Abyss Knight

Chapter 668

"Really? I\'m honored to be appreciated by you." the triangular eye priest habitually made a courtesy, then shook the scepter, and a golden scroll slowly emerged from the top of the scepter.

The scroll unfolds, but there are hundreds of decrees on it. These are scrolls made by law casters. As long as someone meets the description of the law and signs his name and mind brand on it, they will be recognized by those who are called justice.

The decree scroll emerging from the triangular eye Scepter records a clause between the mount and the master. As long as both sides sign their own name and mind mark on it, they will be recognized by the decree casters. Of course, this recognition is only a broad recognition, not an absolute recognition. But no one is willing to deny the covenant recognition of law casters, because the strength of law casters is not what ordinary professionals are willing to provoke.

After checking the scroll, kukas wrote his own words on it with his own blood, and then branded his mind on it.

And the black dragon also passively did the same thing as kukas under the punishment of kukas urging the chain.

The decree scroll came into effect at the moment when the brand of both of them appeared on it. From now on, the black dragon, as the mount of kukas, is recognized by all decree casters. Of course, this recognition is even stronger than the recognition of some legendary treaty scrolls.

After kukas and black dragon signed the scroll of decrees, the professionals who surrounded them left in twos and threes by transmitting the Dharma array. They must follow the orders of the abyss alliance and take their own positions in various places. They don\'t have much time to stay here at all. Unless, of course, they work here.

Kukas\' destination is too far away from his current position, so he must wait for the super long-distance transmission array to transmit himself like other professionals.

"Where do you work?" the triangular eye priest asked in a low voice after seeing kukas waiting for the transmission array.

"A place called the polar ice sheet." kukas frowned slightly. He was not satisfied with the place he was going to, because he had served in a polar land and almost died there at that time. So now after hearing the same name, some boycotts came into being in my heart.

"The Arctic ice sheet? Let me see where it is." the triangular eye priest reached out and released the virtual shadow of a magic map.

Tens of thousands of red dots of different sizes were densely marked on the magic map.

After he sent a message on the magic map, a red dot suddenly expanded in an insignificant corner.

The red dot expanded, and the whole three foot magic map was submerged during breathing. Then the red light dispersed, revealing tens of thousands of light spots of different sizes. One of the light spots and the red spot also began to expand. After the whole magic map was submerged, a pattern appeared.

There are images of mountains and rivers and desert plains on the pattern. At the northernmost end of the pattern, kukas saw a large image representing the ice sheet.

"This is the Arctic ice sheet." the triangular eye priest reached out and pointed to the image representing the ice sheet. He said in a dull voice, "the situation there is very bad. Maybe you should choose to leave there."

"How bad is it?" kukas frowned when he heard the speech. He was not familiar with the situation here. Now someone explained to him and said that the situation there was bad, which made him feel a little pressure.

"The orc legion of the gate of heaven is frantically attacking there. The war there has lasted for a hundred years and has not stopped for a moment."

"It\'s not a bad thing." kukas shook his head indifferently. You know, in his position, where the two forces transfer, there are wars that have lasted for more than 100 years. His Arctic ice sheet is just a relatively insignificant corner of the long front.

"Yes, the war has never stopped, but it is different from other places." seeing kukas\'s vacant face, the triangular eye priest quickly told him about the use of the magic map and helped him absorb the information hidden in a certain area from the magic map.

Through the explanation of those information, kukas\'s resistance to the polar ice sheet became stronger. I don\'t know why. After learning about the polar ice sheet, his first thought was to leave there instead of going there to face the challenge. But such an idea began to shake his mind fundamentally.

Fortunately, he found it in time, otherwise his mind began to shake fundamentally, resulting in the collapse of the whole mind. In the future, even if he rallied his mind again, he is unlikely to have a chance to impact the level of legend.

Among the fundamental information that shook kukas\'s mind, what surprised him most was that the ice sheet had a little abnormal change more than 100 years ago, and this abnormal change was very similar to, or even identical to, the change of the Rocky Mountains in his thematic world.

Now there is an ice corpse on the polar ice sheet in this plane. This ice corpse is more powerful than the ice corpse in the Rockies because they were professionals, even high-level professionals.

Every year, tens of millions of creatures die on the ice sheet, and if the dead people do not cremate the bodies after the prayers and blessings of the priests, the bodies will become ice bodies, crazy attackers, all the creatures they can feel.

What surprised kukas was that the ice corpses would not split on the polar ice sheet, but even when no new corpses appeared, their number was still increasing slowly.

Later, some scholars were curious about these ice corpses, so they studied them. Finally, they found that these ice corpses, like other creatures, breed their offspring through mating.

The first generation of ice corpses are the weakest, but their offspring are stronger than them. According to the experiments of some scholars, they found that the offspring of these ice corpses in different periods have different strengths and weaknesses after mating. Of course, that\'s not what we\'re talking about here.

There are two forces entrenched in the huge ice field covering tens of thousands of miles. On one side are more than ten imperial alliances controlled by the abyss alliance, while on the other side are some tribes controlled by the gate of heaven.

The two forces kill and fight through these two different imperial tribes, and every day a large amount of cannon fodder is transmitted from the rear to fight here through the transmission FA array.

Here, the sphere of influence controlled by the abyss alliance is much weaker than the gate of heaven. However, the abyss alliance, relying on the dangerous terrain, stubbornly sniped the enemy at a certain distance.

"Since the first eighth level professional fell on the polar ice sheet, the whole polar ice sheet seems to be cursed. Most high-level professionals who step there will fall there." the triangular eye priest hesitated a little and said some of the information he got. This information has never been recorded on the magic map.

"Most of the fallen high-level professional corpses have turned into ice corpses." when saying this, the triangular eye looked at kukas strangely, and then continued: "To everyone\'s surprise, those high-level professionals who become ice corpses seem to have some of their wisdom. They can not only use the killing methods they mastered, but also different from ordinary ice corpses: they know how to sneak, hide and even rob the corpses of high-level professionals."

"It is said that these ice corpses have opened the wisdom. They control ordinary ice corpses to walk on the ice field and collect all the corpses they can see. They also control ordinary ice corpses to launch a large-scale battle and directly join our duel with the gate of heaven."

The triangular eye priest muttered all the information he had: "I heard that a group of Ninth level professionals were fighting on an iceberg a few days ago, and suddenly a large number of high-level ice corpses appeared. They killed all the fighting professionals and turned their corpses into ice corpses."

"The ice corpses of high-level professionals are extremely powerful. It is said that a ninth level ice corpse can kill two ninth level professionals at the same time. Fortunately, there are not many ninth level ice corpses, and they were killed by both sides in a short time. However, they left some descendants, and those descendants disappeared in the infinite ice corpses, and there is no way to distinguish them."

"Well, thank you."

"Nothing. I have to help you."

"Just because I have hatred with the dragon clan?"

"Ha ha! Knight kukas, what you think is wrong. HMM! How do you say? A long time ago, I was on a mission in a plane. The mission failed and was saved by the deep-sea giants. Now all I have to do is repay the deep-sea giants for saving my life." The triangular eyed priest explained in a deep voice. When talking about the deep-sea giant, the cruelty and venom in his eyes weakened a little, showing a trace of confusion and uncertainty.

"Tell me about the deep sea giant." kukas suddenly remembered a handsome boy. Of course, the boy\'s body was ugly, but kukas didn\'t see his body.

"I heard that their strength has been greatly damaged."

"After being calculated by some people, they made a life and death killing in some planes with several powerful gods at the gate of heaven. Although the deep-sea giants won, they lost a lot, and at least half of their legendary strength died." The triangular eye priest did not hide this, because this information has already spread within the abyss alliance. As long as you have a heart, it will always be known.