it up with a secret method to make any expression of the armor ferocious.

The metal boots trampled on the stone slab and made a crisp sound. The cloak behind him swayed slightly. When ordinary people couldn\'t see it, layers of twisted space defense emerged with the cloak swing and wrapped him firmly.

Closer to the snow castle, there are stone roads around. Some professionals either walk on these roads with a serious face or with a relaxed face. Here, it seems that they have not experienced war at all, but relax in this ordinary castle.

As we mentioned earlier, although the snow Castle doesn\'t look very big, the space inside is very huge because of the Dharma array.

When kukas stepped into the castle and presented his identity certificate, a beautiful maid immediately came forward to receive him, then led him to a small transmission array and directly appeared in a huge conference room.

There was only one round table in the huge conference room, with 13 chairs next to the round table. In the center of the round table is a light blue crystal ball the size of a head.

The furnishings here are the same as the meeting room he used to have in the magic castle. After receiving the information, kukas quickly found his own chair.

After sitting on the chair, he immediately cast a secret method to activate some magic effects of the crystal ball.

However, for more than ten breathing hours, a group of distorted images appeared on the other twelve chairs next to the round table. These images were distorted, but they stabilized during breathing, revealing twelve clear magic projections.

"Welcome to the third power."

After these projections were clear, one of them suddenly spoke: "I am the first person in power, and I think you can identify them."

"Yes, I know your identity." kukas nodded gently. Now he is unwilling to do those hypocritical conversations with people on some things. Therefore, after simply saying his name, he said his original intention of calling these people.

"In the past, the task of the third authority in this castle was to manage logistics. I don\'t want to know why a logistics manager died on the battlefield. I just want to tell you that if someone else wants to deal with me, you\'d better not intervene, because it\'s bad for everyone."

The metal gloves gently knocked on the thick round table and made a crisp sound.

"Being able to be in power in this place means that you all have some means. I\'m afraid it\'s a terrible thing to die in your own hands because of others, don\'t you think?"

"You\'re confident, the third in power." it\'s the first in power. His face was vague, but judging from the smell from him, the first person in power was a knight like kukas, but kukas didn\'t know what kind of knight the other party belonged to.

"It\'s not self-confidence, it\'s a fact." kukas rapped on the table in front of him and said in a deep voice: "I think you all know that some forces want to deal with me. And I think you have connections with those forces. I hope you can tell them that if you want me to die here, you can directly find me to kill! The winner survives, and the loser\'s head is taken off to make a scepter."

In a few short words, although kukas did not show half murderous spirit, nor did he show any ferocious expression, the hearts of the twelve rulers could not help but feel a chill.

"If you want me to die, just let the powerful existence come and kill me. If you use any conspiracy, it will not only waste a lot of time, but also increase casualties. This is not a very good thing for the whole abyss alliance."

"I hear you control part of the green skin?" one of the rulers frowned slightly. She leaned forward and looked up and down at kukas with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"That\'s what those people told you?" kukas was surprised at first, but then he reacted: "ha ha, it seems that the big forces don\'t care about you, they just use you as cannon fodder!"