Abyss Knight

Chapter 669


"What is your mission there?"

"The Third Master of the Arctic ice sheet." kukas flicked and fingered gently, and the green gray gloves rubbed and rattled. In the bronze gloves, the breath of killing is released.

"There are thirteen controllers in the Arctic ice sheet, and you are the third? It seems that you may have a hard time there." the triangular eye priest has been in this position for a long time, so he knows more about the situation here. Especially in the far north, because of the strangeness of this land, many people are very interested in the intelligence there.

"Do you know what happened to those in power there? Well! Maybe I should pay you, a treasure focusing on defense?" kukas tilted his head, rubbing between his armor and making strange noises.

"Knight kukas, I don\'t think I need your reward. I did this to repay the kindness of the deep sea giants." after hearing kukas\'s words, the triangular eye priest seemed to be insulted and shouted with some excitement.

"Well, I don\'t think you need to be excited at all." kukas shrugged his shoulders. He tightened his cloak and wrapped the whole person, revealing only a ferocious helmet.

The metal mouth on the visor wriggled and opened and closed up and down, and his voice came out: "but I don\'t think the relationship between you and the deep-sea giant has anything to do with the relationship between you and me, so I think I should give you some personal gifts."

While talking, he stabbed his backhand into the void and pulled out a crystal pyramid.

There was a magic light shining on the pyramid, which floated up and down in kukas\'s hands, and then he threw it to the triangular eyed priest.

The triangular eye priest hesitated a little, and finally showed a helpless smile to catch the treasure thrown by kukas.

He knew that he might be able to say no, but from the bottom of his heart, he was not willing to refuse this treasure. You know, now they are in a huge battlefield. On this battlefield, every additional magic prop and plane treasure will greatly improve his chances of survival.

And he also knew that since he accepted the pyramid shaped plane treasure, it meant that he owed kukas a favor. And this favor may make him pay some big price. Of course, he will not work for kukas because of this treasure.

"You\'re cunning. You\'re not as stupid as others say."

"Ha ha! Cunning? This is the first time someone has used this word on me. Does your snake still need dragon meat? Maybe I can decide to leave a part for it."

"Forget it, leave 300 pounds of dragon meat for my poisonous snake! I think it needs it very much now." the triangular eyed priest narrowed his eyes and slowly rubbed the double headed snake head on the scepter: "on the polar ice sheet, there have been 13 permanent rulers, and the third controller was killed in the war a few days ago."

"It is said that the third ruler who was killed actually died because of his own people. However, no one knows the specific situation." when saying this, the triangular eyed priest shook his head and sighed.


The two were talking. The time passed quickly. After a while, it was kukas\'s turn to set foot on the transmission array.

Along with him, there were two knights and dozens of soldiers, a scribe and a priest.

The scribe was male, and he was also a scribe in a living creature named kaliman. This creature is very similar to humans in shape, except that they are born with a red gem on their forehead.

Against the backdrop of light golden curly hair, the ruby glittered with some exquisite light, coupled with his handsome face and noble breath, which attracted the attention of many girls and even male professionals.

The priest was a woman. She was also a member of karoman\'s life, but she didn\'t have long blond hair, but light red curls.

Under kukas\' careful attention, he found that the gem on the priestess\'s forehead was one circle larger than the gem on the scribe\'s forehead. Although it was only a big circle, according to kukas\'s estimation, the priest was stronger than the scribe.

There are dozens of people in the line, of which the number of male professionals is one-third less than that of female professionals. However, among these male professionals, there are not only common creatures such as abyss demons and frost giants, but also some metal people born from mineral veins.

The number of those metal men is relatively rare in the abyss alliance. Members of this race simply have no ability to reproduce by themselves. If they want to give birth to offspring, they can only rely on the self breeding of mineral veins.

And these metal people, the weakest, can be compared with the eighth level professionals. Moreover, with their special constitution, the weakest metal man can kill some ordinary ninth order casters.

The strength of the team seemed good to kukas, but he found that except a few people nodded friendly to him, others all had an extremely silent attitude towards him. It\'s like I didn\'t see him at all.

Those people ignored him, and he didn\'t take the initiative to pay attention to each other. Kukas simply nodded to a few professionals who showed a friendly atmosphere to him, and then stood silently on the transmission array, waiting for the transmission.

"The third in power?" the only priest in the team: the ruby priest tilted his head and stared at kukas curiously: "can you take off your face armor? I think we will work together in the future. There should be no need to cover our faces!"

"Ha ha! My armor has been branded on my body, and there is no way to take it off." kukas took a deep breath, shook his head and refused the other party\'s request. His body now is completely wrapped in armor. If you take off your armor and reveal the crystal skull, it is frightening and suspicious.

"Ha ha, really?" the ruby priest raised his mouth slightly and said with a low smile, "as a priest, I can help you treat if necessary."

"Thank you!"

Kukas did not doubt how the other party knew that he was the third in power, because although the conversation of the triangular eye priest just lowered his voice, others could still hear it. After all, all here are high-level professionals, not ordinary people.

"The third power holder, maybe we need your care in the future." the ruby priest shook his head slightly and whispered, "I heard it\'s dangerous here. I hope the third power holder can protect us. You know, we\'re not good at attacking."

With that, she also pointed out her companion, the male Sutra.

The male teacher also nodded and smiled kindly at kukas: "the third person in power, I think it is very necessary for us to have the shelter of a powerful knight in the war."

"Ha ha! I think you\'ll make others uncomfortable by saying that." kukas turned his head and motioned to the other professionals.

"Hehe, uncomfortable? Uncomfortable. They don\'t need my treatment at all. I don\'t think those who are uncomfortable and we seek shelter from you will use my little Sutra." the male Sutra smiled gracefully.

"You\'re a naked threat to them." kukas laughed, and when the male scribe wanted to say anything, the transmission method array had opened and was radiant, but it wrapped everyone\'s body, directly crossed the void, and instantly appeared hundreds of millions of miles away.

On a huge iceberg in the Arctic ice field, there is an extremely ancient temple. After a long time, the temple has been broken, leaving only dozens of thick icicles standing on the top of the mountain.

This iceberg is a holy land called the Yamal dwarf at the foot of the mountain. The mentally retarded Yamal people worship all kinds of gods. They will worship every creature stronger than them as a God. Professionals like kukas are the object of their worship. Because here, only powerful creatures can fly freely in the air.

Although the wisdom of the Yamal dwarves is extremely low, they have extremely powerful killing power. Although they can\'t cultivate fighting spirit and magic, their own flesh and body strength can easily tear apart the various secret attacks of most ordinary seventh level peak professionals.

In some accounts of these Yamal dwarves, some yamals were able to resist the powerful blow of flying gods. In the records of these yamals, the flying god man is actually kukas, their eighth level professional.

The yamals who can resist the full attack of the eighth class with their flesh and body strength alone, which even the fenlia warriors can\'t do. This shows the strength of these yamals.

The Yamal dwarves have been waiting around the iceberg for generations. They hunt all the creatures who enter the holy mountain from the ground. In order to win over these powerful creatures, the Empire here will provide them with a large amount of food every year. Of course, this kind of solicitation was of no use, but the Empire never gave up.

At regular intervals, the Yamal dwarves would reach the iceberg nearly ten thousand feet high on foot to pray. At this time, they would carve the images of the so-called gods they met during this period. And describe some characteristics of these gods in detail.

When kukas and others appeared in the empty transmission Dharma array, the Yamal dwarves were praying here.

Kukas and their appearance made these dwarves shout wildly.

They waved a stick made of blue ice, shouted loudly, twisted their limbs and danced a strange dance. A strange tone sounded from their mouth, but no one knew the meaning.

"Go, there\'s no need to stay here."

Kukas stamped his foot, the black dragon moaned at his feet, then spread his wings in the air, and then waved his huge wings and flew away. Other professionals either directly lock in the destination they will arrive, or break through the air, leaving streamers in the air and disappeared.

The black dragon wailed. Hundreds of dwarves shouted frantically below. Some dwarves waved chisels made of blue ice, and then frantically carved kukas and the black dragon pattern under his feet on the ice.

The Dragon wailed and spread its wings, and its speed exceeded kukas\'s imagination. There are several professionals following beside him. It seems that the destination is the same as his. Among those professionals, there are two special professions: male scribe and Ruby priest.

Standing on top of the dragon, kukas felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. This satisfaction and excitement was strong when he first tore the void transmission.

The black dragon kept moaning, and the tears of humiliation flowed down. It dropped down on the earth along the ferocious faucet and turned into huge pieces of ice.

"Why are you crying? Is it a shame for you to serve as a mount for me?" kukas smiled grimly, raised his feet and trampled on the dragon\'s head for several times. He was stunned. Blood flowed on the tap, and the Dragon scales rolled up, revealing Bai Sensen\'s skull.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" a strange roar sounded. The black dragon\'s mouth was stuffed, but he couldn\'t say anything.

"Hum! When I become a legend, I can\'t say I\'ll find you a female dragon and let you have descendants. Don\'t worry. At that time, I\'ll let your descendants and all your descendants become my mounts." kukas Gaga smiled strangely, but hated the scene when the other party used the Dragon family to suppress him verbally: "Things like you are most suitable to become mounts, rather than walking around the streets like wild dogs without any sense of shame."

A series of vicious words made the black dragon almost completely collapse. Drops of blood and tears emerged. The Dragon scales on his body stood upside down and suddenly released the magic power to attack kukas.


With this strange cry, kukas squatted down, then waved his huge fist and hit the black dragon\'s head crazily.

The fist fell, and slender triangular spikes came out from the green gray fist cover. These triangular spikes pierced into the black dragon\'s brain and shook.

Trigonous spikes vibrate not only the brain of the black dragon, but also penetrate into its soul.

The pain of soul tearing kept the black dragon rolling in the sad sobs, while kukas stood firmly on the black dragon\'s head in bursts of ferocious laughter.

"If you treat the black dragon like this, I\'m afraid the people of the dragon family will trouble you." the ruby priest didn\'t know why. He was extremely enthusiastic about kukas. Whenever there was something, he would talk to him.

"Even if I don\'t treat this animal like this, the animal\'s race will trouble me. Since a group of animals want to trouble me, how can I be timid." while talking, kukas trampled on the black dragon\'s head again.

Some of the violent land cover power was released, but it formed a violent turbulence, pierced into the black dragon\'s body, and instantly tore a lot of his flesh and blood down.

The black dragon roared and sent out bursts of strange calls, but he didn\'t dare to attack kukas again, but flew honestly through the air.

The sky on the Arctic ice sheet never stopped blowing out the cold wind. The cold wind visible to the naked eye blew out from that corner and then raged in the sky.

Those cold winds hit the professionals and instantly condensed a layer of light blue ice. Although these ice blocks did no harm to kukas and their high-level professionals, the biting cold made many professionals subconsciously release their own defense to resist the invasion of the cold wind.

Kukas didn\'t resist the cold wind like other professionals, but let the cold wind wrap around him, and then condensed layers of ice. The ice wrapped around him and quickly wrapped him completely.

After those ice cubes were formed, the number of cold winds attacking him became more and more, but the short distance of hundreds of thousands of miles turned the ice cubes wrapped on him into dark blue.

The black dragon flapped its wings crazily and flew out of its nostrils from time to time to melt the ice. You know, his master didn\'t defend against the cold wind, and his mount didn\'t dare to defend.

Several professionals in the same trade looked at kukas in surprise. After feeling that his breath was still so cruel and cruel, they no longer worried. In their view, kukas\'s behavior was just a boring game.

Flying slowly in the air, everyone secretly released their hearts to explore the situation below.

From time to time, I can see groups of ice corpses moving slowly on the barren ice field. Among these ice corpses, not only the orcs of the gate of heaven and the professionals of the abyss alliance, but also groups of green skins gathered to walk together.

Maybe they inherited the characteristics of killing chaos in their lifetime. Those green ice corpses about ten feet tall destroyed everything madly. Even ice corpses will be cut off by them because of their different skin color, and then swallow their flesh or ice.

What shocked everyone was a giant ice corpse thousands of feet high.

Ice cubes of different sizes grow on those giant ice corpses. These ice cubes burst and jumped out of them. These newborn green ice corpses are larger than the original ice corpses, and the cold air emitted from them is stronger. After they are born, they will break off their ice teeth from their head and bury them again in the place where they were born.

The pale golden light curtain passed through the air, and there was a violent magic wave in front, which was transmitted to everyone\'s perception. Looking along with their eyes, there emerged an ice and snow city hundreds of miles in size.