Abyss Knight

Chapter 670

Looking ahead, the place with magic waves is a city thousands of miles in size. The magic prohibition flickered on the city. The huge Dharma array turned slowly like a millstone. A evil spirit rose from the city and evolved into a black cloud in the air thousands of feet high.

The black cloud was so strong that even the cold wind could not disperse it. A sound of killing was transmitted from it, showing some broken limbs and bodies.

In the dark clouds, the golden daggers and war drums are just the things projected by the minds of the creatures gathered in the city.

"There are at least ten million professionals in this city." kukas soon had a vague inference after watching the dark clouds. Although other professionals did not speak, they also made estimates in their hearts, which was not too different from kukas\'s inference.

The black dragon sobbed and stopped fiercely at a place no more than ten miles away from the city, and other professionals also stopped one by one. Of course, the people stopped not because they didn\'t want to enter the city, but because the city banned them from entering.

Hundreds of streamers flew out of the city and wandered around kukas. Some spell casters even gathered killing secrets and were ready to kill at any time.

Kukas did not look at the professionals, but focused on the surrounding terrain.

On a lonely ice field, there is a sudden city standing here, which looks amazing.

The whole city is completely piled up by dark blue ice. The whole city wall is a whole. If you look closely at the past, there is not even a gap. Countless magic defenses were spread all over the ice wall with a width of more than 100 feet. On the wall, a large number of giant magic props were stacked.

There are lathe crossbow, siege gun, arrow tower and other things in those magic props. According to the intelligence obtained by kukas at the beginning, the power of those large magic props is incomparable. As long as the target is locked, even the eighth level professional can be killed.

While kukas was observing the surrounding situation, hundreds of professionals came forward to check the identification marks of those who accompanied kukas.

"Knight, please show me your ID card." a soldier wrapped in armor flew to kukas and asked in a deep voice.

Twisting his neck, the blue ice on his body broke instantly. Under his intentional control, the broken ice hit the black dragon like an iron cone. A series of impacts made the black dragon cry sadly. Kukas thought it was ugly. He raised his feet and trampled on it. He broke his head and bled the black dragon before he stopped.

Kukas\'s means made the faces of the professionals around him strange. You should know that they are all eighth level professionals. They can easily feel that the black dragon under his feet is also an eighth level existence.

Now an eight step black dragon acts as his mount, and maltreats this powerful mount from time to time, which is unacceptable to many people for a time.

After carefully checking kukas\'s identity mark, the armor soldier respectfully paid him a courtesy, because kukas was the third ruler of the city.

Of course, although the soldier was polite, some professionals around didn\'t pay attention to kukas, even if he was the third power in the city.

In the view of some professionals, they come here to perform their tasks and accept the appointment from the controller of the abyss alliance. They have no need to ask for the third power of the city.

Of course, kukas didn\'t care about the disregard of those professionals. He just came here to perform his task, not to argue about his status with other professionals. What\'s more, he never valued his status. What he valued was only his own killing methods.

"As long as you can kill your enemies with your own hands, even if you are the most humble creature, I will respect you. If you can\'t kill your enemies with your own hands, just put your simple status and identity there, I won\'t care about you at all." kukas once said this when killing an enemy.

After the city was branded on their identity certificates, the professionals gathered around them dispersed. The professionals who came here with kukas also scattered one by one to find their mission location.

Kukas did not enter the city for the first time, but silently stood on the head of the black dragon and urged the black dragon to fly slowly around the whole city.

A whimper full of resentment sounded from the mouth of the black dragon, but the black dragon resented kukas\'s cruelty. At this time, he felt ashamed because he was trampled under his feet in front of so many creatures, so he cursed. And his curse became a strange sob because of the blockage in his mouth.

"Why? Unconvinced? Hehe! If you become the king and defeat the enemy, you will still use your identity to oppress me. Now I can\'t accept being trampled under my feet? Hehe! You know? I just let you fly around the city and let all the dragons in the city see your embarrassed appearance. Well! I can\'t say that some dragons will jump out. I\'ll be fine then Choose a mating partner for you so that your blood can continue, and then be my mount for generations. "Kukas smiled grimly, raised his foot and stepped on the black dragon\'s head several times, venting the resentment that the other party would bring to him with words.

"Just because of the verbal conflict, don\'t you think it\'s too much?" just after kukas stepped on the black dragon\'s head a few times, a breath flew out of the city. The breath hovered around him and released the signal of reconciliation: "We can pay for more than ten faceted treasures. I just hope you can let him go. After all, he is a member of our dragon family. Without the ancient treaty scroll, the members of the dragon family will not serve as mounts for others. I hope the third power can understand."

"Are you a dragon family?" although he didn\'t feel the dragon breath contained in that breath, he still pretended to ask.

"No, I\'m the 13th person in power." the breath sent a message again: "there are at least a million dragons in the city. Some dragons are very interested in their honor, I think"

"Ha ha! What do you think? I kukas don\'t think about other people\'s ideas at all. Well! If you have any ideas, keep thinking about them in your heart! If the dragon clan is not satisfied with me, come and talk to me instead of you, the 13th ruler. That\'s not what you want to do, isn\'t it?" Kukas stamped his feet hard. This time, he stamped dozens of cracks out of the skull of the black dragon, which had just recovered for a long time.

Dragon blood filled the air, and the strong blood gas spread around. However, while breathing, kukas heard bursts of dragon roaring in the city.

"Damn it, do you think you can get away from my feet? I said I would chop you alive. But I didn\'t expect you to be resurrected again. In that case, let me step on you all your life!" kukas\'s mind became quite vicious and vicious after a series of things, but it was very different from before.

The black dragon was unwilling to cry, but after he carried kukas for a circle in the city thousands of miles in size, no members of the dragon family came out to get justice for him. This made the black dragon feel extremely bad. However, in his heart, there was still a little hope, and the root of that hope was the blood flowing from his body Pulse.

In his opinion, as long as the members of the dragon family know the blood flowing in his body, they will use all their strength to save him, even killing the third person in power designated by the alliance.

"Just endure for some time. When the time comes, I will completely imprison and torture the devil. No, I will let all dragons ride him as a mount and let him try the humiliation I have suffered today."

After imagining the humiliation of kukas in the future, he felt a little better and became less depressed.

After circling in the air and seeing that no dragon came out to provoke, kukas commanded the black dragon to pass through the prohibition and find the place where he would work in the future.

The place where he works is a castle. The castle does not cover a large area, but the space inside becomes extremely huge under the action of the magic array. Even if hundreds of feet tall giants enter it, it will not appear narrow.

Moreover, the castle is different from other buildings in the city. The castle is completely made of huge bluestones. These bluestones are transmitted from tens of millions of miles away through the transmission array. In the whole city, only this castle has stones.

The black dragon flashed its huge wings and slowly landed on a square behind the castle. This square is where some professionals stay and mount, so no curious people will come to check it.

He banned the black dragon and made him stand on the edge of the square as a statue. He was stunned by the animal trainers who were ready to come forward to serve.

The trainers saw the black dragon mount for the first time, so they all wanted to serve the black dragon mount closely, and then use some secret methods to get some blood or scales from the black dragon. However, they thought that kukas directly imprisoned the black dragon to one side. As a result, some animal trainers were dissatisfied.

However, they also knew their identity, so they didn\'t dare to say anything directly. Instead, they elected a companion to come forward and gently persuade kukas to let him hand over the black dragon to themselves.